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Multiple gunmen storm Canadian Parliament Hill, at least one soldier shot

Somebody must convince Canada to give political asylum to all Kashmir separatists, Syrian separatists etc, their Human Rights are being violated by the Government forces. Canada must prove that it's commitment to Human Rights and Freedom is not hypocritical. It is Canada's moment to shine and prove a point or two.
Wouldn’t the west lose its moral high ground by doing such a thing? I think your solutions are too extreme.

I agree the authorities need to be stricter with terrorists and terrorist sympathizers. It would be good for the normal Muslims to (the majority) who like everyone else just want to get on with life.

why are you apprehensive????
Iike I told you a while ago, I am not a globalist liberal and do not care what is going on in the other part of the world as it is not my business nor my country's however UN is welcome to join in and help where ever they can. I simply care about what the tragedy that unfolded in my country currently and I like how you try to bring up Palestine issue from middle east to try and justify in a wierd way to what happened today and then try to compare it to a murderous ideology that affects us all.

Wahabism is an ideology that uses islam as it's catalyst to spread it's political ambition enough said. If you want to justify this ideology, then be prepared to get a tit for tat response merci/thank you for your insight by the way as expected ;) .

Why these all explanation and elaborations they won't understand. regards
Why these all explanation and elaborations they won't understand. regards

on the contrary I have only engaged with folks that i can have a respectable conversation with and exchange ideas with like @Akheilos and not folks like ding dong, who trashes my country with rhetoric of the 80s which i cant do anything about. People on the media often say that muslim around the world are quiet on the contrary this thread proves that we all are ready to have the larger conversation however our solutions may differ on how to deal with this problem.

Yesterday we lost a soldier, a citizen, a father and foremost a canadian who died in the line of duty and this is right now a traumatic experience for our nation in response to this terror attack we received despite the extensive global aid work we have done around the world. We donate an excess from our budget despite the austerity that our nation faces i.e kosovo, pakistan floods, afghanistan education, central africa, cryprus and many more. I am trying to explain to the folks in this thread that this threat is affecting us all and we need to be united in facing this global epidamic before it gets out of control.

Sorry for the long rant but this event has really affected my sense of global perception or at least how i used to perceive the world.
I hope you now have a basic source and all you need to is google ibn wahab and soon you will find why its making saudis uncomortable with isis.
You do know that there is propaganda on both sides...to bash it as well as to show it in great light! So how can you know which is real or on what basis did you choose 1 side and reject the other completely when both can be painted with extremism? - one wanting you to extremely hate it and other wanting you to extremely adhere to it? Its an honest question ....

Where was the world when the yazidi were about to be genocided for extinction but palestine got the whole world riled up
(rightly so in my opinion)
Were they the only ones tortured and brutally killed? I recall both Sunni and Shia were mass slaughtered....Women used as prostitutes under the guise known as Jihad sex or whatever shit....Then why single out Yazidi? Was the plight of the women any less? Having to "satisfy" hungry pimps by the tens?

this selective outrage is the reason why the middle east is not taken seriously so please stop simply condemning because its not apprently working and we muslims have to do much more to improve our perception.
Even you are selectively highlighting Yazidi when more than that happened there!

As for STOP SIMPLY CONDEMNING...Well the West doesnt even offer that much ....When will it be enough? SCHOLARS people who have knowledge and sound understanding of Islam condemned them ....refuted EACH AND EVERY of their shitty points but media refused to pass that on large scale to stop idiots from joining the ISIS....THAT I believe is WORSE than condemning on ANY LEVEL!

The strongest thing that could be done is spread awareness of what ISIS REALLY IS.....but instead media prefered doing that through hatred by repeatedly showing the picture of a US soldier being beheaded....OVER repeatedly passing on HOW THE SCHOLARS REFUTED EACH BS claim by ISIS!

Please do tell me which would have stopped an idiot from going to aid ISIS? a soldier who was being beheaded or a scholar telling you that ISIS is a shitty group maligning Islam?

Befire you jump to conclusion about the palestine comparison, I made a point comparing something the whole world was riled up about and a community on verge of genocide.
Mind you, you should then even bring in the same breath the Myanmar near genocide of the Muslims, The Thai near Genocide of the Patanis, The Kosava near genocide, the Bosnian near genocide....there are many to bring out! I havent even started with Africa!

Now next time we talk please learn about ibn wahabs state instead of making statements like I dont know why middleeasterm countries arent getting involved.
As I stated before....Which propaganda do you want to fall to? I dont "discuss" issues in which I have no idea how much of propaganda is spun in and around it!
The first time we had a chat I mentioned about interest driven countries so if shias and kurds are getting slaughtered in iraq well I guess why bother helping people against your ideology despite humanitarian grounds.
Maybe you may think that way and have soo eagerly pointed repeated times....But please try not to paint everyone as yourself!
on the contrary I have only engaged with folks that i can have a respectable conversation with and exchange ideas with like @Akheilos and not folks like ding dong, who trashes my country with rhetoric of the 80s which i cant do anything about. People on the media often say that muslim around the world are quiet on the contrary this thread proves that we all are ready to have the larger conversation however our solutions may differ on how to deal with this problem.

