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Multiple gunmen storm Canadian Parliament Hill, at least one soldier shot

The problem is simply not the people that come over to Canada as I once believe because converts are also involved in these attacks similar to what happened in QUEBEC yesterday. So i think our parliament has to take a pragmatic step and attack the ideology to it's core until it finishes. This ideology is not and will not be compatible with Canadian values or for that matter to any part of the world with exceptions to middle east off course.

Bro.. Even though my condolences are with ordinary Canadians, a part of me feel this is a karma.. And it's not just Islamists.. Canadian Govts especially liberals of Trudeau regime gave open passports to radicals and terrorists from all over the third world to use Canadian tax money to fund thier terror campaigns in other countries while in the protection of your govts.. My country of origin Sri Lanka suffered for over 30 years, Innocent people were killed in thier thousands but nobody gave a second thought.. All Canadian govts did was to wag a finger and shout about human rights of those same killers.. Seems like the Harper govt have'nt changed either.. Openly courting the same fringe extremist groups for ethnic ghetto votes

Hope this would open thier eyes.. There are no good terrorists in the world, Islamic or otherwise
RIP to the dead...condolences for the dead What the hell is that? :sick:

@liontk so its not just Asians who are going crazy....Whites too?

Sorry to use this page but you purposefully tagged me....

And you cant blame the religion...anyone can join any cult and call themselves anything and malign a different source...

Where the hell does it require of you to murder to be a Muslim? If so then I have not yet attain that level nor do I intend to!

And misinterpretation of a book (religious or whatever) should not be blamed on the book but the bastard who did that and that is exactly what should be pointed out!

I mentioned you primarily to address a discusion we had earlier about repressive symbols like niqab and other self segregating symbols that attempt alienate a group of people from the larger body. We need to have a larger conversation around the world about the wahabi ideology(correlating symbols like niqab) and its affiliates after the heinous terrorist attack that took place in Ottawa.

Bro.. Even though my condolences are with ordinary Canadians, a part of me feel this is a karma.. And it's not just Islamists.. Canadian Govts especially liberals of Trudeau regime gave open passports to radicals and terrorists from all over the third world to use Canadian tax money to fund thier terror campaigns in other countries while in the protection of your govts.. My country of origin Sri Lanka suffered for over 30 years, Innocent people were killed in thier thousands but nobody gave a second thought.. All Canadian govts did was to wag a finger and shout about human rights of those same killers.. Seems like the Harper govt have'nt changed either.. Openly courting the same fringe extremist groups for ethnic ghetto votes

Hope this would open their eyes.. There are no good terrorists in the world, Islamic or otherwise
I apologize on a personal level and I hate this stupidity that our past bleeding heart governments have done sponsoring terror organizations simply on the basis on pseudo human rights violations(oxymoron really). However I simply disagree with you and find it offensive for you to say that we deserve a terror attack based on past events even though our intentions have never been malign to begin with. As far as trudeau era liberals go, I agree we had excess of multicultural ideology and did not balance or offset with enough nationalism but that is a different issue as in this case we have a very dangerous ideology involved in my opinion.
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I mentioned you primarily to address a discusion we had earlier about repressive symbols like niqab and other self segregating symbols that attempt alienate a group of people from the larger body. We need to have a larger conversation around the world about the wahabi ideology(correlating symbols like niqab) and its affiliates after the heinous terrorist attack that took place in Ottawa.
No niqab nor any news about who did was revealed ...for all we know it could have been a white with a mental illness (as all whites doing wrong are diagnosed with...)

And the attack previously was by a white....so tagging me was not for that earlier discussion which was regarding alienating immigrants while this is done by the locals themselves...
I mentioned you primarily to address a discusion we had earlier about repressive symbols like niqab and other self segregating symbols that attempt alienate a group of people from the larger body. We need to have a larger conversation around the world about the wahabi ideology(correlating symbols like niqab) and its affiliates after the heinous terrorist attack that took place in Ottawa.

I apologize on a personal level and I hate this stupidity that our past bleeding heart governments have done sponsoring terror organizations simply on the basis on pseudo human rights violations(oxymoron really). However I simply disagree with you and find it offensive for you to say that we deserve a terror attack based on past events even though our intentions have never been malign to begin with. As far as trudeau era liberals go, I agree we had excess of multicultural ideology and did not balance or offset with enough nationalism but that is a different issue as in this case we have a very dangerous ideology involved in my opinion.

