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Multiple gunmen storm Canadian Parliament Hill, at least one soldier shot

Talon, I am not a grade school kid and I can certainly read between the lines. I mean what is the point of asking me a question about Palestine in a discussion that has nothing to do with the issue unless you are trying to make a comparison and that is why i rationally said your justifying. However you are quick to label my country of having disturbed the global balance which i vehemently disagree with and it is you that is being judgmental of my country without having any proof. The reason i mentioned you in this thread is to have a rational discussion about a bigger issue that this attack entails and try to gain a thicker skin because I attacked your statements not you personally or atleast that was not my intention in anyway.

Canada deserves worse. It's daddy USA is behind the creation of major extremist groups (including Mujahedins, Khalistanis, ISIS and Al-Qaeda) which have bled our part of the world for decades. Canada has been a part of this game for too long to feign ignorance now. Good news is that the chickens have come home to roost. At this moment it is our duty towards our people to put fuel into fire. It is our turn to tag your Terrorists as Freedom Fighters. May be the Soldier was shot dead by one of his own to frame an innocent. I smell racism and religious hatred.

The civilized west is so civilized that it has refused to extradite a paedophile who exploited hundreds of Indian children. The civilized west deserves much worse.
I believe it's because of Canadians involvement with the Coalition Force. Sometimes you would hear the word called 'revenge' which can be inevitable.
More justifications indeed and pathetic ones at best!

Was Canada involved in UN mandated mission in afghanistan?

yes Canada served a limited role up to 2011 in afghanistan and has than been involved in humanitarian aid mission and in a non combat role. I have reported your post as it is in very bad taste and tries to justify an attack by a UN mandated mission.

Mind you, Canada has not been part of coalition of willing in iraq and has refused to participate in that mission despite numerous requests from our neighbor in the south.

Canada deserves worse. It's daddy USA is behind the creation of major extremist groups (including Mujahedins, Khalistanis, ISIS and Al-Qaeda) which have bled our part of the world for decades. Canada has been a part of this game for too long to feign ignorance now. Good news is that the chickens have come home to roost. At this moment it is our duty towards our people to put fuel into fire. It is our turn to tag your Terrorists as Freedom Fighters. May be the Soldier was shot dead by one of his own to frame an innocent. I smell racism and religious hatred.

The civilized west is so civilized that it has refused to extradite a paedophile who exploited hundreds of Indian children. The civilized west deserves much worse.

Post reported for being insensitive to a terror attack and further justifying the tragedy, read up on the facts and then come back and tell me about the direct Canadian involved that you allegedly see around the world.
Talon, I am not a grade school kid and I can certainly read between the lines.
And Maybe THAT is your problem....I dont need to beat around a bush...i say what I please while YOU always TRY to find an ulterior motive to literally anything I say!

I mean what is the point of asking me a question about Palestine in a discussion that has nothing to do with the issue unless you are trying to make a comparison and that is why i rationally said your justifying.
I was making a comparison...One dosnt make a comparison to justify! Seriously! Who told you that?! One makes a comparison to bring in a different point of view!

However you are quick to label my country of having disturbed the global balance which i vehemently disagree with and it is you that is being judgmental of my country without having any proof.
I am not being judgemental....I am not the ONLY one pointing this out But you seem to have ONLY a problem with me pointing out what is already said by 3 other members in this very thread! I can easily call that injustice and targeting!

I believe it's because of Canadians involvement with the Coalition Force. Sometimes you would hear the word called 'revenge' which can be inevitable.

Canadian, UK, and US officials not only denied any Indian official any access to terrorists cells in those countries, but also very zealously protected those cells.
Are some on this VERY PAGE!

The reason i mentioned you in this thread is to have a rational discussion about a bigger issue that this attack entails and try to gain a thicker skin because I attacked your statements not you personally or atleast that was not my intention in anyway.
I am roughly aware of many attacks that are taking place around the world...However you already clearly stated your not interested in global scale...so then ask Canadian govt not to meddle on global level...Pakistan did that mistake during cold war and we are paying for it till date! If anyone should learn anything it should be from that!

