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Meet our demands, else we'll convert to Islam, say UP Dalits

equally decided by who?
like A minority decided to become Pakistan and we should welcome such things?
I know the concept of Hindu Rasthra and it is the will and want of many majority hindus.Secularism and Socialst was introduced by proxy in 1976 emergency in the 42nd ammendment by Indira Gandhi and that is how it became a Secular Socialist,Republic.It was thrust on us during the emergency when all the opposition was in jail.
Likewise in future it will be amended as per the will of majority of Hindus in a Hindu majority nation.

The choices were clear and they were explained they wont get any reservations etc. and they made their choice to stay back, you to agreed to a set of rules in Partition and demand more now? it wont work that way.
The first planning comission made it clear only SC/ST/Obc's will get reservations in jobs and education others dont.
When i said we are part of a Unbroken Civilization that Includes Hindus and all Indic faiths.

The "we" here is Hindus,we parted with what was our land historically.Yes we are the original inhabitants of this land and we own this land.Don't lecture me how the Europeans lectured Native Americans about their land, it won't work here.
Yes you are being treated fairly and equally aren't you?Like in a General Category you can pass exams and get a job,nobody stops you from that.What else do you need?What did you gave up? The partition was clear as to an end to demands,there cannot be any more demands from minority,sorry it wont work that way.Do as the folks in General Category do.

Nobody will entertain your demands for reservation for Muslims thats the end of story.

Decided by equal proportions of representatives from all religions/sects..
LOL Again Pakistano_O Why are you in love with Pakistan/Bangladesh? Why keep repeating them?
OK if the majority want Hindu Rashtra, then go for it;)

Can you come up with a credible source which states that backwards among minorities aren't supposed to get any reservations even though Hindus can enjoy it...

Well I am sorry to say but majority of Indians are immigrants as told by the Supreme court of India which is our country's highest judicial body(I know it let you down:(), So you never owned this land though you can try some other trick....

Source: India, largely a country of immigrants - The Hindu
Decided by equal proportions of representatives from all religions/sects..
LOL Again Pakistano_O Why are you in love with Pakistan/Bangladesh? Why keep repeating them?
OK if the majority want Hindu Rashtra, then go for it;)

Can you come up with a credible source which states that backwards among minorities aren't supposed to get any reservations even though Hindus can enjoy it...

Well I am sorry to say but majority of Indians are immigrants as told by the Supreme court of India which is our country's highest judicial body(I know it let you down:(), So you never owned this land though you can try some other trick....

Source: India, largely a country of immigrants - The Hindu
Are you saying Majority are not OK with Hindu Rasthra?
We voted them to power didn't we?

I told you about 42nd Ammendment of Constitution in 1976, which was thrust upon us during Emergency by Indira Gandhi as SECULAR AND SOCIALIST REPUBLIC!
Without it we were only a Sovereign ,Republic!

Yes, because, IS YOUR RELIGION BACKWARD? AGREE TO IT! And get the Reservations!
You don't,You claim to be Superior to Indic faiths so why should you get any Reservations?When Minorities after Partition don't get any!

Us folks HINDUS ARE Immigrants?who said that?Most of the Supreme Court Judges were Minority PARSIS!
Who escaped ISLAMIC PERSECUTION and came begging to us for ASYLUM!We gave them asylum on Conditions!
Even now they are grateful to us.
So we gave the Islamic persecuted Zorastrians from IRAN EQUAL CHANCE to become Judges in our Highest court and they will say what they want? against us Original Inhabitants who welcomed them from Persecution?What a shame we can evacuate them just in a day.Make no mistake about it this is our LAND!

Any Idiot who tried that European trick on Native Americans as they did and want's to do the same, on us will get a very,very violent Response on a global scale,which even the best planners of the outcome cannot plan enough!(Samson Option) will be a kid when compared .We will kill ourselves,but make sure nobody we hate or dislike inherits this Earth!
We always gave Asylum to the persecuted and let them become the top of our Administrative and Judiciary system,etc.
Don't take that as our weakness,we will smash that in a second!
Don't poke the Sleeping Lion!
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Are you saying Majority are not OK with Hindu Rasthra?
We voted them to power didn't we?

Did I say thato_O? I just said if majority wants a Hindu Rashtra, then go for it.:enjoy:

Yes, because, IS YOUR RELIGION BACKWARD? AGREE TO IT! And get the Reservations!
You don't,You claim to be Superior to Indic faiths so why should you get any Reservations?When Minorities after Partition don't get any!

Is your religion backward? Is that the reason why you are getting reservation:undecided:

Us folks HINDUS ARE Immigrants?who said that?Most of the Supreme Court Judges were Minority PARSIS!
Who escaped ISLAMIC PERSECUTION and came begging to us for ASYLUM!We gave them asylum on Conditions!
Even now they are grateful to us.
So we gave the Islamic persecuted Zorastrians from IRAN EQUAL CHANCE to become Judges in our Highest court and they will say what they want? against us Original Inhabitants who welcomed them from Persecution?What a shame we can evacuate them just in a day.Make no mistake about it this is our LAND!