No you got me wrong there.. I did'nt imply you deserved it.. But somehow the concept of what goes around does come around, Karma.. I'm saddened by the loss of life especially of a soldier.. He did'nt deserve that for a folly of your voter hungry politicians.. Nobody does.. And yes i agree on the issue of ideology.. This time it's based on warped religion, next time it may well be warped nationalism.. Either way you need to tackle it.. Time for political correctness, Failed multiculturalism is no more.. Hard decisions have to be made for greater good
Muslims shouldn't be allowed in to begin with! A simple interview will filter out muslims from non-muslims. There are millions of people that would love to come to this country! Why bring in people that are nothing but trouble? If you put your arab religion in front of the country, you shouldn't be welcome.

problem is not the muslims .........problem is that many muslims are willing to pursue the way of violence.......their youth are getting radicalized very easily ........

religious tolerance shall be taught to the kids rather then glorification
No niqab nor any news about who did was revealed ...for all we know it could have been a white with a mental illness (as all whites doing wrong are diagnosed with...)

And the attack previously was by a white....so tagging me was not for that earlier discussion which was regarding alienating immigrants while this is done by the locals themselves...

I am simply not understanding the point that you are trying to make because we also had a terror attack yesterday in quebec by a recent convert and follower of wahabi ideology. So this only reflects that anybody can be brainwashed to this dangerous ideology and youth especially from certain communities are more prone to being preyed on than others.
Read DingDong's comments. He is taking pleasure in this attack. He needs to be banned.

Why? because I hurt your sentiments? Ask any Indian living in India, he will tell you how Canada actively supported, funded and provided sanctuary to our terrorists. We still don't know why Canada deliberately botched the Kanishka Bombing case. This is a country which said few bad things about our BSF for it's involved in counter-insurgency. This is a country which funded the Mujahedins in this region (alongside US and UK) who are responsible for so many Indian deaths. Here is a country which alongside UK actively funded the Christian extremists in the NE.

I say it again with absolute clarity: Canada has been paying for it's bad Karma. In my view the attackers are freedom fighters and those who "murdered" the attackers are Human Rights violators and must be punished severely. Canada must be pulled into the International Court of Justice to answer some tough questions. There must have been a good reason why these attackers planned and executed it. May be they were frustrated with Canada killing their brethren in the ME.
convert and follower of wahabi ideology
That is the misconception Wahabism is an ideology not a religion...One cant convert to an ideology...it is ones choice to walk down that path....while no where in the Quran does it state you need to call urself a Whabi or adhere to that ideology....Hence what the media says is utter BS to me...It makes no sense...

So this only reflects that anybody can be brainwashed to this dangerous ideology and youth especially from certain communities are more prone to being preyed on than others.
So if tomorrow someone wishes to malign Jews...all they have to say is that they have converted or accept Israel and everyone will hate Jews? This is an honest question....coz IMO going around killing Palestinians for their land is some sick ideology or even rejoicing the death of children and the list can go on ....But no one has yet called Israeli or Zionists as terrorists...nor even called those cheering dropping bombs in crowded neighbourhood or killing kids on an open beach either! May I ask why the double standards?

Is a White life worth more than a Palestinian kids that you label one a terrorist but not the other?
Michael Zehaf Bibeau, the gunman who killed a Canadian soldier at War Memorial


It is suspected that he was possibly of Afghan descent.
Every person born in a muslim majority country must be re-interviewed (a simple questionnaire sent by mail will do). Any sign of sympathy for the Islamic cause or support for terrorist groups should be grounds for immediate deportation and for those that are citizens, their citizenship should be taken back and they must be deported.

Solution is not bringing them in and cracking down hard on the ones that are already here.
Racism at its best!

What about the White who are flocking blindly to become someone's machine gun?
Why? because I hurt your sentiments? Ask any Indian living in India, he will tell you how Canada actively supported, funded and provided sanctuary to our terrorists. We still don't know why Canada deliberately botched the Kanishka Bombing case. This is a country which said few bad things about our BSF for it's involved in counter-insurgency. This is a country which funded the Mujahedins in this region (alongside US and UK) who are responsible for so many Indian deaths. Here is a country which alongside UK actively funded the Christian extremists in the NE.

I say it again with absolute clarity: Canada has been paying for it's bad Karma. In my view the attackers are freedom fighters and those who "murdered" the attackers are Human Rights violators and must be punished severely. Canada must be pulled into the International Court of Justice to answer some tough questions. There must have been a good reason why these attackers planned and executed it. May be they were frustrated with Canada killing their brethren in the ME.

as a Indian living in INDIA .............I disagree whatever u saying.

well , here goes ur argument
A bit surprising that Canada is being targeted by terrorists. Though Islamic state did give a shout out to start terrorist attacks in western countries. I am afraid more such attacks are in the pipeline.

Terrorists have done one thing, i.e. made many countries spend millions on security and protection.
Seems like these Terrorists are aiding the what was considered a dying market for weapons from the West :whistle: usually every Indian will be living off conspiracy theories were the weapons found made in Pakistan but this link seems to be a far cry?

as a Indian living in INDIA .............I disagree whatever u saying.

well , here goes ur argument
Just watched that movie (Prometheus) last weekend.....was a little :blink: but my friend was all happy about it and watched it 3x :blink:

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