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Modi threatens ‘strong reply’and complete isolation’ of Pakistan and revoke MFN status

Nobody takes Pakistani 1990s nuclear blackmail seriously in 2019.
Please read my post again it never mentioned "NUCLEAR BLACKMAIL."

The percentage of losses were combined to both India and Pakistan not India alone. These were based on conventional war spread over a period of 2-4 yrs.

And if Pakistan is not involved then Pakistan should stand aside and let us kill those that need killing.
You are not a 5 year old kid who believes that what ever is shown on tv is real.
GOI says Pakistan is involved in Kashmir, Kashmir is India's.

If Kashmir is Indian then how is Pakistan involved?
Where are the inhabitants of Kashmir? Indian Army personnel are present in large numbers in Kashmir.

GOI calls Kashmir freedom fighters as terrorists...what has changed British called Bhagat Sing a terrorist along with his companions. For India Bhagat Sing is a freedom fighter (Hero).

Or even better, help us locate and kill them more efficiently.
Which Terrorists are you talking about? Freedom fighters> are in Jammu and Kashmir. They hold Indian Identity cards. they are Indian citizens...
According to GOI Jammu and Kashmir are Indian Territories.

I don't think there is one of you here on PDF who did not realize yesterday when the news broke what this means for the region.
You need to understand this attack is only to gain support of Indian media and people to gain support for Modi's re-ellectment on the post of Prime Minister.

The GOI might also use this to threaten Indian Supreme Court Judges in lue of not pressing any adverse orders in regards to the purchases of Indian Armed forces equipments and ammunitions.
Really not funny.

You guys are just being crass.

No one from our side said a thing when your kids got butchered.

Cheers, Doc
and no one from our side starts masturbating in the name of India even before any attack took place.
Forgot to mention, if they don't open the Kartarpur Corridor later this year, they will face some new and some of the older problems again.
That is their choice to make.

Or Army will respond accordingly.

Cheers, Doc
Respond by taking a quick shitter on the dumps off Gujarat state come up with something original my fellow self proclaimed parsi historian like something on the lines off sir ji kal strike 2.0 you know something that would deter pakistan from attacking parsi-stan
India is willing to give its already proven failed strategy another chance.
Respond by taking a quick shitter on the dumps off Gujarat state come up with something original my fellow self proclaimed parsi historian like something on the lines off sir ji kal strike 2.0 you know something that would deter pakistan from attacking parsi-stan
Wait a little more for it. Army rule coming in Kashmir.

Why? Do you plan on becoming annexed by Pakistan?
Oh, I forgot to tell, There will be no Pakistan by then. Only some new countries like Greater Baluchistan etc.
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