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Manmmohans reasons for going to saudiarabia

Well, hijacking muslim population of India to achieve goals. In every middle eastern project more Hindus comes to work then muslims. So, what it shows ?. Otherwise in India thousands of campaigns started by hard line hindu party, which are black mailing Indian Muslims and asking them to come back to their forefather religion or face the reality. Many starving muslims have no choice just to listen what they say.
Dude, I don't think the Saudis give a damn about religion.

What the Saudis say and what they practise are two completely different things. It is only the ordinary, poor, uneducated people in Pakistan, India, Indonesia, Egypt, etc. who are excited about the Muslim ummah.

The rich Arabs look down upon us and would much rather associate with white Europeans.

Its the most sensible and appropriate answer here. thanks u got this one right bro..:cheers:

If Manmmohan is thinking that he can make a bond with Saudiarabia to boost economy then he is dumb..........

Saudi will never do untill India would have positive relations with Pakistan.

Saudi Arabia is the one of largest suppliers of oil to India, who is one of the top 7 trading partners and the 5th biggest investor in Saudi Arabia.[1]

Since the 1990s, India's economic liberalisation has helped bolster trade with Saudi Arabia, which annually supplies to India nearly 175 million barrels (25 million metric tonnes) of crude oil, or a quarter of its needs.[5] In 2006-07 bilateral trade stood at USD 16 billion (USD 3 billion excluding oil) and is expected to double by 2010.[8][9] India's current exports to Saudi Arabia stand at USD 2.6 billion, while Saudi Arabia's exports are in the range of USD 13.4 billion (USD 1.2 billion excluding oil).[8][9] India's major exports include basmati rice, textiles and garments and machinery, while it imports organic and inorganic chemicals, metal scrap, leather, gold and oil from Saudi Arabia.[8][9] Both nations are expected to expand trade and cooperation and joint ventures in telecommunications, pharmaceuticals, health services, information technology, biotechnology, agriculture, construction projects, energy and financial services.[6][8][9] Both countries agreed to launch joint ventures for developing gas-based fertiliser plants in Saudi Arabia.[6][8] India agreed to set up institutes of higher education and research, provide educational opportunities in India for Saudi Arabian students and expand cooperation between India's Council for Scientific and Industrial Research and the Saudi Arabian Standards Organisation (SASO) :pdf:

India ? Saudi Arabia relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And how does a hindu majority country going to join Islamic countries organisation?

do the research by urself its got 57 members and few observers and not all are muslim majority nations.
hmm so now Indian Muslims are munafiqeen.. My simple question to you then is why do you care so much about so called munafiqeen muslims? is it double standards or are you a hypocrite yourself?

who told you that we care about indian muslims ?

What happens to them in india they truly deserve it wether it is gujrat massacre or targeted killings and rapes.

But we do care about about Islamic monuments being destroyed like babari mosque just because Indian muslims do not have balls to stop hindu terrorists from doing it.

Indian muslims pay tax to a govet which is killing their own Muslim brothers in Kasmir.

indian Muslims are 13% of Indian population but they have just 3% representation in indian Lok sabha.

How great an Indian Muslim is.
i am 100% sure before the resolution of Kashmir dispute India is NOT going to sit in OIC what so ever.

maybe they ( Indians) will be happy standing at OIC as observers. :pakistan:
who told you that we care about indian muslims ?

What happens to them in india they truly deserve it wether it is gujrat massacre or targeted killings and rapes.

But we do care about about Islamic monuments being destroyed like babari mosque just because Indian muslims do not have balls to stop hindu terrorists from doing it.

Indian muslims pay tax to a govet which is killing their own Muslim brothers in Kasmir.

indian Muslims are 13% of Indian population but they have just 3% representation in indian Lok sabha.

How great an Indian Muslim is.

Do you really think any body cares about what you think about Indian Muslims? They are patriot to their homeland and do the things the citizen of a nation will do.

Talking about riots and killings, you are projecting as if there is no killings and riots in Pakistan. What will you say about Shia Sunni riots that keeps happening, Killing of Bangladeshis in 71, killing of Baloch, Killing of pashtuns not to talk about kidnapping and killing minorities. Were not they citizen of Pakistan?

