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Many figures of the OC movement in HK are actually Vietnamese?!!!

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He criticize immigrant in China which currently mofo take resident in Canada and leach on the Canada society. That mean he not criticize immigrant as a Chinese resident but as a Canadian resident.

I only do criticize those troublemaking immigrants, not the normal immigrants.

Even i never did say a single word about those African immigrants in China.
Many Chinese netizens have been investigated the background of some of those OC figures.

Many of them actually don't have a single drop of the Chinese blood.

For example, this guy on the middle is actually an offspring of a Vietnamese immigrant.

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He has an uncanny resemblance to that Wong boy.
You know I have regularly seen HK police raids on certain "questionable" establishments all over the city, and the first thing they want is your HKID card with your fingerprint data on it.

I see a row of Vietnamese trying to explain how they don't have any. :P

A while ago i watched a hk documentary, it showed how illegal viets immigrants living under the roadway in hk. Can't get ID card despite living for more than 7 years like that. Why don't they just go back to Vietnam? no money for a ticket? I'm sure we can do it Free of charge.
It is clearly that your government is calling your illegal smugglers to occupy our costal region from Shenzhen to Shanghai.

But now we are being aware of this, so soon they will all get kicked out.
Yeah, before deporting our men, u have to kill Chinese bosses first coz their business will collapse without our workers.

So, keep blah blah here, Nothing change, South China must go back to Baiyue people:pop:
Excuse me. We Chinese have a total different ideology on immigration issues than western. We don't think those who were born in China will naturally become a Chinese citizen. We don't believe in God. We believe where the babies were born is a decision of their parents, not of God.

Whatever you think isn't my concern but for a Chinese immigrant in Canada hypocritically promote prosecution of immigrant in China just totally wrong.
Some PDF PRC here seems to be more worried about the HK Chinese bloodline than HK people themselves, including a loud megaphone who himself hole up in Canada,.

FYI even the greatest Chinese poet Li Bai is born somewhere in Tajikistan and Kyrgistan,

Li Bai - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



But Li Bai was a Chinese。

His father or grandfather was punished for β€œserious misdeeds” and sent into exile。

Li's family settled down in Tokmok(one of four garrison commands of Anxi,in today's KyrgistanοΌ‰ which was an important border town under the administration of the Tang central government。
A while ago i watched a hk documentary, it showed how illegal viets immigrants living under the roadway in hk. Can't get ID card despite living for more than 7 years like that. Why don't they just go back to Vietnam? no money for a ticket? I'm sure we can do it Free of charge.

Our HK government is too soft sometimes. Like with the protestors.

But they are usually alright at finding and deporting illegal immigrants.

HKID cards are nearly impossible to fake, since they also contain our fingerprint data on microchips.

So there is no way to explain why your fingerprint doesn't match the government database.

We are supposed to carry our HKID card with us at all times. :woot:
Whatever you think isn't my concern but for a Chinese immigrant in Canada hypocritically promote prosecution of immigrant in China just totally wrong.

What about those hundreds of thousands of Chinese Vietnameses who got deported for no reason whatsoever in the 1970s?

Most of the deported had lived in Vietnam for generations。

Would you condemn the Vietnamese government and the Vietnameses at large for such beastly behaviour?
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Yeah, before deporting our men, u have to kill Chinese bosses first coz their business will collapse without our workers.

So, keep blah blah here, Nothing change, South China must go back to Baiyue people:pop:

Your Mother River is the Red River, not our Yangzi River.

So stop invading our country with your smugglers.
Whatever you think isn't my concern but for a Chinese immigrant in Canada hypocritically promote prosecution of immigrant in China just totally wrong.
stop distorting facts. He is against non law bidding immigrants. If we use your analogy. ISIS Canadian immigrant shall be welcome , right?
The typical Chinese don't produce that kind of phenotype, it is even rare among the Cantonese speakers from PRC.

So they don't represent the voice of the real Chinese.

I agree, he doesn't have the facial phenotype that is characteristic of Han Chinese. He looks more Laotian, or some kind of ethnic minority.
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