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Many figures of the OC movement in HK are actually Vietnamese?!!!

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Many Chinese in the US caught spy for China, not like none Chinese ever convict for spying against the US.

Then you can ask the US government to kick out all the Chinese students, also including those Americans with the Chinese ancestry.

Go ahead, no one is going to stop you.

Some PDF PRC here seems to be more worried about the HK Chinese bloodline than HK people themselves, including a loud megaphone who himself hole up in Canada,.

FYI even the greatest Chinese poet Li Bai is born somewhere in Tajikistan and Kyrgistan,

Li Bai - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Li Bai is a genius, whereas those OC protestors are the liability for our society.

So don't try to insult a great Chinese poet by comparing with those monkeys.

Stop your rubbish Tiger. There are plenty of VIetnamese Hoa staying in HK. No one has problem with them over the years other than some PRC here who sprout hate not unlike the most shitty Islamofascist today.

I will take these people over those Vietnamese looking 'Chinese' at anytime.

Then you can ask the US government to kick out all the Chinese students, also including those Americans with the Chinese ancestry.

Go ahead, no one is going to stop you.

Li Bai is a genius, whereas those OC protestors are the liability for our society.

So don't try to insult a great Chinese poet by comparing with those monkeys.

Over the years, HK society has been seeing protest and demonstration and the sky didn't fall. Just like Canada, HK diversity is her strength.
I wonder how many are real Chinese among those student leaders.

Lux is a retard as usual, comparing Li Bai with the student protesters. Even Zheng He who is not a Han Chinese but contributed a lot to the country is remembered positively. The protesters are just clueless of being used as a tool to promote democracy while "higher" profile idiots like long hair got paid to cause problems.

Illegal Viets in HK/China must be deported back to the jungle, that's where they belong. They fought so fervently for independence, they shouldn't be even living in China.
Why should I ask the US government to do their job, that not my responsibility, since you here rail against immigrant and their offspring in Hong Kong, you @ss need to get the fack off Canada and self depot back to your own country.

Those immigrants don't know how to behave themselves, so they deserve to get kicked out.
You are not loyal to Canada, your a traitor to your host nation, many people like you will spy for China and jeopardize Canada national security. Take your own advice and self depot back to China.

ChineseTiger1986 is a proud Chinese patriot. :china:

Do not call him a traitor, that will get you a rating or an infraction.
There are about 10 million illegal aliens from Vietnam now living in South China.

So the best way is to deport them back to Vietnam.

Otherwise, when their population is thriving on our soil, they are going to raise the flag of Dai Viet.

So it is the time to purge the parasites before it is getting out of control.

Yes。Deport the lot。

Exactly the way Vietnameses did to the ethnic Chinese living in Vietnam in 1970s。
Get out of Canada then you have the right to criticize any immigrant in any country.

He a traitor leaching of the west and condemn immigrant in fact he an immigrant himself. You think I care for rating?

I do abide the laws in the country where i currently live.

I am a role model resident, so i have the right to criticize those troublemaking immigrants in China.
Get out of Canada then you have the right to criticize any immigrant in any country.

When did he criticize immigrants in any country other than those trouble makers in China? As a Chinese he has the right to condemn them. And China is not your country so what the f*ck are you meddling with how Chinese view what should be done inside China?
Yes。Deport the lot。

Exactly the way Vietnameses did to the ethnic Chinese living in Vietnam in 1970s。

Since your in China you have the right to depot immigrant in China. For any Chinese immigrant live abroad your @ss not in your motherland, should stop promote immigrant prosecution in China.
Yeah, China will lose its South China back to BaiYue people soon coz No Chinese cant live wt $150 /month like VNese :laugh:

It is clear that your government is calling your illegal smugglers to occupy our costal region from Shenzhen to Shanghai.

But now we are being aware of this, so soon they will all get kicked out.
I wonder how many are real Chinese among those student leaders.

Lux is a retard as usual, comparing Li Bai with the student protesters. Even Zheng He who is not a Han Chinese but contributed a lot to the country is remembered positively. The protesters are just clueless of being used as a tool to promote democracy while "higher" profile idiots like long hair got paid to cause problems.

Illegal Viets in HK/China must be deported back to the jungle, that's where they belong. They fought so fervently for independence, they shouldn't be even living in China.

Hongkong Hua people and Vietnamese Hua people they are both native Nan Yue people.
When the Hong Kong police talk to them, they'd better have some Hong Kong ID cards with chips and biometric data on them. :P
LOL that's a start, Viets hate Chinese so it's best that they just move back to Vietnam. Even half Chinese half Viets who wants to cause trouble should live in the jungle or migrate to England if they value so much for Democracy.

Hongkong Hua people and Vietnamese Hua people they are both native Nan Yue people.
Okay Vietnam belongs to China then.
LOL that's a start, Viets hate Chinese so it's best that they just move back to Vietnam. Even half Chinese half Viets who wants to cause trouble should live in the jungle or migrate to England if they value so much for Democracy.

You know I have regularly seen HK police raids on certain "questionable" establishments all over the city, and the first thing they want is your HKID card with your fingerprint data on it.

I see a row of Vietnamese trying to explain how they don't have any. :P
He born in Hong Kong, the law will protect him as Hong Kong citizen. He have same right as any Hong Kong citizen.
Excuse me. We Chinese have a total different ideology on immigration issues than westerners. We don't think those who were born in China will naturally become a Chinese citizen. We don't believe in God. We believe where the babies were born is a decision of their parents, not of God.
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