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Many figures of the OC movement in HK are actually Vietnamese?!!!

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Most of your boys actually have contributed a very high percentage of the criminal activities in China, so we have every bit of good reason to kick you out.
Question remain: WHo will do the low-paid job (below $150) for Chinese bosses ?? They wont let their business collapse bcz of some crazy -lazy-low IQ Chinese netizens :pop:
hongkong people will regain independence of Nan Yue. You are CPC commentator, not Hongkonger.:enjoy:

You must be joking man. :rofl:

The only thing I think about regarding Vietnam are those illegal Vietnamese immigrants getting busted by the Hong Kong police.

It's a joke, why would anyone want to associate themselves with that. :lol:
Question remain: WHo will do the low-paid job (below $150) for Chinese bosses ?? They wont let their business collapse bcz of some crazy -lazy-low IQ Chinese netizens :pop:
I thought you say Vietnamese is very superior and don't do low paid job? Now you are such a strong advocate of Vietnamese taking these Chinese demand? :lol:
Wait a minute, last time I checked this guy is the biggest instigator of protest, demonstration, strike, riots and even terrorism,

This picture by a PRC even glorify him by depicting him on the way to incite riot.

I thought you say Vietnamese is very superior and don't do low paid job? Now you are such a strong advocate of Vietnamese taking these Chinese demand? :lol:
As U know, We will always do everything to take a lost land back

"I for one would rather sniff French shit for five years than eat Chinese shit for the rest of my life." Ho Chi Minh. $150/month is far better than sniffing shit :laugh:
Wait a minute, last time I checked this guy is the biggest instigator of protest, demonstration, strike, riots and even terrorism,

This picture by a PRC even glorify him by depicting him on the way to incite riot.


Because a corrupt traitorous party like KMT needed to be overthrown by the people.

But CPC is a strong patriotic Chinese party, and anything against CPC is against the Chinese people itself.
:lol: your ancestry is Hans people. Vietnamese is becoming more and more like Indians. Talk even without looking into mirror.

Before you reply me again. Please use more of your brain rather than facism.

Can Vietnamese still read Hanzi?

All they need to know are two characters though, "警察".
Since your in China you have the right to depot immigrant in China. For any Chinese immigrant live abroad your @ss not in your motherland, should stop promote immigrant prosecution in China.

Are you mentally-challenged, Indian false-flagger? He only asked for deportation of those who are engaged in anti-China/separatist activities. Sure the majority are good law-abiding citizens. But, those who break the national law must be deported. Same goes with any other national living as immigrants in some other country.
Are you mentally-challenged. He only asked for deportation of those who are engaged in anti-China/separatist activities. Sure the majority are good law-abiding citizens. But, those who break the national law must be deported. Same goes with any other national living as immigrants in some other country.
Those VNese r HKer now, so they have the right to protest against China corrupted Govt. , u have No right to deport them :pop:
Yeah, before deporting our men, u have to kill Chinese bosses first coz their business will collapse without our workers.

So, keep blah blah here, Nothing change, South China must go back to Baiyue people:pop:
you should ask Chinese in South China first, right?
i guess the chance is real low that they want to "get back" to that fictional world "Baiyue in your mouth"
Nan Yue is more relationships with China than VN, however VN was a part of China.

Luo Yue gained independence and become Viets now. Hongkong peopele could regain independence from China now. Go ahead, Nan Yue people.

Can Vietnamese still read Hanzi?

All they need to know are two characters though, "警察".

Han Zi is foreigner language.
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