You should ask BJP & Modi what they did and why.
Having said that Politics is a dirty game. You need power to get into power. Winnability trumps all other considerations. I am a realist not an idealist.
What kind of sophomoric answer is this.
If you are incapable of debate. don't engage. Dont indulge.
And if you have lack of desire, why undress a women and leave her in the lurch?
The color coded statement above speaks volume about your inability to take people head on.
And when finally confronted, you shoot & scoot with evasive answer and thats that.
Winn-ability has nothing to do when you select your ministers. And that also
after the election.
You do not know the simple fact like this?
Please do not bring red herring dialogue here.
In my case I am "been there done that" type of guy.
If you have nothing credible, why expound the matter further to your own consternation?
Rabble-rouser types are ignored from my end.
If you are not practical & pragmatic, do not quote me or tag me please.
Do not belittle yourself by producing deceptive dialogue.
I can see through you people's game from far away.