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Multiple gunmen storm Canadian Parliament Hill, at least one soldier shot

Just a few weeks ago the italian secret service issued a warning that the Vatican and pope is target for islamists. Security is on 100% now. We talked in school about islamist terrorism and i remember very well what my teacher said.

She said that we witness a entire religion and culture in its death moments. The islamic world simply dies off. Globalisation makes it even worse for them simply because they can compare their sad situation with the rest of the world.

They see the west with all its power and high living standards.

They see China rising to reach the same position.

They see India rise and plant a spacecraft in Mars orbit

And they? They stand at their place and shout and shake their fists. Their countries are doomed and rotten to the core. Ruled from a small elite. They produce nothing, they create nothing. They only consume and live the excess. Their rich elite lives in delusion and let construct senseless mega buildings...ordered in the west. All their status symbols are from the west.

The small israel alone publishes more scientific papers each year than the entire muslim world. They fight againste education because they fear that this would even take them the last thing they have: faith

With only faith left, you create economic misery. With this misercy you create even more releigious extremism. It is a self feeding cycle. The black flag of ISIS fits perfect for them. Their extremism condensed into a black hole.
@Biplap Bijay and @DingDong . You may have your personal opinions brothers... but this is not the right time to vent them out. Whatever canada did, innocent people are dying. Imagine how would we be feeling when somebody was cheering during the 26/11 massacre? So, just let it go. This is a tragic moment for people there and lets wish this ends soon.
I feel sorry for Canada. In the end we in the west must propably sacrifice tolerance and deal with this issue once and for all.

Its not just the west. This is a problem that unites all great powers in the world. The West (USA, EU, Canada, Australia, New Zealand), Russia, China.

I think in future we will see a massive war against islamism. And since most muslims stay silent, tehy will be target too.

Many Muslims don't stay silent, it's just they don't get airtime and hence don't make for "exciting" TV.
Tragic and heartbreakingto what happened in the cowardly and heinous terrorist attack that took place in Ottawa today. We lost a member of Canadian forces and this is sickening to say the least especially after what happened down in Quebec the other day. This cancerous ideology ie. wahabism has to be curbed and those that espouse and believe in this ideology must be monitored at all times. We will come out stronger from this and I simply wish the best for the soldier's family and as a former reservist myself, I can tell you that reservist often do not get the same amount of credit for their service as regular forces personnel(despite equal qualifications).

@Akheilos, now you understand what the reality is....
My deepest condolences to Canada, a cousin of the UK. I hope they smash these terrorist filth.

My God rest the fallen.
did anyone find out who were they ?
and what is the recent development ?
i hope no civilians be hurt
Canada will issue the same apology that is stereotypical in the rest of the world, particularly the West. It's funny how the victims apologize.
Not sure to be elated or sad
One hand human lives have been lost RIP, on the other payback is a biatch for condescending dickheads who think harboring hoards of third world terrorists and giving them a open cheque to wreck havoc around the world in the name of democracy some how makes them holier than thou... Tasting that same medicine must surely be bitter
Not sure to be elated or sad

One hand human lives have been lost RIP, on the other payback is a biatch for condescending dickheads who think harboring hoards of third world terrorists and giving them a open cheque to wreck havoc around the world in the name of democracy some how makes them holier than thou... Tasting that same medicine must surely be bitter

The problem is simply not the people that come over to Canada as I once believe because converts are also involved in these attacks similar to what happened in QUEBEC yesterday. So i think our parliament has to take a pragmatic step and attack the ideology to it's core until it finishes. This ideology is not and will not be compatible with Canadian values or for that matter to any part of the world with exceptions to middle east off course.
Indians are somewhat right in venting out their anger towards Canada, IF this attack was done by an immigrant.
The way Canadians treat and harbor other nations terrorists and meddle in their affairs like they were banana republics.

My condolences and solidarity with soldier who lost his life, any soldier who died in line of duty deserves respect.
Not too much sympathy towards their government though.

Wasn't this same Canadian govt who regarded BSF as terrorist organization ?

