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Modi threatens ‘strong reply’and complete isolation’ of Pakistan and revoke MFN status

This is definitely a false flag operation brother. :tup:



Pulwama must be 60-80 kms from LOC and this is not humanly possible that with the fortified LOC anyone from Pakistan side can transport the high explosives to the IOK, and looking at the destruction this doesn't looks like some local made improvised IED or bomb, a military grade IED/explosive can bring this kind of destruction.

Pakistan would not think of this act 2 days before the visit of Saudi MBS to the country, and this is the first such act in history and JeM is not known for such acts in IOK.

Who is the beneficiary here...Pakistan with all the bashing it gets, absolutely NO.

Modi and BJP will benefit most from this attention grabbing episode, with local Indian press who was critical of Modi about his false promises of 20 million jobs per year not met, highest joblessness rate in 40 years in India, Congress getting after the Rafael deal corruption, other local issues...suddenly the media has shifted its focus towards Pakistan with war hysteria, bashing Pakistan and all that, ideal strategy by Modi and R&AW....can't get it better.

Now one fake surgical strike and in full Indian media glare will make it a perfect strategy for Modi and will put a damper on Congress who is recouping and getting there. All the hallmarks of an inside job done with perfection.
The world doesn't care about India, all eyes are on Pakistan as US prepares for its exodus from Afghanistan. Even Trump doesn't respect India and openly mocks India's "Library" Initiative in Afghanistan (lol) This isolation of Pakistan will continue to get delayed just like India's superpower status which got delayed from 2020 to 2030/40/50 :blah:
Really not funny.

You guys are just being crass.

No one from our side said a thing when your kids got butchered.

Cheers, Doc

They were no innocent civilians/kids.

Uttar Pradeshi, Rajasthani, Bihari etc. armed aggressors/Sarkari terrorists got killed in a foreign territory under their illegal occupation.

Acts of sabotage against the military installations of the Occupying forces committing all kinds of atrocities against the local populace, and Attacks on Legitimate military targets are not acts of "Terror".

You have been pursuing a military solution to Kashmir,

What else did you expect, doc?
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