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Modi threatens ‘strong reply’and complete isolation’ of Pakistan and revoke MFN status

India gives pak MFN status.....

Pak refuses to give india MFN status

India decides to revoke pak MFN status....

India shud stop being such a wuss... And elect a sensible guy next time
The issue is blood given at what loss...Incase of any misadventure things could spiral out of control that will be the last nail in Modi's coffin.

He is finished anyways.

Please accept that there will be blood. A lot of it.

Cheers, Doc
Ok respond would be sir jee kal strike within india.

Does it mean military rule in Kashmir?
You are accepting losses of the Indian race upto 75% ?
Do you have any Idea what that would indicate.

Nobody takes Pakistani 1990s nuclear blackmail seriously in 2019.

And if Pakistan is not involved then Pakistan should stand aside and let us kill those that need killing.

Or even better, help us locate and kill them more efficiently.

I don't think there is one of you here on PDF who did not realize yesterday when the news broke what this means for the region.

Cheers, Doc

what is written here ?

PM Modi says that the armed forces' hands have been untied.

Cheers, Doc
Nobody takes Pakistani 1990s nuclear blackmail seriously in 2019.

And if Pakistan is not involved then Pakistan should stand aside and let us kill those that need killing.

Or even better, help us locate and kill them more efficiently.

I don't think there is one of you here on PDF who did not realize yesterday when the news broke what this means for the region.

Cheers, Doc
now you are over acting janab :lol: pakistan is not bangladesh or nepal

Nobody takes Pakistani 1990s nuclear blackmail seriously in 2019.

And if Pakistan is not involved then Pakistan should stand aside and let us kill those that need killing.

Or even better, help us locate and kill them more efficiently.

I don't think there is one of you here on PDF who did not realize yesterday when the news broke what this means for the region.

Cheers, Doc

PM Modi says that the armed forces' hands have been untied.

Cheers, Doc
PM Modi says that the armed forces' hands have been untied.?????

they have already said it dozens of times just google it :p:D
now you are over acting janab :lol: pakistan is not bangladesh or nepal

Yes I know.

So better if Pakistan puts its military might to good use and helps India.

Before great powers step in. And take choice out of the equation.

Cheers, Doc
Nobody takes Pakistani 1990s nuclear blackmail seriously in 2019.

And if Pakistan is not involved then Pakistan should stand aside and let us kill those that need killing.

Or even better, help us locate and kill them more efficiently.

I don't think there is one of you here on PDF who did not realize yesterday when the news broke what this means for the region.

Cheers, Doc

PM Modi says that the armed forces' hands have been untied.

Cheers, Doc
Dont overestimate your abilities and dont underestimate ours!!
Right after the Kartarpur Corridor was announced a couple of months ago, the work had started at lightening speed to complete the corridor on Pakistan's side. India did nothing in the meantime. The Sikhs who were excited to be able to finally visit Kartarpur Gurdawara on Guru Sahib's 550th birthday, were astonished to see Pakistan going with full speed to accommodate the Sikh pilgrims on the historic day but there own government seemed least interested. Finally, after a lot of pressure from all walks of life they gave in and recently started marking the land for their side of the corridor. A lot of Indian Sikhs were suspecting that something will be staged and RSS backed BJP will use that as an excuse to not build and open the corridor at least until the elections. And looky here what has happened!
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