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Modi threatens ‘strong reply’and complete isolation’ of Pakistan and revoke MFN status

India gets away cause of money , everyone knows that Indian companies can bring big investment , and no body gives a sh!t about Muslims dying unless it's China or Russia cause it suits western narrative to spread BS against communist .
Those days are gone , try some more times , u ill be hit within ur selves btw , khalistan is hot is hell and this time thy will get heavy weapons ?are u ready for rock and roll ??? Then move in see wht happens next
Pakistan has banned the organization and Azhar still does not have UN Sanctions against him so Pakistan is doing nothing wrong in allowing him to roam free. Again, unless you can show a direct link, in terms of material support, for this attack to Pakistan, Pakistan has no responsibility. The 9/11 attacks were actually plotted by the AQ leadership in Afghanistan. India would have to show that this attack was planned and organized by individuals in Pakistan for Pakistan to accept responsibility. Just because some local guy claims to belong to an organization that is banned in Pakistan does not make Pakistan responsible.
Banned? haha, that sounds funny, Pakistan banned LeT, JeM etc... You see Masood Azhar was caught from India for supporting terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir. His brother, Ibrahim Athar hijacked an Indian flight landed it in Kandahaar, demanded release of Masood Azhar from India, and some other terrorists. After their release both subsequently disappeared into Pakistan.

Masood Azhar didn't came to India to propagate peace, but to stop civil war between two terror groups. He maybe a law abiding ideal citizen to you. Not others. India do not have to show anything, your own terror organization claimed responsibility for it through multiple sources. And I'm not saying Pakistanis like you, or the vast majority our there are directly involved in this terror attack (or even support these groups), I'm only saying Pakistan state is responsible for their actions in supporting these outfits and hence the actions of these outfits is your responsibility.

Also, by support, I didn't mean open endorsement from establishment or military, which has become impossible since you made America unhappy in the 2002, and was Forced to ban these outfits after Indian parliament attack.
Banned? haha, that sounds funny, Pakistan banned LeT, JeM etc... You see Masood Azhar was caught from India for supporting terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir. His brother, Ibrahim Athar hijacked an Indian flight landed it in Kandahaar, demanded release of Masood Azhar from India, and some other terrorists. After their release both subsequently disappeared into Pakistan.

Masood Azhar didn't came to India to propagate peace, but to stop civil war between two terror groups. He maybe a law abiding ideal citizen to you. Not others. India do not have to show anything, your own terror organization claimed responsibility for it through multiple sources. And I'm not saying Pakistanis like you, or the vast majority our there are directly involved in this terror attack (or even support these groups), I'm only saying Pakistan state is responsible for their actions in supporting these outfits and hence the actions of these outfits is your responsibility.

Also, by support, I didn't mean open endorsement from establishment or military, which has become impossible since you made America unhappy in the 2002, and was Forced to ban these outfits after Indian parliament attack.
that is silly you guys released him now want us to arrest him for you ? what a stupidity .
Also, by support, I didn't mean open endorsement from establishment or military,
Then what kind of support are you talking about?

The Kashmiris can raise enough funds locally through donations from supporters, the bomber was local, the vehicle was local, the VBIED was set up locally. The explosives are local, or are the Indian forces so incompetent they allowed 350KG of explosives to come in through Wagah?

What tangible support in terms of training or materials came from Pakistan?
I think ISI handed modi a huge gift this close to the election...if modi handles this in a way that appease the masses...he will have a fighting chance in this coming election...as the streets are full of rage against pakistan...every common man here is asking for revenge...from kashmir to kanyakumari this has united the focus of the common man this side of the border...everyone is looking at the PMO for something drastic to happen...i mean modi ji is highly unpredictable...he banned 500 rupee notes and issued 2000 rupees notes to stop hoarding of illegal cash...who knows what he will do next.


