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Manmmohans reasons for going to saudiarabia

Actually, there is already a Hindu majority country in the OIC with a sizeable Muslim minority. It's called Suriname :)
Actually, there is already a Hindu majority country in the OIC with a sizeable Muslim minority. It's called Suriname :)

And i doubt they are occupying muslim state and killing civilians and violating basic human rights.
Do you really think any body cares about what you think about Indian Muslims? They are patriot to their homeland and do the things the citizen of a nation will do.

Talking about riots and killings, you are projecting as if there is no killings and riots in Pakistan. What will you say about Shia Sunni riots that keeps happening, Killing of Bangladeshis in 71, killing of Baloch, Killing of pashtuns not to talk about kidnapping and killing minorities. Were not they citizen of Pakistan?

Or as you said they deserves the same as they dont have balls to counter your govt and you all are paying taxes to get your fellow citizens killed..

huh? get rid of extremist thinking mate, it will lead you no where.


I have said what i had to say is we Do not care thus do not care about us.:pakistan:

I have said what i had to say is we Do not care thus do not care about us.:pakistan:

Care to explain me who has given you the right to call any body munafiqeen.. are you some sort of authority in Islam? In similar way my Indian Muslim brothers can call you munafiqeen..

since you are a senior member it is expected that you give a thought before you say something.. Calling names and insulting people is not going to win you any debate..
Gabon has less than2% muslim and is still a member of OIC. Kazakastan is another country which has a muslim minority but full OIC membership

Muslim % is no bar for OIC membership.

Besides OIC is all talk no play. I am very skeptical of their influence except for symbolism. Besides I don't see OIC as an effective organisation when 15% of the global muslim population (India) is not even party to present their point of view.
Its not related to those discussions in any sense rather its an involvement to put pressure on Pakistan to allow Indians serve their own interest of being in Afghanistan, a risk to our national security, when we have already had enough of Talibans and are still having.

It is not putting pressure as you suggest.
There could be backdoor talks about some issues however nothing like pressure. Asking for mediation is not exactly putting pressure.
The issue is, Pakistan has not got anything on so-called "Kashmir" issues from OIC except few words. What happens if India gets even the observer status. For India, it is a good place for extra support on a number of issues ranging from energy to UN support.

In short it would be worst nightmare for some. Even our fearless ZH fears from this. :P
well atte India has shown interest to be a observer just like Russia and Thailand

India was rejected for OIC membership before and again would be unless Kashmir issue is resolved !
Care to explain me who has given you the right to call any body munafiqeen.. are you some sort of authority in Islam? In similar way my Indian Muslim brothers can call you munafiqeen..

Quran says in Surah Munafiqun about the description of Munafiqs .

Those who do not keep their words , do something that they are not suppose to do and then lie.

so By religion Muslims are meant to be like one body , if something gets hurt the whole body feels the pain.

On one side Indian muslims sympathize with Kashmiris and Palestinians and on the other hand they Pay Tax to Indian Govet which has Killed over 60000 Kasmiris and has Love affair with the Jewish state of Israel which kills muslims everyday !!

so who are you ? and what is your true face ? are you true Indians or true Muslims ??

Therefore i call Indian muslims as munafiqeen as they say something different and do the opposite !

since you are a senior member it is expected that you give a thought before you say something.. Calling names and insulting people is not going to win you any debate..

I am not here to win any debate & i have already told you why i do not like Indian Muslims.

i am sure india would never get OIC membership no doubt they have alot of muslims but most of them are munafiqeen.

India can succeed to be a part of OIC as an observer state like Russia.

U have no right to abuse and defame Muslims, only Allah is the judge.

Stop and take back ur racist remarks.
Instead M Singh goes to Saudia and cry river, he should have talk to PM of Pakistan. Going Saudia means India is indirectly accusing Royals for terrorism and unrest, another dimension.
Its very strange Indian policy when Pak talk about third party mediation for Kashmir, Indian govt loudly say we resolve through bilateral talks. But when issues burn Indian hands, they start running to other country. And look for third party mediation. Hypocrisy at its peak......Isn't it ?
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