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Modi disrespects Russian national anthem

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If my neighbor is filthy means I should be the same = shitty?

Twitter on fire...Not for nothing..
We are talking about all the parties in India, the whole neighborhood is shitty. You are irrelevant.
Not on this instance in Russia, but this one.
Where his integrity is at stake:

View attachment 281719

In India it is very EASY to file false complaints
And in politics such things happen quite easily

What matters is conviction by courts

Do you really think the GANDHIS are the epitome of virtue
just because of their family name

Do you have any idea how much they have looted in these 60 years

And similarly ALL political parties face these charges and cases

It is not just BJP alone
where are those sanghis now who were baying for the blood of the muslim family who decided not to stand for the the indian national anthem being played in a bombay cinema hall just a few days ago??

russian people should take legal action against modi for insulting russia.

Bhai there's a difference between decided & inadvertently.

Btw, I'm not sure why Cinema halls need to play national anthem. But that's a separate discussion.
We are talking about all the parties in India, the whole neighborhood is shitty. You are irrelevant.

So why claim high moral ground by saying BJP is the most honest party?

Modi HAD the opportunity to select honest/untainted/unblemished ministers - But he DID NOT.
Hence Modi is less than honest man.
Now above says a lot.
And you are here to defend him?
That way what is your own credibility as the responsible citizen of India?

Ya tau bolo sab sale chor hain..usme BJP/Modi include karo...Hai himat?

What kind of sophomoric answer is this.
If you are incapable of debate. don't engage. Dont indulge.
And if you have lack of desire, why undress a women and leave her in the lurch?

The color coded statement above speaks volume about your inability to take people head on.
And when finally confronted, you shoot & scoot with evasive answer and thats that.

Winn-ability has nothing to do when you select your ministers. And that also after the election.
You do not know the simple fact like this?

Please do not bring red herring dialogue here.
In my case I am "been there done that" type of guy.
If you have nothing credible, why expound the matter further to your own consternation?

Rabble-rouser types are ignored from my end.
If you are not practical & pragmatic, do not quote me or tag me please.
Do not belittle yourself by producing deceptive dialogue.
I can see through you people's game from far away.

Sell you propaganda to the gullible people somewhere else. I do not have any time or respect for the drama queens seeking attention.

Rahul Gandhi trashes ordinance, shames government - Times of India

It was Lalu who pulled and hugged me, will continue to fight corruption, clarifies Arvind Kejriwal | Zee News

AAP's sacking wave continues as Kejriwal expels TWO MORE dissenters | Daily Mail Online
Stupid comparison.

He was the head attending, he did not have examples to learn from. He should have been briefed of protocols and should have followed them if he was briefed.

That was not intentional.

when obomba came to india and was "the head attending", what was the protocol followed??

and modi after touring more countries in his first year in office than any other indian pm did in ten years, didn't know of protocol??

what were the bhakt-gan in his pmo doing?? why didn't they brief him??

as i often say, too much nationalism corrupts the mind.

In the theater the family knew everyone is standing, go search for moronic equivalences elsewhere.

The intentional videos of particular people are all over the internet

for the cinema hall family not standing up, you should go ask all the suiciding farmers in india to sing "jana gana mana" seconds before drinking pesticide or hanging into a well... the last salute, eh?? :)

and abhijeet, what is "particular people"?? why not just use "muslim"?? :)

By that extension of logic Modi too is a trash, just because he follows the same shitty pattern of other parties.
So simple.

Admit if you have guts - Or declare that above (yr stuff) is garbage.
Any of the two.
So why claim high moral ground by saying BJP is the most honest party?

Modi HAD the opportunity to select honest/untainted/unblemished ministers - But he DID NOT.
Hence Modi is less than honest man.
Now above says a lot.
And you are here to defend him?
That way what is your own credibility as the responsible citizen of India?
So did Arvind Kejriwal.

No one is claiming high ground, my simple point is that BJP is better than Congress.

I am here to call a spade a spade, while you can sully everyone opposed to AK not everyone needs to follow you as a role model.

My responsibility is to judge the BEST among the parties and I did that according to what I see, and you will judge only because you don't like him. Who is doing his duty better?
kamaal logic !! taap kilaas !!

really?? which other leader walks when the host country's anthem is being played?? :what:
and ever saw a person making fuss on such a petty incidence for the PM of any country ?
when obomba came to india and was "the head attending", what was the protocol followed??

and modi after touring more countries in his first year in office than any other indian pm did in ten years, didn't know of protocol??

what were the bhakt-gan in his pmo doing?? why didn't they brief him??

as i often say, too much nationalism corrupts the mind.

for the cinema hall family not standing up, you should go ask all the suiciding farmers in india to sing "jana gana mana" seconds before drinking pesticide or hanging into a well... the last salute, eh?? :)

He chewed gum while attending the parade. :)

Protocol varies, if there was a mix-up it was bad on PMO, no denying.

But what about character assassination based on a mixup?
So did Arvind Kejriwal.

No one is claiming high ground, my simple point is that BJP is better than Congress.

I am here to call a spade a spade, while you can sully everyone opposed to AK not everyone needs to follow you as a role model.

My responsibility is to judge the BEST among the parties and I did that according to what I see, and you will judge only because you don't like him. Who is doing his duty better?

People always criticise ruling parties and their leaders against any wrongdoing from central government.
For that people do not have to run to UT administrator to draw parallels.
This is deception.

PM will be criticized where due.
WTF AK has to do here?
Did AK go to Russia and piss on Putin's foot?

The matter here involves PM only.
Why bring goddamn AK here?
To obfuscate & cavil?
You think you are talking to a teenager?
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