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Multiple gunmen storm Canadian Parliament Hill, at least one soldier shot

What has Canada ever done to deserve this?
I'm guessing these scum would use Canada's military involvement in Afghanistan and potentially against ISIS (was being considered) as motivations of these but in reality there is no justification for this and these are nothing but vermin.

Now, foreign funds fuel Khalistan cause - Hindustan Times

Like I said, Canada deserves worse. The country has got blood of our soldiers in it's hands.
Mate, with respect, STFU. This is not the time or place to be discussing these issues. Do you have any idea how pathetic you are coming across?
I'm guessing these scum would use Canada's military involvement in Afghanistan and potentially against ISIS (was being considered) as motivations of these but in reality there is no justification for this and these are nothing but vermin.

Mate, with respect, STFU. This is not the time or place to be discussing these issues. Do you have any idea how pathetic you are coming across?

Yep totally, but how pathetic the Canadians looked in Indians eyes when this happened:

For Canada, BSF is a 'violent force' - Rediff.com India News

In a shocking diplomatic gaffe, the Canadian High Commission in New Delhi has dubbed Border Security Force as a "notoriously violent force" engaged in "systematic torture", prompting India to join issues with that country.

Now it is our turn to teach a lesson or two on HR to Canada. I think Canadian Security forces used excessive force. One innocent life was lost (not the soldier).
Quite pathetic. A few people do crap and you condemn a whole nation and hope innocent people die. Can't get much lower than this. :o:

It is official policy of Canada to support other nations' terrorist under the garb of Human Rights and Freedom of Expression. Recently another proponent of Human Rights (UK) refused extradition of a paedophile to India who exploited hundreds of Indian kids. Canadian citizens openly collect funds for Khalistan related terror activities in India. We are yet to gain access to the CIA guy who had a role in 26/11.

My views are in sync with official views of the Government of India. Like our PM recently said "There cannot be good and bad terrorists".
Quite pathetic. A few people do crap and you condemn a whole nation and hope innocent people die. Can't get much lower than this. :o:

He is not blaming the "few people" who did drastic things, because such "few people" are there in every country. In total, there might be more terrorist sympathizer in India, than in Canada because of the large population.

He is directly blaming the Canadian government because the actions of blocking Indian investigators to terrorist cells are undertaken by the Canadian government, which directly represents the Nation of Canada. It's been practiced by the nation of Canada like a policy. Hence, the blame on the entire nation.

As far as innocent people are concerned, some are bound to die depending on whom do the terrorists choose. If some innocents don't die in Canada, then some are sure to die in India. So out of these two innocent groups, which one is the more deserving candidate, the one that voted for politicians who openly harbor and protect these terrorists, or the one whom these terrorists want to target and dream of turning that country into an Islamic Caliphate? No problem as long as it's not Canada.

No one likes for innocent people to die. But just for strategic inroads, Americans couldn't care less about the massacres of the world before 9/11 took place. Even Australians had to wait and have a relook at their immigration policies and conduct that infamous raid but... AFTER the plot of beheading WITHIN Australia surfaced.

What are the chances Canada would be any wiser?
Our Parliament is being help siege. Yesterday there was a similar terrorist attack against soldiers done by a muslim convert. What has Canada ever done to deserve this?
I do not know when Islam terrorism menace will end or will it ever end?Why do Muslims hate non Muslims this much and why are they craving for their blood?
Their crime is they remain silent when these kind of things happened in other countries. I want these kind of things to happen in each and every European countries and west so that these people will realize. The sooner the better.
So you're wishing death upon others?

Good God.

I hope other people outlive you. You're one damn parasite. I am surprised you haven't been to the gallows of forums yet for how much anti-muslim propaganda you spew here.
So you're wishing death upon others?

Good God.

I hope other people outlive you. You're one damn parasite. I am surprised you haven't been to the gallows of forums yet for how much anti-muslim propaganda you spew here.
I remember very well an incident when bill Clinton was in India in 2000 or 2001 a good number of Sikhs were killed in a Jammu village by Muslim terrorists.The reaction of bill Clinton was that he condemns such attacks and pak and India should resolve Kashmir issue by themselves.I was infuriated. Being a 20 year old boy I thought why america being such a wealthy and strong nation couldnt take on these terrorists.Why couldn't america warn pak of dire consequences?then 9/11 happened.It was then america understood the pain of the victims of Islamic terrorism.Sometimes such incidents are necessary to wake you up to the reality and to understand the suffering of others.
So you're wishing death upon others?

Good God.

I hope other people outlive you. You're one damn parasite. I am surprised you haven't been to the gallows of forums yet for how much anti-muslim propaganda you spew here.

Sarah Silverman once said you can resmart the ret*rded.
What has happened is very bad

No sympathies for canada

they shelter the Indian terrorists, they condemn BSF for killing terrorits and infiltrators

Now today they are at the receiving end

Let them suffer the pain which indians have sufferd due to terrorism

@Kaneda (CAnanda) - welcome to the receiveing end - vicim club
may you face and feel more of the same

also we condemn your focres for killing the aatacker and violating his human rights

you should have caught him alive and in non violent way

we condemn you for killing that attacker and for violating his Basic Human Rights
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