A very advance chinsese version with a higher range , was deployed 3 years back and was never opnned for discussion and is already been reenginered by pak

I think ISI handed modi a huge gift this close to the election...if modi handles this in a way that appease the masses...he will have a fighting chance in this coming election...as the streets are full of rage against pakistan...every common man here is asking for revenge...from kashmir to kanyakumari this has united the focus of the common man this side of the border...everyone is looking at the PMO for something drastic to happen...i mean modi ji is highly unpredictable...he banned 500 rupee notes and issued 2000 rupees notes to stop hoarding of illegal cash...who knows what he will do next.
Actully no its not , its will just bring the truth to indian ppls tht mr modi is a stupid , and a very afarid guy , isi is just waiting to get a confirmation if india , even annouce a fake strike you ill see wht happens then , pak troops will go for kashmir and this time thy ill take it over even though if it takes a nuclear war of some scale not everytime everything will happns as wht india plans ?lol
that is silly you guys released him now want us to arrest him for you ? what a stupidity .
What you would've done, if your family is held captive by a bunch of guys and asked to give Rs10 Lakhs for their release, threatened to kill them if report to police?

You know the answer, and should I call you stupid for giving away 10 Lakhs?

Then what kind of support are you talking about?

The Kashmiris can raise enough funds locally through donations from supporters, the bomber was local, the vehicle was local, the VBIED was set up locally. The explosives are local, or are the Indian forces so incompetent they allowed 350KG of explosives to come in through Wagah?

What tangible support in terms of training or materials came from Pakistan?
Aray babaji, what else can I say. If you believe you have zero responsibility for this, despite fully knowing you are harboring JeM, I got nothing to say to you other than let your beliefs save you. :)
What you would've done, if your family is held captive by a bunch of guys and asked to give Rs10 Lakhs for their release, threatened to kill them if report to police?

You know the answer, and should I call you stupid for giving away 10 Lakhs?

Aray babaji, what else can I say. If you believe you have zero responsibility for this, despite fully knowing you are harboring JeM, I got nothing to say to you other than let your beliefs save you. :)
its happen to us

On 20 January 1978, a PIA aircraft at Karachi with 22 passengers on board was hijacked by a gunman who asked to be flown to India. The then chairman of PIA, Air Marshal (Retd) Nur Khan boarded the aircraft to negotiate with the hijacker. He received a gunshot wound while trying to disarm the hijacker but still managed to overpower him

On 25 May 1998 a Fokker F27 Friendship operating as Flight 544 was hijacked. All passengers and crew escaped unhurt during the incident.SSG and CAA landed the flight in nawab shah airport and SSG commandos did operation arrest hijackers .

Actully no its not , its will just bring the truth to indian ppls tht mr modi is a stupid , and a very afarid guy

More than pakistan modi ji is afraid of the comman man this close to election...he is just like any other politician...all talk and no action...he said he will put Rs 15 lakhs in everyones account and bring to justice the people who looted this country and bring back black money from abroad...none of which he delivered...in fact not even one corrupt VIP is in jail...even manmohan singh had better track record fighting corruption...so yeah he will do anything to come to power one more time...and he aint stupid he will milk this to the core just wait and see.
More than pakistan modi ji is afraid of the comman man this close to election...he is just like any other politician...all talk and no action...he said he will put Rs 15 lakhs in everyones account and bring to justice the people who looted this country and bring back black money from abroad...none of which he delivered...in fact not even one corrupt VIP is in jail...even manmohan singh had better track record fighting corruption...so yeah he will do anything to come to power one more time...and he aint stupid he will milk this to the core just wait and see.
he also promise pakistan will not dare to terror attack or border firing in my gov . it turn opposite now more attacks then congress times
Aray babaji, what else can I say. If you believe you have zero responsibility for this, despite fully knowing you are harboring JeM, I got nothing to say to you other than let your beliefs save you. :)
Unless you can point to tangible support from Pakistan for this attack, we didn't harbor the attackers nor did any support come from Pakistan for this attack and therefore we are not responsible.
Unless you can point to tangible support from Pakistan for this attack, we didn't harbor the attackers nor did any support come from Pakistan for this attack and therefore we are not responsible.

Common indians are unaware of the situation in kashmir, they are being fed by extremist media and supported by extremist politican, the result, military and state losing credibility and becoming ineffective............
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