Even the law of land(Supreme Court) means nothing to you.... Not a good statement coming from a "nationalist":disagree:

Any Idiot who tried that European trick on Native Americans as they did and want's to do the same, on us will get a very,very violent Response on a global scale,which even the best planners of the outcome cannot plan enough!(Samson Option) will be a kid when compared .We will kill ourselves,but make sure nobody we hate or dislike inherits this Earth!
We always gave Asylum to the persecuted and let them become the top of our Administrative and Judiciary system,etc.
Don't take that as our weakness,we will smash that in a second!
Don't poke the Sleeping Lion!

Now this is sending shivers down my spine...:fie:
Did I say thato_O? I just said if majority wants a Hindu Rashtra, then go for it.:enjoy:

Is your religion backward? Is that the reason why you are getting reservation:undecided:

Even the law of land(Supreme Court) means nothing to you.... Not a good statement coming from a "nationalist":disagree:

Now this is sending shivers down my spine...:fie:
1)yes, we do!Majority of hindus want a Hindus Rasthra,especially after looking around us and our neighbouring countries.The Liberals have stalked the public and attention space for too long, it's time they went down.

2)I asked you is your religion backward?FIRST!

3)What i said is what was natural, we gave every minority the chance to grow and even overtake us in a General Category condition.Why couldn't you utilize it? when other Minorities do?

4)Well, we are steadfast and we are prepared.So if it sends shivers down your spine,mate i can't help it.'There will be many runners and many stand and fight your grounders'
We shall prevail and win!
1)yes, we do!Majority of hindus want a Hindus Rasthra,especially after looking around us and our neighbouring countries.The Liberals have stalked the public and attention space for too long, it's time they went down.
Good for you....

2)I asked you is your religion backward?FIRST!
Since you said that I need to accept that my religion is backward, only then would the reservation be provided, So it naturally came to me... Is your religion backward since you guys have been enjoying reservation since ages?

4)Well, we are steadfast and we are prepared.So if it sends shivers down your spine,mate i can't help it.'There will be many runners and many stand and fight your grounders'
We shall prevail and win!
That's the spirit man... Go for it:cheers:

Anyways it was fun holding conversation with you, you take care:toast_sign:
Good for you....

Since you said that I need to accept that my religion is backward, only then would the reservation be provided, So it naturally came to me... Is your religion backward since you guys have been enjoying reservation since ages?

That's the spirit man... Go for it:cheers:

Anyways it was fun holding conversation with you, you take care:toast_sign:
2)So,Why did your ancestors convert in the first place? a general question!
3)Same thing bro, ;):fans:
Found solace or were forced to be?Like the dhimmis and Jaziya etc.
Like this?
UK Muslim leader: Muslims should humiliate Christians so they’ll convert to Islam
You are being redirected...

'Infidels must wear red collars and shave heads': 'Nazi' vision of Muslim Britain from Imam who ran 'Isis' barbecue in Cardiff park | Daily Mail Online
Red collars and Shaven heads!!! Something like this:rofl::rofl:

When are you going to get into this attire:D
Red collars and Shaven heads!!! Something like this:rofl::rofl:

When are you going to get into this attire:D
Well, when are you going to implement the rest?Jizya and Dhimmi status? We are already in that attire is there anything wrong with that attire of a saint?
We wear saffron because it symbolizes our detachment to this world and attachment to the lord above(TYAGA), about sacrifice,love and will.Nor are we scared to lose our lives as we are eternal and attached to the Lord above.
When are you going to get into this attire?
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They converted to Islam due to the missionary Sufi whose dargah (graves) dot the landscape in South Asia.

Mate, you are wasting your time on him if you want to have a serious discussion, I am just in mood of having some fun so playing around with him...
Well, when are you going to implement the rest?Jizya and Dhimmi status? We are already in that attire is there anything wrong with that attire of a saint?
We wear saffron because it symbolizes our detachment to this world and attachment to the lord above(TYAGA), about sacrifice,love and will.Nor are we scared to lose our lives as we are eternal and attached to the Lord above.
When are you going to get into this attire?
Did you see the rest of what i posted above?Any comments on that?

As you posted previously with of course a source, a question cropped up in my mind. So those "Saint's" attire was given by muslim rulers and you are still following this as a mark of your obedience to your masters(muslims:big_boss:)

And why would I wear it, Did you forget who's the infidel over here...:pop:
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As you posted previously with of course a source, a question cropped up in my mind. So those "Saint's" attire was given by muslim rulers and you are still following this as a mark of your obedience to your masters(muslims:big_boss:)

And why would I wear it, Did you forget who's the infidel over here...:pop:
I am not interested in replying to a troll, i thought i was replying to a genuine question.Too bad you turned out to be another Apologist like the world over as we see, who wants state benefits,but will curse the state and its ethnicity,religion and majority.One thing i can say the world opinion is changing fast.Soon there will be no Sympathizers left for you.Shape up before that happens, my advice.
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