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Mass Graves of Sikhs killed in 1984 Sikh Genocide discovered after 26 years.

Honest question- so would that not make your brother a non believer by marrying a non muslim? I know you to be quite a staunch and religious muslim on the these boards.

No not a non believer in my eyes or my family's - it took a while for my family to accept it, my mother was initially very against it, but she won my mother over, not because she is Sikh but because she is a wonderful human being. We all love her very much - like if she was a daughter, not a daughter in law.
i knew, sooner or later, ure religious hatred would come up for sure.
guys, see what this lady had to say about the that innocent kid died by jihadis in varanasi.

Listen - show respect for a lady, there are ways of talking ok, Jana would never justify anything like that, but nothing happens in a vacuum - because of what happened after indira's assassination, many Sikh's picked up the gun.
i knew, sooner or later, ure religious hatred would come up for sure.
guys, see what this lady had to say about the that innocent kid killed by jihadis in varanasi.

lolzzz what a shame you are coming up with misleading claims.

post my comments here from the above link what exactly i said there and how it becomes supporting killing of a child ?

if you are refferring to my following comments ????? if yes then how does it make me supporting the killing of the child in blast ?? if there are some other comments please do find and post here to prove your claim.

well as matter of fact Indian Muslims have not yet staged any attack in India as revenge for Gujrat or Babri Mosque demolition and riots
Jana said:
3. here i would recall a narrative by Khushwant Singh about family of Indian Sikh PM MM Singh. he quotes the PM's wife as saying that their daughter when decided to marry the Hindu boy they were not much happy but during 84 riots against Sikhs their lives were saved due to their religion of their Hindu son-in-law as when rioters came to burn the house their son-in-law went outside and told the rioters that he is a Hindu so they were spared.

If you're quoting Khuswant Singh, you must also be familiar with what he said about the 'fascist Hindutva terror group' RSS

"RSS has played an honorable role in maintaining Hindu-Sikh unity before and after the murder of Indira Gandhi in Delhi and in other places"
"It was the Congress (I) leaders who instigated mobs in 1984 and got more than 3000 people killed. I must give due credit to RSS and the BJP for showing courage and protecting helpless Sikhs during those difficult days. No less a person than Atal Bihari Vajpayee himself intervened at a couple of places to help poor taxi drivers.

Kushwant Singh: “Congress (I) is the Most Communal Party”, Publik Asia, 16-11-1989.

Listen - show respect for a lady, there are ways of talking ok, Jana would never justify anything like that, but nothing happens in a vacuum - because of what happened after indira's assassination, many Sikh's picked up the gun.

and those Sikhs who picked up gun and tried to destroy this country, were thrashed and wiped out by the Sikhs themselves.

as for paying respect to someone, respect is to be earned. i pa respect where t is due, but those who dont deserve to be respected cant get my respect.
lolzzz what a shame you are coming up with misleading claims.

post my comments here from the above link what exactly i said there and how it becomes supporting killing of a child ?

if you are refferring to my following comments ????? if yes then how does it make me supporting the killing of the child in blast ?? if there are some other comments please do find and post here to prove your claim.

That is all they can do when they realize they have lost their arguments they resort to personal attacks
Listen - show respect for a lady, there are ways of talking ok, Jana would never justify anything like that, but nothing happens in a vacuum - because of what happened after indira's assassination, many Sikh's picked up the gun.

i dont seek any respect from him or any other bharati. But what he is saying a false claim which he cant prove because i never justified killing of anyone in India in blasts be it a child or even the most ant-Pakistan grownup

This is how Sikh's feel about rss..
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i dont seek any respect from him or any other bharati. But what he is saying a false claim which he cant prove because i never justified killing of anyone in India in blasts be it a child or even the most ant-Pakistan grownup

whats their to prove.
its before everyone to see, how u were justifying that kid's death and even wishing for more.
i posted link to that thread, im posting it again.
no where to hide this time.
No where did she justify murder, so shut up, this is slander, grow up kid........

probably showing the real face of someone is slander to u, but not to me. try to go through that whole thread.
whats their to prove.
its before everyone to see, how u were justifying that kid's death and even wishing for more.
i posted link to that thread, im posting it again.
no where to hide this time.

i think you should be banned for such a blatant lie.

prove it or just shut up.

the page is not displaying and neither in my entire life i had ever posted any comment supporting any death and wishing for more.

some common sense questions: according to some from pakistan-who are blaming hindus, as in generalizing all Indian hindus regarding this episode and others related to the turmoil. I ask- Since some Pakistani Muslims at some time or the other have killed practically every minority and even other muslim sects ( ahmedi and I forget who else you guys call non muslims) in that country, would it fair to say that pakistani Muslims" ( generalized) slaughter every non muslim and some not to so muslims in pakistan?

also I see some pakistans debating why sikhs were called hindus blah blah. does your constitution specify all sects of Islam it considers as Muslims?
^anti sikh riots were unfortunate..but it had nothing to with some one being hindu or not being hindu..they were congress party workers, people who liked indira gandhi across all parties..there could be christians,budhists,atheists, jains and "muslims" too..but the emotions or motivations were not religious but false sense of patriotism..and sudden anger..and there could be robbers and other criminals who used this opportunity.
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