As for my sentiments....I am just disgusted of people with preset mindset and then engaging (or in such sense wasting time) under the pretense of "debate or discussion"....When one has a preset mindset such a person is not worth debating or having a discussion with....I come to a discussion to learn living behind any form of judgement about a member or his past post....to learn the situation or what the post is about or to get into a discussion....None of which is possible if you come in with a preset mindset!

A person's mind has to be dynamic....coz everything around us is...and if we stand still in a certain point of time we aint gonna achieve nothing...hence why i hate being labelled....

.So since you claimed that Canada has affected the global balance may I ask where has Canada attacked in the past decade or so, may be I am missing something that I did not know
Browse through this thread and have a look around! :tup:
Post reported for being insensitive to a terror attack and further justifying the tragedy, read up on the facts and then come back and tell me about the direct Canadian involved that you allegedly see around the world.

There was no terror attack, just a drama created by the Canadian Authorities like those fake "WMDs in Iraq".
Just goes to show time and time again, Islam is a magnet for deluded usually social outcast guys who want to take revenge, no different to events like columbine but they "think" they are doing it in the name of a god.
And Maybe THAT is your problem....I dont need to beat around a bush...i say what I please while YOU always TRY to find an ulterior motive to literally anything I say!

I was making a comparison...One dosnt make a comparison to justify! Seriously! Who told you that?! One makes a comparison to bring in a different point of view!

I am not being judgemental....I am not the ONLY one pointing this out But you seem to have ONLY a problem with me pointing out what is already said by 3 other members in this very thread! I can easily call that injustice and targeting!

Are some on this VERY PAGE!

I am roughly aware of many attacks that are taking place around the world...However you already clearly stated your not interested in global scale...so then ask Canadian govt not to meddle on global level...Pakistan did that mistake during cold war and we are paying for it till date! If anyone should learn anything it should be from that!

As for my sentiments....I am just disgusted of people with preset mindset and then engaging (or in such sense wasting time) under the pretense of "debate or discussion"....When one has a preset mindset such a person is not worth debating or having a discussion with....I come to a discussion to learn living behind any form of judgement about a member or his past post....to learn the situation or what the post is about or to get into a discussion....None of which is possible if you come in with a preset mindset!

A person's mind has to be dynamic....coz everything around us is...and if we stand still in a certain point of time we aint gonna achieve nothing...hence why i hate being labelled....

Browse through this thread and have a look around! :tup:

There was no terror attack, just a drama created by the Canadian Authorities like those fake "WMDs in Iraq".

I asked you again when has Canada been involved in a global disturbance and if ding dong is your source then you are sadly mistaken if I may add. Canada did not participate in iraq however we did have a limited role in UN mandated mission in Afghanistan like most country's did in post 9/11 scenario.
So once again when has Canada directly supported a terror organization?
There was no terror attack, just a drama created by the Canadian Authorities like those fake "WMDs in Iraq".

There was no terror attack in Canada today?
Ottawa shooting: Cpl. Nathan Cirillo dies of wounds, gunman also shot dead - Politics - CBC News
Is this credible enough source for you or are you trying to sprinkle salt in our wounds?

I am sure india has also suffered from this terror phenomenon then why are you so vehemently against Canada in our time of despair and I cannot understand how indians can hate us so much when we have a healthy economical relations including nuclear energy cooperation.
You have to be pragmatic and not emotional in your approach to combating terror and it's affiliated ideologies(i.e wahabbism). Having served time in Canadian forces, I can tell you that there are plenty of people adhering to the islamic faith in their personal life. So you simply cannot divide Canadians over a faith but rather what we can do is a take a rational step towards attacking the ideology itself and in this case this happens to be wahabism. I have in the past open a thread on this heinous ideology and you should look through those threads and educated yourself on this phenomenon. Once again mon ami, remain calm and think pragmatically before you write something like this. This is how the terrorist want to break us from the inside and we cannot give them a single moment of joy even after the tragedy that unfolded in Ottawa today.

