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Multiple gunmen storm Canadian Parliament Hill, at least one soldier shot

RIP....... What the **** is going on? Is it homegrown terror, or some imported Arab buffoon on the rampage? :blink:
and evry religion is an ideology. Its that simple. Face reality. People from muslim countries have become a security risk. And the majority of people is not willing anymore to take this risk.
Kindly take your racism someplace else...

The whites are no less of a security risk...just that they get labelled psycho even when they are perfectly normal and killing people as a hobby (Norway, school shootings in USA, Hitler, Mussolini) None of them were anything but White...So please take your racism someplace else! thank you!

for most pakistanis being muslim / islamic is not related to ideaology - so not religion

but related to being descendants of Babur, Taimur Langda, Ghaznavi, Mughals - so it is in part racisim atleast for pakistanis
Huh? Nice try but no we Pakistanis dont have Indian mindset! :tup:

The difference is that we made an open declaration when we participate in an operation and these folks do not represent a country but rather a political ideology so this is much different than anything before lets say 9/11. We have done peacekeeping in numerous regions across the world and this is what we get back as a response from the world. I cannot accept your proposition because being nice is not proper grounds for receiving terror attacks on home soil.
It is not...but being involved elsewhere results in that...And again I give you the example of Pakistan and everytime it helps USA we get backlash...USSR involvement was our biggest mistake that we pay till date...

How was being "nice" to USA and attacking USSR (which was oppressing alot of nations) rewarded with us getting all the terrorists?

How did being nice and helping USA cause Afghanistan ending up like a crater on the moon?

Ever since the wahabbis seized the holy lands they have done nothing but bring shame to the name of 1.8 Billion Muslims the world over while exporting their creed through madrassas and "cultural centers" financed by their oil wealth. The media will say what they see and what they see is people who call themselves Muslims murdering innocent people in the name of God. .
Well I agree with all that but the media that sees a white doing the same ends with the white pleading psychotic disorder of some form and getting away without being labelled or even his race being dragged...In the same breath I would like to label all these calling themselves Muslims the same level of Psycho as those whites!

Just condemning them is no longer enough the rest of us non wahabbi Muslims need to do something more, what exactly I don't know
Kid IT NEVER WAS ENOUGH....its in the Quran these people will never be satisfied until you bash your own religion and say yes sir to whatever they say...

As for Wahabbi...I dont know what they are...but everyone has someone to point to...

The Wahabi to the Shia and vice versa
The Jews to the Arabs and vice versa
The rednecks to the govt and vice versa
The Indians to the Pakistanis and vice versa

You find "truth" on each website by each group...who to believe? take your pick!

For me...I dont call them who go around killing people as Muslims why? coz a Muslim is one who practices Islam and killing people is not part of that practice...If yes, I am doing it wrong...
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Why on earth would attack a faith that I happen to share with 1.2 billion people now if some folks want to use the faith as a catalyst for their political agenda then we will have to attack those hybrid ideologies at their core.
Or attack the responsible people! I am not sure of the "ideology" their site doesnt show it in bad sight...anti Wahabi sites go over board with nonsense while hiding the equal level of shit they themselves do...

Attacking people near a war memorial is cowardly and this thread proves the nature of these coward terrorist and how dangerous there bigoted ideology is.
It proves 2 things: cowardly and also their sick mentality...Nothing to do with the ideology...please do show me where in "Wahabism or Salafism" (whatever they are called) does it say do what they did?

Also keep in mind I have made a very clear distinction between critiquing wahabi ideology and followers of islams that happen to be 1.2 billion.
No kid you havent...You would have done that ONCE you actually quote their ideology...which you havent....You have only quoted what people say about them...not what they believe (Heck even I havent read that deep about them)

Difference is that one set of folks(around a billion adherents) believe in a faith while the wahabis follow a political idelogy similar to a tangent when you do partial derivatives of plane equation in math :)
It maybe true but not until someone quotes their ideology all we can say is quote other people (which is not justice in any language) ...Always remember to know the truth go to the source...

- This is what I know about them

Also we have agreed to do a humanitarian mission in middle east because the folks from there requested us to get involve even though we want to stay away from that region in all honesty. Trying to genocide the yazidi minority is grounds for an intervention though limited as it may be.
Yea Middle east is screwed up...Not sure why those with money there (UAE, SAUDI ) arent involved in cleaning up the mess themselves?!
It proves 2 things: cowardly and also their sick mentality...Nothing to do with the ideology...please do show me where in "Wahabism or Salafism" (whatever they are called) does it say do what they did?