Canada calls BSF anti-human, violent unit - IBNLive
Canada will issue the same apology that is stereotypical in the rest of the world, particularly the West. It's funny how the victims apologize.
Why should we apologize and I hope prime minister goes after the ideology and it's affiliates in full force. We cannot simply have a bleed heart attitude but rather a bold stance against terror.
Apparently Prime Minister Harper was suppose to meet wtih Malala Yousafzai when the attack happened.

Hope the two are not related.
Why should we apologize and I hope prime minister goes after the ideology and it's affiliates in full force. We cannot simply have a bleed heart attitude but rather a bold stance against terror.

We shouldn't but we always do. It is time we stop being so politically correct and call a spade a spade.
Every person born in a muslim majority country must be re-interviewed (a simple questionnaire sent by mail will do). Any sign of sympathy for the Islamic cause or support for terrorist groups should be grounds for immediate deportation and for those that are citizens, their citizenship should be taken back and they must be deported.

Solution is not bringing them in and cracking down hard on the ones that are already here.
You have to be pragmatic and not emotional in your approach to combating terror and it's affiliated ideologies(i.e wahabbism). Having served time in Canadian forces, I can tell you that there are plenty of people adhering to the islamic faith in their personal life. So you simply cannot divide Canadians over a faith but rather what we can do is a take a rational step towards attacking the ideology itself and in this case this happens to be wahabism. I have in the past open a thread on this heinous ideology and you should look through those threads and educated yourself on this phenomenon. Once again mon ami, remain calm and think pragmatically before you write something like this. This is how the terrorist want to break us from the inside and we cannot give them a single moment of joy even after the tragedy that unfolded in Ottawa today.

We shouldn't but we always do. It is time we stop being so politically correct and call a spade a spade.
If only our government had the spine to cut ties with Saudi Arabia until it sorted itself out but what we can do in the mean time in my opinion is to go after wahabism in full force. Ban symbols of oppression like Niqab and other segregating factors that create breeding grounds for fundamentalism. We should also focus on the encourage more nationalism and make the perception of armforces central to Canadian nationalism to truly become one because I feel that multiculturalism has to have bounds and just like anything we need to find the balance asap.

Before Pakistani members attack me for being islamophobic or politically incorrect, guess what I am also a muslim so dont bother playing the old card

Mean while we should all pray and send our condolences to the victim's family in their moment of despair and being a former reservist, I can tell you that being a reservist is not an easy lifestyle and one that requires alot of sacrifice especially from civilian life.

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Just a few weeks ago the italian secret service issued a warning that the Vatican and pope is target for islamists. Security is on 100% now. We talked in school about islamist terrorism and i remember very well what my teacher said.

She said that we witness a entire religion and culture in its death moments. The islamic world simply dies off. Globalisation makes it even worse for them simply because they can compare their sad situation with the rest of the world.

They see the west with all its power and high living standards.

They see China rising to reach the same position.

They see India rise and plant a spacecraft in Mars orbit

And they? They stand at their place and shout and shake their fists. Their countries are doomed and rotten to the core. Ruled from a small elite. They produce nothing, they create nothing. They only consume and live the excess. Their rich elite lives in delusion and let construct senseless mega buildings...ordered in the west. All their status symbols are from the west.

The small israel alone publishes more scientific papers each year than the entire muslim world. They fight againste education because they fear that this would even take them the last thing they have: faith

With only faith left, you create economic misery. With this misercy you create even more releigious extremism. It is a self feeding cycle. The black flag of ISIS fits perfect for them. Their extremism condensed into a black hole.

I think you have raised a valid point and good one at that even though I tend to disagree with you on other matters. I can tell you from experience having interacted with numerous people on this website, there is a sense of subtle jelousy in their views towards the west and I think using faith as a last resort card for their failures is pathetic at best.
RIP to the dead...condolences for the dead
newly converted jihadist
What the hell is that? :sick:

Yesterday's terrorist attack was a white convert to islam.
@liontk so its not just Asians who are going crazy....Whites too?

Sorry to use this page but you purposefully tagged me....

And you cant blame the religion...anyone can join any cult and call themselves anything and malign a different source...

Where the hell does it require of you to murder to be a Muslim? If so then I have not yet attain that level nor do I intend to!

And misinterpretation of a book (religious or whatever) should not be blamed on the book but the bastard who did that and that is exactly what should be pointed out!

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