If only our government had the spine to cut ties with Saudi Arabia until it sorted itself out but what we can do in the mean time in my opinion is to go after wahabism in full force. Ban symbols of oppression like Niqab and other segregating factors that create breeding grounds for fundamentalism. We should also focus on the encourage more nationalism and make the perception of armforces central to Canadian nationalism to truly become one because I feel that multiculturalism has to have bounds and just like anything we need to find the balance asap.

Before Pakistani members attack me for being islamophobic or politically incorrect, guess what I am also a muslim so dont bother playing the old card

Mean while we should all pray and send our condolences to the victim's family in their moment of despair and being a former reservist, I can tell you that being a reservist is not an easy lifestyle and one that requires alot of sacrifice especially from civilian life.
You surprise me greatly.

When you joined the forum years back and said you were of Pakistani heritage and Muslim and wanted to know more of your heritage, I thought it won't take you long before you become an apologist for extremist ideology. Much like members here who though have traveled extensively and educated yet act as apologists and try to deflect the discussions.

Turns out you did not buy that snake oil and talk straight.
I asked you again when has Canada been involved in a global disturbance and if ding dong is your source then you are sadly mistaken if I may add. Canada did not participate in iraq however we did have a limited role in UN mandated mission in Afghanistan like most country's did in post 9/11 scenario.
So once again when has Canada directly supported a terror organization?

Just for starters: Khalistan, NE Christian Extremists, LTTE, Kashmiri Separatists. We are still waiting for conviction of the Kanishka Bombers who are roaming free in Canada. Hand over our terrorists to us, then expect sympathy. Once upon a time our terrorists were your freedom fighters, and our defense forces were Human Rights violators. When you poke your nose in somebody else's affairs you deserve a payback.

Being a South Asian I sympathize with the situation our neighbours like Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Syria are in. These countries are victims of geopolitical games in which Canada is a willing partner of the US and UK. Please tell me how a "Hero" Bin-Laden turn into a Villain?

There is a great list of operations that we have done in the past and most I am proud of like intervening in Bosnia to stop an ongoing genocide or participating in Operation foundation, Proteus, Metric or kobold respectively. You are again not answering my question and now I am asking it you directly in respectful as I can be , please tell me where my country has participated directly or done to deserve such a tragic attack in our capital.

Just for starters: Khalistan, NE Christian Extremists, LTTE, Kashmiri Separatists. We are still waiting for conviction of the Kanishka Bombers who are roaming free in Canada. Hand over our terrorists to us, then expect sympathy. Once upon a time our terrorists were your freedom fighters, and our defense forces were Human Rights violators. When you poke your nose in somebody else's affairs you deserve a payback.

Being a South Asian I sympathize with the situation our neighbours like Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Syria are in. These countries are victims of geopolitical games in which Canada is a willing partner of the US and UK. Please tell me how a "Hero" Bin-Laden turn into a Villain?

I do not have any information on those pertaining issues but we recognize all UN mandated terrorist organization as such so I cannot see us harboring any terrorist. In fact I am very saddened by the downing of air india in the early 80s that resulted in tragic losses of numerous Canadian lives and indian citizens respectively if i may add.
Just goes to show time and time again, Islam is a magnet for deluded usually social outcast guys who want to take revenge, no different to events like columbine but they "think" they are doing it in the name of a god.

They have a purpose .... for heaven and virgins.
canada was one of the best place in west for muslims to practice their faith , till today.
If only our government had the spine to cut ties with Saudi Arabia until it sorted itself out but what we can do in the mean time in my opinion is to go after wahabism in full force. Ban symbols of oppression like Niqab and other segregating factors that create breeding grounds for fundamentalism. We should also focus on the encourage more nationalism and make the perception of armforces central to Canadian nationalism to truly become one because I feel that multiculturalism has to have bounds and just like anything we need to find the balance asap.

Before Pakistani members attack me for being islamophobic or politically incorrect, guess what I am also a muslim so dont bother playing the old card

Mean while we should all pray and send our condolences to the victim's family in their moment of despair and being a former reservist, I can tell you that being a reservist is not an easy lifestyle and one that requires alot of sacrifice especially from civilian life.

When we said we would support bombing ISIS I knew this would come back to bite us, I didn't know that it would be so bad.

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