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Many figures of the OC movement in HK are actually Vietnamese?!!!

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Did he born in Hong Kong? If he did then he a Chinese citizen, why are you call him an illegal immigrant? He had the right to protest same as other Hong Kong resident.

There are 1.83 million petitions of the HKers to against their action.

So why we should ignore the voice of the real Chinese and listen that of the fake Chinese?
We don't want you guys to cause the problems for our demographic structure.
Yeah, so who will do the low-paid job in China now ?? No Chinese boss will let some crazy Chinese like u to deport their hard-working VN workers :pop:
Your a foreigner in Canada, I bet your *** will be piss if your offspring born in Canada receive the mistreatment and consider your family suffer from racism because your so protest against Canada government.

I do abide the laws in Canada, unlike those foreign troublemakers in HK who call for the separatism.

They deserve to get kicked out.
Many Chinese netizens have been investigated the background of some of those OC figures.

Many of them actually don't have a single drop of the Chinese blood.

For example, this guy on the middle is actually an offspring of a Vietnamese immigrant.
Stop your rubbish Tiger. There are plenty of VIetnamese Hoa staying in HK. No one has problem with them over the years other than some PRC here who sprout hate not unlike the most shitty Islamofascist today.
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Did he born in Hong Kong? If he did then he a Chinese citizen, why are you call him an illegal immigrant? He had the right to protest same as other Hong Kong resident.

Chinese citizens are those from the 56 ethnic groups of China. People who trace their descent back to Mainland China.

It is very rare for a foreigner to get Chinese citizenship. What they can get is residency.

We are not an "immigration nation" like America or other western countries.
I do abide the laws in Canada, unlike those foreign troublemakers in HK who call for the separatism.

They deserve to get kicked out.

You are not loyal to Canada, your a traitor to your host nation, many people like you will spy for China and jeopardize Canada national security. Take your own advice and self depot back to China.
Chinese citizens are those from the 56 ethnic groups of China. People who trace their descent back to Mainland China.

It is very rare for a foreigner to get Chinese citizenship. What they can get is residency.

We are not an "immigration nation" like America or other western countries.

Wrong. Over the years, waves of nomads migrated to China proper.
Chinese citizens are those from the 56 ethnic groups of China. People who trace their descent back to Mainland China.

It is very rare for a foreigner to get Chinese citizenship. What they can get is residency.

We are not an "immigration nation" like America or other western countries.

He born in Hong Kong, the law will protect him as Hong Kong citizen. He have same right as any Hong Kong citizen.
You are not loyal to Canada, your a traitor to your host nation, many people like you will spy for China and jeopardize Canada national security. Take your own advice and self depot back to China.
Racism spotted. So tourist or student holding study pass need to be loyal to Canada once they step on Canada? Sounds ridiculous...
You are not loyal to Canada, your a traitor to your host nation, many people like you will spy for China and jeopardize Canada national security. Take your own advice and self depot back to China.

You better to get some evidence to prove that the Chinese like me will do the spy movement in Canada.

Most people know that the Chinese will barely get any chance to get into the high security clearance department in Canada. How we can get into it?

PS, we are not stupid to become the cannon fodders for our government although we love our Motherland.

We Chinese are the role citizens in the foreign countries, and loving our own Motherland is not a sin, and no one has the right to deprive this right from us.
Some PDF PRC here seems to be more worried about the HK Chinese bloodline than HK people themselves, including a loud megaphone who himself hole up in Canada,.

FYI even the greatest Chinese poet Li Bai is born somewhere in Tajikistan and Kyrgistan,

Li Bai - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You better to get some evidence to prove that the Chinese like me will do the spy movement in Canada.

Most people know that the Chinese will barely get any chance to get into the high security clearance department in Canada. How we can get into it?

PS, we are not stupid to become the cannon fodders for our government although we love our Motherland.

We Chinese are the role citizens in the foreign countries, and loving our own Motherland is not a sin, and no one has the right to deprive this right from us.

Many Chinese in the US caught spy for China, not like none Chinese ever convict for spying against the US.
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