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Meet our demands, else we'll convert to Islam, say UP Dalits

Convert?Nope.Discard the South asian cultural and societal values and embrace modernity according to which they will always be inferior.That is the only way forward for them.Keep the benefits of reservations for their upliftment meanwhile.
RSS & other orgs like these are working full time to fix this issue,this issue has existed for many years & it will be tough fight to wipe them out but in due time it will be donedone

Not as easy as one thinks, caste system is essential part of Hinduism.
They are allowed to worship in the temple, this has something to do with a yatra on temple land.

Though cant disagree with you that UP(and Bihar) is an underdeveloped shithole. It still has caste discrimination. Its lessening slowly though, one can only hope the process quickens.

baqi sub states main share or bakri aik pot main drink kertey hain!

you are trying to tell us that its only in UP and Bihar, like we are from another continent.
LoL, let them leave and see for themselves, they will lose even the reservation for ST/SC/OBC's they have now.If a person willingly wants to let go of his benefits who are we to stop? :D
This blackmail wont work for long.
Regarding the temple issue,its a genuine one and the temple should allow the yatra to happen.

So economically backward Hindus can get all the sops and benefits but when the same people decide to accept other religion, they all of a sudden will lose these benefits and Sanghis keep crooning about how muslims/minorities are given preferential status...

They enjoy reservations from Hindu OBC/SC/ST quota but want to practice other religion. :devil:

Why shouldn't other religions enjoy reservations if Hindus can enjoy the same? Why this injustice?
So economically backward Hindus can get all the sops and benefits but when the same people decide to accept other religion, they all of a sudden will lose these benefits and Sanghis keep crooning about how muslims/minorities are given preferential status...
They get reservations on the basis of Socially,physically imposed disabilities on them by the society,just like Blacks of America had slave labour imposed on them so they get reservations in jobs.
What Disabilities were imposed upon Muslims in India?They ruled the nation for 600 years,why are they still backward?Is it our problem if they are backward even after ruling the country?
Besides SC/ST claim to be backward as they were not given a equal chance to come into mainstream that is why the reservations.
How is a religion backward in the case of Muslims?
Why should muslims get preferential status, didn't they ask for a separate nation in 1947 and get it. What more do you want from us?India does not owe anything to any minority.They got their due in Partition.
Why still crib you don't get reservations,stop producing so many children (11 in a family) in a generation you will reach mainstream and improve your quality of life.
They get reservations on the basis of Socially,physically imposed disabilities on them by the society,just like Blacks of America had slave labour imposed on them so they get reservations in jobs.
What Disabilities were imposed upon Muslims in India?They ruled the nation for 600 years,why are they still backward?Is it our problem if they are backward even after ruling the country?
Besides SC/ST claim to be backward as they were not given a equal chance to come into mainstream that is why the reservations.
How is a religion backward in the case of Muslims?
Why should muslims get preferential status, didn't they ask for a separate nation in 1947 and get it. What more do you want from us?India does not owe anything to any minority.They got their due in Partition.
Why still crib you don't get reservations,stop producing so many children (11 in a family) in a generation you will reach mainstream and improve your quality of life.

What was my question and what did you answer:hitwall:?? If Hindu SC/ST can get it, then why not muslims backwards...

And speaking of your post, Let me make one thing quite clear, Hindus don't own the Indian sub-continent that they gave away a piece of land as charity to muslims. Ancestors of Indian muslims chose India as their motherland, no one has a right to take that away from them...
There is a reason why Ahmedis are not called Muslims.
They are in India.
You can take your ideologies to the desert.

We respect everyone and accept them as who they say they are. Which is why diverse people who worship diverse entities are still called Hindu because they say they are Hindu or Budhists for that matter.
Same for Christians and same for Muslims.
What was my question and what did you answer:hitwall:?? If Hindu SC/ST can get it, then why not muslims backwards...

And speaking of your post, Let me make one thing quite clear, Hindus don't own the Indian sub-continent that they gave away a piece of land as charity to muslims. Ancestors of Indian muslims chose India as their motherland, no one has a right to take that away from them...
1)My first question was why are muslims backwards?They ruled for 600 years as a minority over majority hindus.
Still, why are they backwards?

