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Mehmood Ghaznavi replaces Burhan Wani as Hizb Commander

And what rights were denied to TTP terrorists killing Pakistani civilians?
They are pampered to do so and also Pakistan only went into FATA and Swat when already those illiterate tribes were enough brain washed by some of our old good friends to do so,but you know there is difference between killing unarmed civilians and facing armed to teeth soldiers.
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He has girlfriend/s? I would advise him not to have one!!:D And not to quarrel with neighbors, not to steal from neighbors, not to have bad intention about others daughters etc...Can he do that?

And BTW, can we have a name who will succeed after him?
Go and ask the Hindu pandits to arrange a public gathering which is even 10% of the peoplr gathered in wanis funeral in support of Indian brutal arm forces.

Now why would i do that ? I'm no organiser of public gathering.

You do realise that Kashmir =
1) Jammu (Hindu Majority)
2) Ladakh (Buddhist majority) region
3) Kashmir Valley (Sunni majority consisting of 20% land area)

I agree that there are some serious problems in Kashmir Valley surrounding Srinagar but saying that the whole of Kashmir is in turmoil is just stupid.

Even the Kashmir Valley is divided into 2 ---
a) Pro Independence Urban Area ( mostly Srinagar and surrounding Areas)
b) Pro India rural Areas

Just because there is an Anti India gathering in Srinagar and surrounding region does not mean majority of Kashmiris are against us.
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Lol. Do u think IA has killed only those terrorists who have posted picture in social media? :P

People here will find it hard to believe. But most of the intel against these terrorists are provided by local Kashmir's themselves.
Tell me when did last time person of such huge fellowship was killed in Kashmir which brought unarmed locals against occupied armed to teeth forces.
Any pic of new commander ???

Is he too planning to use "Social media" ???
Ghaznavi is belived to be the HM Division commander in Shopian.
Ghaznavi is regarded among Hizb as one of the most ineffective military commander although they recognize his political linkages.
I am pretty sure Salaudin with run out of commanders before IA runs out of bullets.
On topic - Does anyone knows the shelf life of these scums in J&K these days?
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You can never suppress a nation's indigenous struggle for freedom with the barrel of a gun.
The Palestinian cause is a prime example for the deaf and dumb sitting cosily in Delhi.
Mehmood Ghaznavi

Don't Worry Hell Is Coming For You From Next Year Onwards :usflag::usflag:




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You can never suppress a nation's indigenous struggle for freedom with the barrel of a gun.
The Palestinian cause is a prime example for the deaf and dumb sitting cosily in Delhi.
Palestine Is Alien Cause To Kashmir

Kashmir And India Is Culturally Part Same Multi ethnic Society

Kashmiri pandits Are Face of This Multicultural And Multiethnic Society

Amarnath Which is Old As 300 BCE When Islam Not Existed is Culturally Part Of Kashmiri Culture

India History With Kashmir Is 6000 years Old
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