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Multiple gunmen storm Canadian Parliament Hill, at least one soldier shot

Its a religion....

I was talking about racism against PEOPLE based on their country of origin "MAJORITY MUSLIM COUNTRY" as stated by the member:

A person doesnt choose which country to be born in so yes this is unfair discrimination!

for most pakistanis being muslim / islamic is not related to ideaology - so not religion

but related to being descendants of Babur, Taimur Langda, Ghaznavi, Mughals - so it is in part racisim atleast for pakistanis
There was no terror attack in Canada today?
Ottawa shooting: Cpl. Nathan Cirillo dies of wounds, gunman also shot dead - Politics - CBC News
Is this credible enough source for you or are you trying to sprinkle salt in our wounds?

I am sure india has also suffered from this terror phenomenon then why are you so vehemently against Canada in our time of despair and I cannot understand how indians can hate us so much when we have a healthy economical relations including nuclear energy cooperation.

that is because canada has always rubbed ssalt into our wounds at our time of despair

they have sheltered and encouraged indian terrorists

when we kill terrorists they talk aboout human rights of those terrorists and call our security forces bad

There is a great list of operations that we have done in the past and most I am proud of like intervening in Bosnia to stop an ongoing genocide or participating in Operation foundation, Proteus, Metric or kobold respectively. You are again not answering my question and now I am asking it you directly in respectful as I can be , please tell me where my country has participated directly or done to deserve such a tragic attack in our capital.

I do not have any information on those pertaining issues but we recognize all UN mandated terrorist organization as such so I cannot see us harboring any terrorist. In fact I am very saddened by the downing of air india in the early 80s that resulted in tragic losses of numerous Canadian lives and indian citizens respectively if i may add.

the people who bombed Kanishka - are perpetuators of crime (lets drop terrorist word for now) why canada protecting them ?

why canada did not allow indian to investigate and question them

why botched up the case

why protected those people

We have no sympathies for canada today

their are reaping what they sowed - Karma has caught up with them - let them suffer
I remember very well an incident when bill Clinton was in India in 2000 or 2001 a good number of Sikhs were killed in a Jammu village by Muslim terrorists.The reaction of bill Clinton was that he condemns such attacks and pak and India should resolve Kashmir issue by themselves.I was infuriated. Being a 20 year old boy I thought why america being such a wealthy and strong nation couldnt take on these terrorists.Why couldn't america warn pak of dire consequences?then 9/11 happened.It was then america understood the pain of the victims of Islamic terrorism.Sometimes such incidents are necessary to wake you up to the reality and to understand the suffering of others.

Oh so because your fellow Indians died and you think its really good that people die in the west? Another person with worms in his brain. I'm sure if you had the choice to save yourself or another, you'd be selfish and save yourself

Solve your own problems. If you can't, don't wish death upon others.

Sarah Silverman once said you can resmart the ret*rded.
I wish you luck with that.
Oh so because your fellow Indians died and you think its really good that people die in the west? Another person with worms in his brain. I'm sure if you had the choice to save yourself or another, you'd be selfish and save yourself

Solve your own problems. If you can't, don't wish death upon others.

I wish you luck with that.
Its not like wishing someone's death;I only wanted to highlight the fact that western countries had long been ignoring the atrocities caused by Muslim terrorists thinking they won't be touched.It's only when they were bitten,did they come to know how ugly Islamic terrorism can be.Such incidents serve as a warning to not turn blind eye to terrorist's acts anywhere in the world.No one is immune to Islamic terrorism now a days.
Its a religion....

I was talking about racism against PEOPLE based on their country of origin "MAJORITY MUSLIM COUNTRY" as stated by the member:

A person doesnt choose which country to be born in so yes this is unfair discrimination!

and evry religion is an ideology. Its that simple. Face reality. People from muslim countries have become a security risk. And the majority of people is not willing anymore to take this risk.
So Stephan Harper could not find a brown muslim patsy? He has been a little late in the false flag league.
Its not like wishing someone's death;I only wanted to highlight the fact that western countries had long been ignoring the atrocities caused by Muslim terrorists thinking they won't be touched.It's only when they were bitten,did they come to know how ugly Islamic terrorism can be.Such incidents serve as a warning to not turn blind eye to terrorist's acts anywhere in the world.No one is immune to Islamic terrorism now a days.
Muslim terrorists?

There aren't any hindu or sikh terrorists? Or christian terrorists? But wait, you've tumor in your head. That tumor is located near islam and it thinks there exists islamic terrorism, not human terrorism. People have killed people for one reason or the another. Religion is just an excuse. Even before islam and christianity or judaism, people were killing people.

The worms in your head are immune to sanity. There aren't muslim terrorists. They become muslim terrorists when the religious scholars, those who hold senior seats in gov't such as saudi or pakistan or india start saying that terrorism is permissable.

Till then, spread awarness about terrorism, but muslim terrorism. Because the fact is, unarguably, that terrorism is found everywhere, regardless of race, religion or education.
Muslim terrorists?

There aren't any hindu or sikh terrorists? Or christian terrorists? But wait, you've tumor in your head. That tumor is located near islam and it thinks there exists islamic terrorism, not human terrorism. People have killed people for one reason or the another. Religion is just an excuse. Even before islam and christianity or judaism, people were killing people.

The worms in your head are immune to sanity. There aren't muslim terrorists. They become muslim terrorists when the religious scholars, those who hold senior seats in gov't such as saudi or pakistan or india start saying that terrorism is permissable.

Till then, spread awarness about terrorism, but muslim terrorism. Because the fact is, unarguably, that terrorism is found everywhere, regardless of race, religion or education.

Nobody is willing to buy this politically correct BS any more. Islamic terror is not reactionary in nature, it is hegemonic. It wants to either dominate or kill, others have two options "convert" or "die". A war has been declared against 80% of humanity. I agree that there are other forms of terror, but right now those forms are not as dominant and/or widespread or relevant.

West for decades has been providing resources and ideological back-up to these murderous elements. West has used them as assets. Hence when the chicken has come home to roost, they must not complain about it. If our terrorists are their freedom fighters, then they don't deserve our sympathy.
Nobody is willing to buy this politically correct BS any more. Islamic terror is not reactionary in nature, it is hegemonic. It wants to either dominate or kill, others have two options "convert" or "die". A war has been declared against 80% of humanity. I agree that there are other forms of terror, but right now those forms are not as dominant and/or widespread or relevant.

West for decades has been providing resources and ideological back-up to these murderous elements. West has used them as assets. Hence when the chicken has come home to roost, they must not complain about it. If our terrorists are their freedom fighters, then they don't deserve our sympathy.
no body? Or stupid indians like you (not all indians are stupid, just some like you)

You guys have been fed worms since birth and that's is why so much hate. After all, the worms are inside your brain now and you can't think clearly. You think that 1.5 billion muslims either want others to convert or die. See, that's just not correct and only proved my point, the worms in your brain are doing its work.
Their crime is they remain silent when these kind of things happened in other countries. I want these kind of things to happen in each and every European countries and west so that these people will realize. The sooner the better.

Chutiya gaya hai ke be... baakchod. Sale tera face accha nahi hai tho baate tho acchi kar liya kar.

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