Yesterday we lost a soldier, a citizen, a father and foremost a canadian who died in the line of duty and this is right now a traumatic experience for our nation in response to this terror attack we received despite the extensive global aid work we have done around the world. We donate an excess from our budget despite the austerity that our nation faces i.e kosovo, pakistan floods, afghanistan education, central africa, cryprus and many more. I am trying to explain to the folks in this thread that this threat is affecting us all and we need to be united in facing this global epidamic before it gets out of control.

Sorry for the long rant but this event has really affected my sense of global perception or at least how i used to perceive the world.

you are fearing about yourself.. are you a Canadian pakistani or a pakistani Candian.... some body on other thread had an argument about it.
on the contrary I have only engaged with folks that i can have a respectable conversation with and exchange ideas with like @Akheilos and not folks like ding dong, who trashes my country with rhetoric of the 80s which i cant do anything about. People on the media often say that muslim around the world are quiet on the contrary this thread proves that we all are ready to have the larger conversation however our solutions may differ on how to deal with this problem.

Yesterday we lost a soldier, a citizen, a father and foremost a canadian who died in the line of duty and this is right now a traumatic experience for our nation in response to this terror attack we received despite the extensive global aid work we have done around the world. We donate an excess from our budget despite the austerity that our nation faces i.e kosovo, pakistan floods, afghanistan education, central africa, cryprus and many more. I am trying to explain to the folks in this thread that this threat is affecting us all and we need to be united in facing this global epidamic before it gets out of control.

Sorry for the long rant but this event has really affected my sense of global perception or at least how i used to perceive the world.

Recent news reports printed in Indian media say that the Indian Foreign Minister has asked Canada Government to stop giving support to the Sikh Extremist groups acting against the interests of India. Some of them have been freely collecting funds for the next terror strike in Punjab. Canada generously distributes VISA to corrupt and fugitives, Canadian companies are well known for their exploitative and unethical practices (Ask any Nigerian) in the third world countries.

In my view the "attacker" is a victim of the use of "excessive force" by the Canadian Police. This is MURDER, violation of Human Rights. I smell Racism. May his soul rest in peace.
Why all islamist are feeling the heat ... as you don't have anything to do with it .. its all propaganda by anti you.

Canadian media quoted police sources as confirming this as an image of Michael Zehaf-Bibeau
  • Named as 32-year-old Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, a petty criminal with a history of convictions for minor drug offences and theft
  • Officials believe he recently converted to Islam; a friend he met at a mosque described him as unstable
  • His mother is thought to be an immigration official, his father a Libyan who once ran a cafe in Montreal

Sergeant-at-Arms Kevin Vickers has been credited with halting the attack


Canadian media quoted police sources as confirming this as an image of Michael Zehaf-Bibeau
  • Named as 32-year-old Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, a petty criminal with a history of convictions for minor drug offences and theft
  • Officials believe he recently converted to Islam; a friend he met at a mosque described him as unstable
  • His mother is thought to be an immigration official, his father a Libyan who once ran a cafe in Montreal

Sergeant-at-Arms Kevin Vickers has been credited with halting the attack


and they will conclude later about the truth of his conversion
Read DingDong's comments. He is taking pleasure in this attack. He needs to be banned.

there is no shortage of trollers. At least this guy should not troll in such a tragic issue
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All of these were due to the loud and powerful voice of Sikhs living in Canada who raised the issue of Sikh genocide which took place after Indira Gandhi was killed. Most of these people are not Khalistanis but they do want justice for innocent people killed. Our government should have given them justice instead of giving ministerial positions and promotions to the culprits like Sajjan Kumar and Jagdish Tytler who killed thousands of Sikhs. Instead our government wants to suppress the voices of those people by calling them "Pro Khalistanis". Try to understand the grievances of the Sikhs instead of just dismissing them by calling them Pro Khalistanis like how our government has been doing till now.
All of these were due to the loud and powerful voice of Sikhs living in Canada who raised the issue of Sikh genocide which took place after Indira Gandhi was killed. Most of these people are not Khalistanis but they do want justice for innocent people killed. Our government should have given them justice instead of giving ministerial positions and promotions to the culprits like Sajjan Kumar and Jagdish Tytler who killed thousands of Sikhs. Instead our government wants to suppress the voices of those people by calling them "Pro Khalistanis". Try to understand the grievances of the Sikhs instead of just dismissing them by calling them Pro Khalistanis like how our government has been doing till now.

Do you want to be acknowledged to be a terrorist??
Do you want to be acknowledged to be a terrorist??
Why would I want to be acknowledged as a terrorist? Anyway, it seems pretty dumb of ding dong targeting Sikhs on this thread which has nothing to do with Sikhs.
Why would I want to be acknowledged as a terrorist? Anyway, it seems pretty dumb of ding dong targeting Sikhs on this thread which has nothing to do with Sikhs.

I am a Jat have been on Skindra Gurudwara for two week with Bullars ... when Kadkoos were on their worst and the Granthis Contessa was accompanied by many open Gypies with all black attired persons with AK and other weapons supposed to be body guards. ( btw I often frequent Gurudwara and Sikhs do the same -temples... I am an atheist and a rationalist )

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