Or as you said they deserves the same as they dont have balls to counter your govt and you all are paying taxes to get your fellow citizens killed..

huh? get rid of extremist thinking mate, it will lead you no where.
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a. If Pakistanis are so concerned about Indian Muslims then why don't they have a "right of return" law? Israel has such a law - where any Jew in any part of the world can legally emigrate to Israel. So how come I don't see a queue of Indian Muslims lining up to emigrate or seek refuge in Pakistan?

b. Any kid in India who follows telly will tell you - Shashi Tharoor puts his foot in his mouth every fortnight. It is now a complete joke - he will probably lose his ministerial post sooner rather than later.

c. Jobs for Indians in Saudi? I hope not - if anything - some of the horror stories that have been coming through are very sad - all Asians - this include - Indians, Pakis, Banglas, Lankans and Filipinos are treated little better than slaves. I hope the plight of Indian workers was discussed - I hope that all Asian countries can put their differences aside and force the Saudis to treat the poorer section of Asians who do menial work there like humans and not like animals. I recently saw a documentary about a 45 year old Sri Lankan maid who was gang-raped by some Arab teenagers in a house where she was working. When she complained to the boy's mother - the mother gave her condoms! It's disgusting - if all Asians pull out of that country - its very structure would collapse. In my opinion, they should. It is one thing for those of us who are educated and well-off to talk about how great our nations are - ask those who survive from meal to meal if their nation is as great as you and I think.
It is a fact that how the middle east people trat poor indians, pakis and whole of south east asia in general..its worse than slavery. the arabs are obsessd and respect white people only. i personally saw the airport staff manhandling one pakistani national ( probably a worker) in the airport for a little complaining.. its unimaginable...
All said and done - we elect our leaders not just to sign Free Trade Agreements for cheaper cars and unlimited supply of petrol - they are also elected so that Indians can live around the world with dignity.
who told you that we care about indian muslims ?

What happens to them in india they truly deserve it wether it is gujrat massacre or targeted killings and rapes.

But we do care about about Islamic monuments being destroyed like babari mosque just because Indian muslims do not have balls to stop hindu terrorists from doing it.

Indian muslims pay tax to a govet which is killing their own Muslim brothers in Kasmir.

indian Muslims are 13% of Indian population but they have just 3% representation in indian Lok sabha.

How great an Indian Muslim is.

Black Blood, are you feeling okay? What gives you the moral right to declare anyone munafiqeen? What gives you the moral right to declare anyone a kafir? Doesn't Pakistan allow music and cinema? Is that allowed by Islamic law? Doesn't Saudi Arabia still view Sufism as heresy? Doesn't that make you guys munafiqeen?

And please stop poisoning your mind and influencing others. There is no big deal in being a Muslim in India. They are in no way less happy that you are, they are probably more educated, progressive and internationally respected. The sad part is that both countries have completely diverged from each other in 62 years. But you guys have completely insulted Jinnah's vision for Pakistan. For what he wanted was a modern, tolerant country where Muslims were a majority, not an Islamic country plagued by extremism.
which Indians accepted that???
:rofl::rofl::rofl: ask any of ur indian members.

and Pakistan wants peace through dialogue !!!!!!!!!! dude Did I need to remind you that it wasnt India which started 1965 and kargil.
This is 21st century not mid ninties.
Who occupied hyderabad?
Who started sending troops in kashmir?
Who didnt fullfil Nehrus promise that he promised in 1948 after going to UN for a cease fire?
Who attacks Pakistani in 1965?
Who was training mutibhani fu...ers since years before 71?
Whose supporting Taliban and BLA fuking terrorist mother...ers?

Blame game will go on................you will say mukhti bahni...........I will say khalistanis .................you will say that I will say that.
Who was responsiable for sikh massacre and attack on Golden temple tht ignited Khalistani problems?
Who destroyed Golden Temple and killed sikh elders in operation blue star?in return who killed Ms.Gandi
Rest i agreed should derail the topic but i only replied an indian members post.
India on Topic..

India got huge population of muslims so observer status should be given

Its the decision of whole Muslim countries and i think india wont be given any status and the meeting failed on issues reguarding to Pakistan.
And i dont think india was there to join OIC nor anybody invited india to join OIC.Its the choice of the organisation not respective countries.

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