No kid you havent...You would have done that ONCE you actually quote their ideology...which you havent....You have only quoted what people say about them...not what they believe (Heck even I havent read that deep about them)

It maybe true but not until someone quotes their ideology all we can say is quote other people (which is not justice in any language) ...Always remember to know the truth go to the source...

i would have loved to tke you up this challenge

book chapter verse on where it is written

but it will be considered slandering islam and a bad discussion on islam and invite unnecessary infractions

and this thread nor this topic nor this mess is worth getting banned for
I didnt challenge anyone for anything....

I pointed what I know and am familiar with summarized in the video I attached...

I am not sure how one would get excited enough to call it a challenge!
man they are really stupids . i am failed to understand how they give emegration ? a man has 1 feet long Beard devil look man go to their emmbassy they say welcome . a normal clear man go to for visit visa they refuse :lol: they collect whole garbage of islamic world EU is hub terrorists now :hitwall:

if i was emigration officer i reject every man whom pray 5 times and have beard :partay:

maybe be you didnt read the story, they were all white Canadian
and evry religion is an ideology. Its that simple. Face reality. People from muslim countries have become a security risk. And the majority of people is not willing anymore to take this risk.
The Western governments are not going to do that because this whole "Islamic threat" is really beneficial to them e.g. introduce laws they normally wouldn’t be able to implement, divert attention to domestic issues, increase defense spending without any resistance and many more. And before any one calls me a conspiracy theorist all governments do this and it’s not exclusive to the West.
Or attack the responsible people! I am not sure of the "ideology" their site doesnt show it in bad sight...anti Wahabi sites go over board with nonsense while hiding the equal level of shit they themselves do...

It proves 2 things: cowardly and also their sick mentality...Nothing to do with the ideology...please do show me where in "Wahabism or Salafism" (whatever they are called) does it say do what they did?

No kid you havent...You would have done that ONCE you actually quote their ideology...which you havent....You have only quoted what people say about them...not what they believe (Heck even I havent read that deep about them)

It maybe true but not until someone quotes their ideology all we can say is quote other people (which is not justice in any language) ...Always remember to know the truth go to the source...

- This is what I know about them

Yea Middle east is screwed up...Not sure why those with money there (UAE, SAUDI ) arent involved in cleaning up the mess

Or attack the responsible people! I am not sure of the "ideology" their site doesnt show it in bad sight...anti Wahabi sites go over board with nonsense while hiding the equal level of shit they themselves do...

It proves 2 things: cowardly and also their sick mentality...Nothing to do with the ideology...please do show me where in "Wahabism or Salafism" (whatever they are called) does it say do what they did?

No kid you havent...You would have done that ONCE you actually quote their ideology...which you havent....You have only quoted what people say about them...not what they believe (Heck even I havent read that deep about them)

It maybe true but not until someone quotes their ideology all we can say is quote other people (which is not justice in any language) ...Always remember to know the truth go to the source..

- This is what I know about them

Yea Middle east is screwed up...Not sure why those with money there (UAE, SAUDI ) arent involved in cleaning up the mess [/ quote]

You Can't Understand ISIS If You Don't Know the History of Wahhabism in Saudi Arabia | Alastair Crooke
I hope you now have a basic source and all you need to is google ibn wahab and soon you will find why its making saudis uncomortable with isis.
Where was the world when the yazidi were about to be genocided for extinction but palestine got the whole world riled up
(rightly so in my opinion)
this selective outrage is the reason why the middle east is not taken seriously so please stop simply condemning because its not apprently working and we muslims have to do much more to improve our perception.

Befire you jump to conclusion about the palestine comparison, I made a point comparing something the whole world was riled up about and a community on verge of genocide.

Now next time we talk please learn about ibn wahabs state instead of making statements like I dont know why middleeasterm countries arent getting involved. The first time we had a chat I mentioned about interest driven countries so if shias and kurds are getting slaughtered in iraq well I guess why bother helping people against your ideology despite humanitarian grounds.

I have given you an explanation though the quoting went a little wrong so read the info below your quotes. Also i dont want to indulge in further blame game although canada's homegrown terror comes entirely from a certain sect however I am not going to play the sect card because the sunni community all dont think like that and its only a fringe (wahabis) that malign the larger community.
Canada had been knocking at devil's door, somebody was bound to respond some day. That day has arrived. To keep it's citizens safe Canada must stop giving VISA and sanctuary to other nations' terrorists under the garb of Human Rights and Freedom of Speech. This was just a small incident and they have started making noise, but never cared when terrorists collected funds for their activities in Canada. I hope that the suffering will continue until Canada's government changes it's way of functioning. Islamists first, now it is the turn of Khalistanis and LTTE sympathizers to make some noise and do some fireworks.

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