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Modi threatens ‘strong reply’and complete isolation’ of Pakistan and revoke MFN status

This is perhaps the first time that I will agree with you on a political matter. If no action is taken then many people including hard core supporters like me will not vote him back.

Personally I can't stand the thought of Pappu or a dozen Mahathugbandhan PM candidates leading the country so I will vote NOTA if nothing happens.

But I have full faith that he will not disappoint

Do you remember Godhra ? Whatever happened happened after that.

Trust me, making Modi+Shah angry is the last thing you want to do.

Just sit back and watch.
Do you remember Godhra ? Whatever happened happened after that.

Trust me, making Modi+Shah angry is the last thing you want to do.

Just sit back and watch.
Bro I was there in Gujarat at that time.

A fire clears the forest so that it can grow anew
Do you remember Godhra ? Whatever happened happened after that.

Trust me, making Modi+Shah angry is the last thing you want to do.

Just sit back and watch.
shakti man a raha hai

So what? The situations are not similar. And in a lot of cases, many government has budged to the demand of terrorists for the time being. At least they didn't have backing of a state.
then you should gather some power and conduct a commando operation rather then leaving them . if they can blackmail you why cant they blackmail us ? do you want us to do your job ? what if we arrest then and they hijack our plane ?
then you should gather some power and conduct a commando operation rather then leaving them . if they can blackmail you why cant they blackmail us ? do you want us to do your job ? what if we arrest then and they hijack our plane ?
Lol! So you're scared of them that's why you can't take actions? Yeah well you must be scared given JeM terrorist are warning you guys, like this pig Sayeed Salahudheen "We are fighting Pakistan's war in Kashmir and if it withdraws its support, the war would be fought inside Pakistan". Be very scared what you breed in your backyard.
He's in Bhawalpur btw, I heard he operate some madrassas and stuff, living in a Manshion. Good luck.
Lol! So you're scared of them that's why you can't take actions? Yeah well you must be scared given JeM terrorist are warning you guys, like this pig Sayeed Salahudheen "We are fighting Pakistan's war in Kashmir and if it withdraws its support, the war would be fought inside Pakistan". Be very scared what you breed in your backyard.
He's in Bhawalpur btw, I heard he operate some madrassas and stuff, living in a Manshion. Good luck.
its not scared its all about interst why do we do your job ? go fight to them for us they are enemy of enemy = friends . he is enjoying that madrasa since last 20 years . and he is old man now not young like in 1999.

let me tell you in hindi - hum kiyoo pari lakri apni g@nd main leen bhai ?
its not scared its all about interst why do we do your job ? go fight to them for us they are enemy of enemy = friends . he is enjoying that madrasa since last 20 years . and he is old man now not young like in 1999.

let me tell you in hindi - hum kiyoo pari lakri apni g@nd main leen bhai ?
Encouragement is soothing. But, these madressas are encouragement for a lot of young people. Why let him have it in Pakistan? I understand it's in your establishment's interest to keep them. Let's see if you crack down on these outfits. :)
Encouragement is soothing. But, these madressas are encouragement for a lot of young people. Why let him have it in Pakistan? I understand it's in your establishment's interest to keep them. Let's see if you crack down on these outfits. :)
at mushraff era when there was serious dialogue going on Pakistan suppress them ban them and take too many actions but letter on we learnt that India is not serious about talks they just want time pass .
Encouragement is soothing. But, these madressas are encouragement for a lot of young people. Why let him have it in Pakistan? I understand it's in your establishment's interest to keep them. Let's see if you crack down on these outfits. :)
On the subject of Madrassa's, it's a comprehensive process. You (Indians) tend to look at them solely from the perspective of a handful of groups, but from the Pakistani government's perspective, there are over 30,000 madrassas run by hundreds of organizations with millions of students. These Madrassa's, suspicious of 'Western style education', have long opposed reforms (Musharraf, Zardari and Sharif all tried and failed). IK might have a chance, but given the potential of street protests (and violence) by these people, I'll be surprised if he forces through any kind of reform before he's able to stabilize the economy.
Basically you're saying is we have no responsibility in this despite the fact that, the organization is based in Pakistan. It's leaders are in Pakistan, with it's leader boasting about killing Indians in rallies held in Pakistan.
Whose members have carried out scores of attack on Indian personal, and yet living with impunity in Pakistan.

The state of Pakistan have no responsibility for it's actions in India, because you didn't supply them with IED's and manpower. But have no problem in endorsing members of such outfits and boosting the morale by issuing stamps for them. Or funding them, and letting them operate breeding grounds in Bhawalpur. I guess you'll put another stamp and pray for this departed terrorist (at a later date) justifying his actions calling him freedom Icon.
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Which is exactly why we will need to put heavy surveillance on Kashmir and it's general public. Every born person should be treated as a potential suspect. That's why I said, we need to put a similar scenario like the Chinese do in Xinjiang.

Now, speaking of inside job. The JeM has already taken responsibility for the attack, released video of the terrorist, and his dream of going to Jannah. etc... Malign your image? Your image is pretty maligned since a long time, be it 26/11 or the killing of OBL in Abottabad (If anything called a PR disaster, that'll be it.) Or putting yourself to be in FATF list for Money laundering and financing terrorism (twice), in effect every other country in FATF has called you out on it. And you got the most powerful country making a statement against you. All this contribute to maligning your image. It's not us deliberately trying to Malign your image, it's your own actions and duplicity maligning your image. Coming to the internet incl this forum (which has members from outside Pakistan) you see members from Pakistan cheering for this, or go to other social medias, like twitter, FB where you see different nationalities read and comment, you see Pakistanis putting laughing emoji's, trying hard to justify the actions of these terrorist. As a result, your image gets maligned (among general public).

don't talk to me about facebook or tweets.you can read thousands of comments of other nationals against india.the reason of hate is human right violation.even many human right activist condemned indian actions.bbc ccn mostly post your rape stuff or sometimes cast system stuff or even kashmir situation.you can read all comments on this type of topics.do you think other foreign people respect india? they hate india.some even call you dirtiest country in the world.
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