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Mother tongue first

I am not Arab

Racism will not work against me kid.
I already told you.

If I be racist against you as well you may not like it.
Drink some Nescafe or make your hand wet. I heard it releases pain killers for you.

Why does the fact that you are a Yamanese refugee to Hindustan seem racist to you? I am not abusing Arabs or Yamanese. Hope, I don't need to do that unless you start it.

If you do, gloves are off. You may not like what I may dish out then.

Actually I am mixed. Not Arab anymore.

OK. Still not fully native as well.

And when did Pakistan try to make Arabic or Persian national language? Are you dumb or something?

I can't blame you for not knowing the history of India or Pakistan any more than I know of Yaman or other Arab parts.

So something for you to chew on:

Why does the fact that you are a Yamanese refugee to Hindustan seem racist to you? I am not abusing Arabs or Yamanese. Hope, I don't need to do that unless you start it.

If you do, gloves are off. You may not like what I may dish out then.

OK. Still not fully native as well.

I can't blame you for not knowing the history of India or Pakistan any more than I know of Yaman or other Arab parts.

So something for you to chew on:


Im not a refugee to your pathetic country.
Im a Pakistani, not a Hindu(stani).

I dont care if you think Im not native. Bet you dont have the guts to say it to anybody's face, be they Arab or Persian. I'd reduce your height to 5 ft (if it isn't already :omghaha:)

Again, pulling up stupid articles. Is that all you Indians can do? Give me concrete proof Arabic was going to be the official language of Pakistan :lol:
Im not a refugee to your pathetic country.
Im a Pakistani, not a Hindu(stani).

You people were refugees to Hindustan (in Gujarat) for hundreds of years. People there gave you security, allowed you to mix with them and live with them and prosper.

When your own Islamists in Yaman had persecuted you (even Shia) and thrown you out.

And see how some of you are paying back. That tells a lot about what kind of people are out there.

I won't call it treason though. Traitor has to first belong. Your ilk never did.

I dont care if you think Im not native. Bet you dont have the guts to say it to anybody's face, be they Arab or Persian. I'd reduce your height to 5 ft (if it isn't already :omghaha:)

Every last one of you acts like a street goon on the net. Seen too many. Yawn...

Again, pulling up stupid articles from stupid sources. Is that all you Indians can do? Give me concrete proof Arabic was going to be the official language of Pakistan :lol:

Not going to spoonfeed you.

You had to choose a language that was not the native language of more than 95% Pakistanis in any case.

What does it matter what you finally chose. Arabic was a candidate. Would have been better for you (mixed Arabs) if Pakistan had gone for it.

Anything new?

A Indian who speaks Hindi can understand Urdu and A Pakistani/Indian that speaks Urdu can understand Hindi

That means it is an Indian language!
You people were refugees to Hindustan (in Gujarat) for hundreds of years. People there gave you security, allowed you to mix with them and live with them and prosper.

When your own Islamists in Yaman had persecuted you (even Shia) and thrown you out.

And see how some of you are paying back. That tells a lot about what kind of people are out there.

I won't cal it treason though. Traitor has to first belong. Your ilk never did.

Every last one of you acts like a street goon on the net. Seen too many. Yawn...

Not going to spoonfeed you.

You had to choose a language that was not the native language of more than 95% Pakistanis in any case.

What does it matter what you finally chose. Arabic was a candidate. Would have been better for you (mixed Arabs) if Pakistan had gone for it.

Yemenis migrated to India, yes.
So what?

There are many theories of Sputh Indians migrating from Australia or the same same place called Yemen.

Do you consider South Indians less Indian than North Indian then?

And how are we exactly "paying" back? Yemeni ancestry people are some of the most prosperous in India & Pak. Up to date, no terrorist attack or anything has been coordinated by Yemeni of India & Pak.

Again, and again, Vinod, you are showing yourself as a racist bigot.
An Indian being racist in India (especially South Indian like you) is like a Mexican being racist in U.S :lol:
It just doesn't work out.

And about Arabic being the national language- it would have never played out, as most Pakistanis dont understand Arabic. I hope this clear your obsession with Arabs now?

That means it is an Indian language!

I though anything invented by Mughal barbarians wasn't Indian? Aren't you the same bozos on Indian forums who scream & shout at everything Mughal/Muslim.

Double rules now? ;)
Anyways I'm reporting you for being racist...

Seem all you guys do is try to annoy us Pakistanis here & then go back to Indian forum & spew your crap, and then once your unbanned you come back & spew your B.S.

I have to say, nice plan.
Yemenis migrated to India, yes.
So what?

