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Multiple gunmen storm Canadian Parliament Hill, at least one soldier shot

The problem is simply not the people that come over to Canada as I once believe because converts are also involved in these attacks similar to what happened in QUEBEC yesterday. So i think our parliament has to take a pragmatic step and attack the ideology to it's core until it finishes. This ideology is not and will not be compatible with Canadian values or for that matter to any part of the world with exceptions to middle east off course.

You guys need to ban salafi and wahabbi convert groups, they have the most funds hence they do the most conversions of westerners. Then the converts try to act super holy and follow retards like the despot of Mosul.
When we said we would support bombing ISIS I knew this would come back to bite us, I didn't know that it would be so bad.
I can assure you, had Canada taken a different course in her past military actions based on some notion of making peace with these barbarians who cut the heads off aid workers, those barbarians would only look at you as dumb lambs for their slaughter. These groups could care less about whatever policies your country adapts. There is nothing that will keep them from thinking you are the enemy. They will either come for you and your children now....or later, but come they will.
When we said we would support bombing ISIS I knew this would come back to bite us, I didn't know that it would be so bad.

its not so bad till now ... it will be in near future... have your finger crossed.
There is a great list of operations that we have done in the past and most I am proud of like intervening in Bosnia to stop an ongoing genocide or participating in Operation foundation, Proteus, Metric or kobold respectively. You are again not answering my question and now I am asking it you directly in respectful as I can be , please tell me where my country has participated directly or done to deserve such a tragic attack in our capital.
You may not see it but those whom your country did attack...they are replying it...Now it doesnt automatically mean I am supporting it...but when you do interfere, there is always a backlash! I gave Pakistan's hand in cold war as an example...I wish you picked that up...

The common Pakistani has not taken part in any attack whatsoever...yet he is at the highest risk of getting blown off by a bomb...

When we said we would support bombing ISIS I knew this would come back to bite us, I didn't know that it would be so bad.
Here is another....when you declare war...such stuff is normal and natural...Had you not said that sure ISIS would have pointed eventually at you but yea...and if some ISIS whom major scholars in Islam have declared as having nothing to do with Islam and have also answered each and every of their stupid claims ....then how do you @liontk still keep bringing in Islam?
I can assure you, had Canada taken a different course in her past military actions based on some notion of making peace with these barbarians who cut the heads off aid workers, those barbarians would only look at you as dumb lambs for their slaughter. These groups could care less about whatever policies your country adapts. There is nothing that will keep them from thinking you are the enemy. They will either come for you and your children now....or later, but come they will.

I know these savages will always feel this way. There are two ways to defeat islamist: 1) Isolationism where we keep our head down so low that we don't enter their cross hairs; and 2) Full scale war where we use all our power to destroy them, including ground troops. What we are doing is a limp response of dropping a few bombs and propping up the next group of islamist who will attack us later on.

its not so bad till now ... it will be in near future... have your finger crossed.

I can't understand FOB, please use correct English to express your thoughts, tyvm.
My deepest condolences for the brave soldier who lost his life standing guard, and to the Canadian people.

@liontk you asked what Canada did...I answered it with the link of different operations or intervene.....whichever side you are on...you WILL get a response...Its reality of life....

Pakistan helped America and guess what now it is considered the same thing America was backing for itself interest...ONLY GOD knows whose self interest are these nutjobs....
I can assure you, had Canada taken a different course in her past military actions based on some notion of making peace with these barbarians who cut the heads off aid workers, those barbarians would only look at you as dumb lambs for their slaughter. These groups could care less about whatever policies your country adapts. There is nothing that will keep them from thinking you are the enemy. They will either come for you and your children now....or later, but come they will.

You guys must have thought about this while these "extremists" were suckling on CIA's t**s. The Mujahedin you created killed our soldiers in Kashmir, Canada, Netherlands actively funded the Sikh and Christian extremist groups. Who invited USA and it's allies to places like Libya, Iraq and Syria in the first place? Libya and Iraq both had stable non-Islamic governments. You thought these people will worship you and submit to you once they see those F-22s flying in their skies? You wanted their oil, their land, not be prepared to deal with the side effects.

Oh I almost forgot to mention that US is not allowing us to question David Headley, the CIA guy behind the 26/11 attacks.

I know these savages will always feel this way. There are two ways to defeat islamist: 1) Isolationism where we keep our head down so low that we don't enter their cross hairs; and 2) Full scale war where we use all our power to destroy them, including ground troops. What we are doing is a limp response of dropping a few bombs and propping up the next group of islamist who will attack us later on.

I can't understand FOB, please use correct English to express your thoughts, tyvm.

You cannot destroy them. If you could you might have. But many people in your governments look at these extremists as "assets".
Canada-Pakistan Relations
You may not see it but those whom your country did attack...they are replying it...Now it doesnt automatically mean I am supporting it...but when you do interfere, there is always a backlash! I gave Pakistan's hand in cold war as an example...I wish you picked that up...

