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Modi threatens ‘strong reply’and complete isolation’ of Pakistan and revoke MFN status

And mukti bahni.
I dont know on what base they claim victim card?
They are biggest terrorists harbor in the region.

Countless Sri Lankan lives - both civilian and military - died at the hands of Indian sponsored terror.

What goes around comes around. It's interesting how they pretend to be a poor helpless victim.
Oh my I am so scared. What will Pakistan ever do.

Pakistan does not give a damn what Modi says.
Unless you can point to tangible support from Pakistan for this attack, we didn't harbor the attackers nor did any support come from Pakistan for this attack and therefore we are not responsible.
Yes bring the he credible proofs not jst media dust ?
On the subject of Madrassa's, it's a comprehensive process. You (Indians) tend to look at them solely from the perspective of a handful of groups, but from the Pakistani government's perspective, there are over 30,000 madrassas run by hundreds of organizations with millions of students. These Madrassa's, suspicious of 'Western style education', have long opposed reforms (Musharraf, Zardari and Sharif all tried and failed). IK might have a chance, but given the potential of street protests (and violence) by these people, I'll be surprised if he forces through any kind of reform before he's able to stabilize the economy.
I have no problem with Madressas run by those organizations. Even if it's Salafist ones. That's not the point I'm making. I specifically said, Madressas run by extremist organizations like those who have links with FiF, JeM, HM, LeT etc... the government have taken some stance only after FATF put you (Pakistan) on grey list for money laundering and financing terrorism (During Sharif era).

I don't know if Imran will take any actions, given his close relation with the establishment and the government running on the support of right wing parties.

at mushraff era when there was serious dialogue going on Pakistan suppress them ban them and take too many actions but letter on we learnt that India is not serious about talks they just want time pass .
How serious one should get? Indian PM, went to Lahore by bus, held talks with your PM. What we got in return was Kargil. Then Musharraf, the guy initiated all the Kargil fiasco took control of the nation through a Coup. Pray tell me, how can India seriously deal with a guy who is a warmongering dictator?
Countless Sri Lankan lives - both civilian and military - died at the hands of Indian sponsored terror.

What goes around comes around. It's interesting how they pretend to be a poor helpless victim.

That is India for you. They even have the help of a superpower yet they cannot touch Pakistan.
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