There are many theories of Sputh Indians migrating from Australia or the same same place called Yemen.

Do you consider South Indians less Indian than North Indian then?

Theories are theories. If we go only by them, there is no need for national boundaries.

This is hard historical fact.

And it means you should be loyal and grateful to those who saved you when your own had turned on you and were killing you.

If you don't see it that way, it tells everyone what kind of people you are.

And how are we exactly "paying" back? Yemeni ancestry people are some of the most prosperous in India & Pak. Up to date, no terrorist attack or anything has been coordinated by Yemeni of India & Pak.

By badmouthing the country and people that saved your sorry a*se. And where you lived in peace and prospered.

Again, and again, Vinod, you are showing yourself as a racist bigot.
An Indian being racist in India (especially South Indian like you) is like a Mexican being racist in U.S :lol:
It just doesn't work out.

That is the fun part with mixed Arab refugees like you. I am not South Indian and I would have been equally proud Indian if I was.

You are just ignorant and bigot. And ungrateful.

And about Arabic being the national language- it would have never played out, as most Pakistanis dont understand Arabic. I hope this clear your obsession with Arabs now?

Even Urdu didn't work out as well. It was the native language of only 7% (at that time would be even less) Muhajirs. The division of Pakistan had a lot to do with Urdu.

I though anything invented by Mughal barbarians wasn't Indian? Aren't you the same bozos on Indian forums who scream & shout at everything Mughal/Muslim.

Double rules now? ;)

Languages are not invented, they evolve.

Urdu is Hindi with some foreign words thrown in and uses a foreign script. Both can be discarded and it will be Hindi again.
Theories are theories. If we go only by them, there is no need for national boundaries.

This is hard historical fact.

And it means you should be loyal and grateful to those who saved you when your own had turned on you and were killing you.

If you don't see it that way, it tells everyone what kind of people you are.

And how are we exactly "paying" back? Yemeni ancestry people are some of the most prosperous in India & Pak. Up to date, no terrorist attack or anything has been coordinated by Yemeni of India & Pak.

That is the fun part with mixed Arab refugees like you. I am not South Indian and I would have been equally proud Indian if I was.

You are just ignorant and bigot. And ungrateful.

Even Urdu didn't work out as well. It was the native language of only 7% (at that time would be even less) Muhajirs. The division of Pakistan had a lot to do with Urdu.

Languages are not invented, they evolve.

Urdu is Hindi with some foreign words thrown in and uses a foreign script. Both can be discarded and it will be Hindi again.

Theories are also backed up with hard facts.
Better than what your pathetic *** can come up with it...

We are not loyal or grateful to anyone but God be it Hindu or Muslim God. We are not slaves of you guys, we have no reason to be grateful to any Indians. Instead you guys should be grateful to us that we made your country superpower in less than 20 yrs.

Oh no Vinod(th). You are very much South Indian. Your name flashes it out for all of us. ;)

Urdu did work out, as most Pakistanis whether Punjabi to Balochi could understand it. Even right now, to exceed in Pakistan, yo have to be fluent in Urdu or you will never reach goals.
You are funny.

A refugee is saying that those who protect them from their own Islamists, they need to be grateful to the wretched refugees!

Great Yamani logic I guess.

Anyway, I have had my say and let people make their own decisions.

Back to topic. Enough diversion...
Wretched refugees... :lol:

Enough is enough Vinod... Just because you lost your job today doesnt mean you have to vent on the internet... Take it outside the back door
@Monkey D Luffy : I was thinking the same thing a while ago !

Why not make the medium of instruction in the majority language in a particular district (not province) & in those districts where you've got a significant linguistic minority have Urdu instead or have those districts demarcated on linguistic lines & then provide education in (say!) Pashto on one side of the line & in (say!) Saraiki on the other !

Let Urdu be the Lingua Franca & that all are supposed to be proficient in it as Urdu as a Second Language ! So that whatever research paper you write, whatever article you write for public consumption & so on & so forth for the rest - You ensure that, if it is to be published, you come up with a mandatory Urdu translation of your original work !

Or we could replace Urdu with English as our Lingua Franca ! I was even thinking of the possibility of us looking into Koranic Arabic (the Qureshi dialect) as our Lingua Fraca.

But imparting education in one's mother tongue is based on very sound logic & should be looked into....!

What do you think - @Aeronaut @Abu Zolfiqar @Talon @Dillinger @Secur @AstanoshKhan @Leader @Spring Onion @JonAsad @A.Rafay @Marshmallow

Persian plz!:rolleyes1:
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Why you guys have problem with Hyderabadi Urdu. I see lots of people here badmouthing Hyderabadi Urdu
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