The common Pakistani has not taken part in any attack whatsoever...yet he is at the highest risk of getting blown off by a bomb...

Here is another....when you declare war...such stuff is normal and natural...Had you not said that sure ISIS would have pointed eventually at you but yea...and if some ISIS whom major scholars in Islam have declared as having nothing to do with Islam and have also answered each and every of their stupid claims ....then how do you @liontk still keep bringing in Islam?

Are you listening to what I have been saying, we did not participate in active operation unless they were UN mandated with exceptions being before the UN was even created. Why on earth would attack a faith that I happen to share with 1.2 billion people now if some folks want to use the faith as a catalyst for their political agenda then we will have to attack those hybrid ideologies at their core. Attacking people near a war memorial is cowardly and this thread proves the nature of these coward terrorist and how dangerous there bigoted ideology is. Also keep in mind I have made a very clear distinction between critiquing wahabi ideology and followers of islams that happen to be 1.2 billion. Difference is that one set of folks(around a billion adherents) believe in a faith while the wahabis follow a political idelogy similar to a tangent when you do partial derivatives of plane equation in math :)

Also we have agreed to do a humanitarian mission in middle east because the folks from there requested us to get involve even though we want to stay away from that region in all honesty. Trying to genocide the yazidi minority is grounds for an intervention though limited as it may be.
You guys must have thought about this while these "extremists" were suckling on CIA's t**s. The Mujahedin you created killed our soldiers in Kashmir, Canada, Netherlands actively funded the Sikh and Christian extremist groups. Who invited USA and it's allies to places like Libya, Iraq and Syria in the first place? Libya and Iraq both had stable non-Islamic governments. You thought these people will worship you and submit to you once they see those F-22s flying in their skies? You wanted their oil, their land, not be prepared to deal with the side effects.

Oh I almost forgot to mention that US is not allowing us to question David Headley, the CIA guy behind the 26/11 attacks.

You cannot destroy them. If you could you might have.

F-22 or 16s can be tolerated but how can they do the same for drones being called as pakistani NATIONAL BIRLD( that shows that they are doing experiments in pak area) btw pak is Sovereign Democratic Republic... of course islamist above all
That is the misconception Wahabism is an ideology not a religion...One cant convert to an ideology...it is ones choice to walk down that path....while no where in the Quran does it state you need to call urself a Whabi or adhere to that ideology....Hence what the media says is utter BS to me...It makes no sense...

Ever since the wahabbis seized the holy lands they have done nothing but bring shame to the name of 1.8 Billion Muslims the world over while exporting their creed through madrassas and "cultural centers" financed by their oil wealth. The media will say what they see and what they see is people who call themselves Muslims murdering innocent people in the name of God. Just condemning them is no longer enough the rest of us non wahabbi Muslims need to do something more, what exactly I don't know.
@liontk you asked what Canada did...I answered it with the link of different operations or intervene.....whichever side you are on...you WILL get a response...Its reality of life....

Pakistan helped America and guess what now it is considered the same thing America was backing for itself interest...ONLY GOD knows whose self interest are these nutjobs....

The difference is that we made an open declaration when we participate in an operation and these folks do not represent a country but rather a political ideology so this is much different than anything before lets say 9/11. We have done peacekeeping in numerous regions across the world and this is what we get back as a response from the world. I cannot accept your proposition because being nice is not proper grounds for receiving terror attacks on home soil.
The difference is that we made an open declaration when we participate in an operation and these folks do not represent a country but rather a political ideology so this is much different than anything before lets say 9/11. We have done peacekeeping in numerous regions across the world and this is what we get back as a response from the world. I cannot accept your proposition because being nice is not proper grounds for receiving terror attacks on home soil.

We have caught Khalistani terrorists in past who came to India from Canada to explode bombs. What is the source of funding, who takes care of the logistics?

Curb Pro-Khalistan Sikh Activities, Says Indian Government to Canadian Minister

Stop Pro-Khalistan Sikhs from using Canadian land against India: BJP govt to Canadian Foreign Minister John Baird - Punjab Timeline

Sushma to take up pro-Khalistan elements issue with Canada | The Indian Express
You guys need to ban salafi and wahabbi convert groups, they have the most funds hence they do the most conversions of westerners. Then the converts try to act super holy and follow retards like the despot of Mosul.

The problem is that we have conservative government running a very liberal country so there is only so much our government can do sadly. The conservatives barely were able to secure 40% of national votes despite abysmal performance by liberal and this some what saddens me. I wish that Canada could be a tad bit conservative like states minus your gun laws(regulations all the way :)).
Now, foreign funds fuel Khalistan cause - Hindustan Times

Exactly two decades after the Khalistan movement for a separate Sikh nation got trounced, big funds from European countries, North America and Canada are pouring into India to fund the revival of the secessionist movement, latest inputs based on intelligence and technical surveillance have strongly indicated.

Like I said, Canada deserves worse. The country has got blood of our soldiers in it's hands.

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