2)Yes, we do own this land that is why those who couldn't bear to stay with us wanted partition and got Land as Pakistan a Islamic state.The demands were clear.
We are the original inhabitants of this land.Your ancestors were converts from Hinduism.Still i consider them as my brothers.
This is a funny case it's like, Europeans coming to settle down in Americas and telling the Native Americans, you don't own this land because our European Ancestors, chose to settle down here as their Motherland.
You had no Physical or socially imposed Disabilities like the sc/st,obc's .Why can't you compete in a normal way,pass exams and get a job?It is time we got rid of the reservations once and for all and chose merit.These Reservations only breed laziness and "chalta hai " attitude and Many parties use it as vote bank.
Who is stopping the Parsis,Christians,Sikhs,Jains,Buddhists and other minorities from becoming successful?
But, i do agree Reservations should be based on Economically backward condition of the family, not based on Religion or others etc. ,but that too for a single generation, so that one person in a family is educated enough to take care of the family, it cannot be like you have 1 PH.D in a family and yet you seek reservations for the rest of the 6+ in your family, it doesn't work like that.
One or at most two should be empowered and the rest falls on them how they bring up their family or take care of it.
In this case two children policy makes sense.
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So economically backward Hindus can get all the sops and benefits but when the same people decide to accept other religion, they all of a sudden will lose these benefits and Sanghis keep crooning about how muslims/minorities are given preferential status...

Why shouldn't other religions enjoy reservations if Hindus can enjoy the same? Why this injustice?
Many reasons. Main is that Islam says that there is no caste system. You can not have sc st Muslims then. They do get other benefits if they are below poverty line or any benefit for minority.

Anyways Hindu Muslim conversions are minimal. People mainly convert to Christianity.
Many reasons. Main is that Islam says that there is no caste system. You can not have sc st Muslims then. They do get other benefits if they are below poverty line or any benefit for minority.

Anyways Hindu Muslim conversions are minimal. People mainly convert to Christianity.
Bang on target, brother.
1)My first question was why are muslims backwards?They ruled for 600 years as a minority over majority hindus.
Still, why are they backwards?

2)Yes, we do own this land that is why those who couldn't bear to stay with us wanted partition and got Land as Pakistan a Islamic state.The demands were clear.
We are the original inhabitants of this land.Your ancestors were converts from Hinduism.Still i consider them as my brothers.
This is a funny case it's like, Europeans coming to settle down in Americas and telling the Native Americans, you don't own this land because our European Ancestors, chose to settle down here as their Motherland.
You had no Physical or socially imposed Disabilities like the sc/st,obc's .Why can't you compete in a normal way,pass exams and get a job?It is time we got rid of the reservations once and for all and chose merit.These Reservations only breed laziness and "chalta hai " attitude and Many parties use it as vote bank.
Who is stopping the Parsis,Christians,Sikhs,Jains,Buddhists and other minorities from becoming successful?
But, i do agree Reservations should be based on Economically backward condition of the family, not based on Religion or others etc. ,but that too for a single generation, so that one person in a family is educated enough to take care of the family, it cannot be like you have 1 PH.D in a family and yet you seek reservations for the rest of the 6+ in your family, it doesn't work like that.
One or at most two should be empowered and the rest falls on them how they bring up their family or take care of it.
In this case two children policy makes sense.

1. That's a long discussion and I don't really have the patience to repeat what has been said many number of times.

2. No, You don't. Those who did not wanted to live have left and those who decided to stay belong to this land and this land belongs to them...

If you are original inhabitants, so are we. It doesn't matter whether we converted or not. In your loony swamy's own words, our ancestors were Hindus/Buddhists and they converted. So you giving examples of Americas is misplaced. My question is quite simple... How is it justified that Hindus SC/ST/OBC can enjoy reservation(Even a developed group like Marathas get reservation) but when it comes backwards among muslims, you suddenly develop a cold feet...

Well I have a similar case to say, yes one should get reservation based on one's financial background regardless of his religion/caste.... But if backwards of Hindu religion can get reservation then why should backwards of muslims/Christians not get it....? And please don't come back with, muslims don't have caste system. @AshishDelhi Yes muslims don't have caste system and that is the reason they are not differentiated when they enter mosques, they can lead prayers, marry any muslim, worship side by side(Yes ideally there is no discrimination in religion but their financial status doesn't change with their change of religion). So when it comes to citizen rights, it is Government's responsibility to look after its citizens...
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