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Mehmood Ghaznavi replaces Burhan Wani as Hizb Commander

Fake Ghaznavi will die a Real death.

I doubt if he could reach the average life of a Kashmiri terrorists and hope that he don't cry like a kid like Burhan when he was killed.
India Forces Deployed At LOC And Border Areas Not in valley Were you Invaded in 1999
So you are just here to make tall claims without knowing ABC of the basic facts.
Here's a brief history lesson for you.... the highest number of casualties recorded in Indian occupied Kashmir was in 1997.....long before 1999.

So you are just here to make tall claims without knowing ABC of the basic facts.
Here's a brief history lesson for you.... the highest number of casualties recorded in Indian occupied Kashmir was in 1997.....long before 1999.

So Uptill 30+ People Died in Kashmir Do Know More People Died In India In On going Seasonal Monsoon Floods or Haryana Reservation Unrest Google it
Death is not issue for Muslims,we always pray to God for that death which occur by the hand of kafeer. We are proud of that death.Death will come surely but by the hand of kafeer is a gift of God.
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Running from Kashmir


you could do better, considering there is a longer list of foreigners who rode .. i mean rules mother india.
even if you put your name as babur or akbar which doesnt make you a invador or ruler of india.
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