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Manmmohans reasons for going to saudiarabia

Instead M Singh goes to Saudia and cry river, he should have talk to PM of Pakistan. Going Saudia means India is indirectly accusing Royals for terrorism and unrest, another dimension.
Its very strange Indian policy when Pak talk about third party mediation for Kashmir, Indian govt loudly say we resolve through bilateral talks. But when issues burn Indian hands, they start running to other country. And look for third party mediation. Hypocrisy at its peak......Isn't it ?

So you mean to say now all visits my Manmohan singh and Indian delegations will be Pakistan related. We are one of the biggest trade partener with Saudi so these meets are but natural and obiviously India wants to increase its trade with Saudi.

You need to understand not all the things in this world are part of some conspiracy so Don't read too much in it.
Follow the news and major agenda in the meeting, got the answer. M Singh use " good office " term to influence Pakistan through Saudies. It would be better if " good office " term comes through New Dehli.
To my question "Did you forget Russia ?"

sorry but you are an ignorant !
Get your facts right that Russia is an observer NOT a full member.

Where have I mentioned that we are not happy with observer status and why do your bird brain think that I am not aware of Russia's status. Before you ask me to check the facts, learn to read! :chilli:

In my opinion, India will gain nothing by being a member of this "elite" club. However, the membership to the club even if it is an observer status can check negative propaganda about India in this circle. This will enhance India's standing and enable it to put forth its point of view from time to time.
Im really sorry to bust the bubble of some indian fan boys.

To indian hindo fan boys:
What does OIC mean?
Organisation of Islamic CONFRENCE.........

OIC doesnt give membership to non muslim states.
2)Thailand or anyother observers havent occupied any muslim state and killed more then .7 million muslim kashmiris since 47.
3)Observer status is given to states not by some big country with a tiny heart crying i want it...i want it rant.
4)Deserve it then desire.
Even help u in ur defence programme......................Kashmir is the CORE ISSUE

About some ignorant indian fan boy who said kazakistan has a muslim minority and is a member.
Son get a life Kazakistan is a muslim country with major religion ISLAM.
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Im really sorry to bust the bubble of some indian fan boys.
OIC doesnt give membership to non muslim states.
2)Thailand or anyother observers havent occupied any muslim state and killed more then .7 million muslim kashmiris since 47.
3)Observer status is given to states not by some big country with a tiny heart crying i want it...i want it rant.
4)Deserve it then desire.
Even help u in ur defence programme......................Kashmir is the CORE ISSUE

LOL - right. That's gonna happen.
LOL - right. That's gonna happen.

How long will u occupy millions of kashmiris who call themselves Pakistani?
With an army of .7 million occupying it how long will u occupy it?while ur soldiers are commiting suicide,killing there own superiors,mental diseases and violence against kashmiris>?
We will see.
How long will u occupy millions of kashmiris who call themselves Pakistani?
With an army of .7 million occupying it how long will u occupy it?while ur soldiers are commiting suicide,killing there own superiors,mental diseases and violence against kashmiris>?
We will see.

The call themselves Kashmiri - no one there calls himself or herself a Pakistani. And the rest if all BS - u know the Indian response and I know the Pakistani response - so why bother with the vicious cycle?
Im really sorry to bust the bubble of some indian fan boys.

To indian hindo fan boys:
What does OIC mean?
Organisation of Islamic CONFRENCE.........

OIC doesnt give membership to non muslim states.
2)Thailand or anyother observers havent occupied any muslim state and killed more then .7 million muslim kashmiris since 47.
3)Observer status is given to states not by some big country with a tiny heart crying i want it...i want it rant.
4)Deserve it then desire.
Even help u in ur defence programme......................Kashmir is the CORE ISSUE

About some ignorant indian fan boy who said kazakistan has a muslim minority and is a member.
Son get a life Kazakistan is a muslim country with major religion ISLAM.

Okay, to quote many others, I seriously doubt India wants or should want an OIC membership. I had never heard of it before, and even after factoring my ignorance, I think it is not a very significant organization. Having said that, the OIC should be interested to have an Indian membership considering that it has the third highest Muslim population in the world.

As for all the talk of crimes that India has been committing against the "Muslim state", please think from a normal person's point of view. It is not a common man's demand, it is a political one. If you really care about Muslim majority states, do you next want Hyderabad and Lakshadweep to be "liberated"? I sincerely think being with India is their best option. Pakistan has other problems to contend with, and if they get independent, they have the risk of being invaded by other countries. No one denies that there are human rights violations in Kashmir, but have you seen how the police treats anyone in any part of India? It is nothing honorable, but it is definitely not communally motivated.

India - Pakistan peace is not limited to Kashmir alone. Like some of the terrorists say, next in line is Hyderabad. And if all is got, you anyway have theories like Ghazwa-e-Hind or something. Peace would have been possible before 1956 when you were still secular but your becoming an Islamic republic sent you on a different path. The way your politicians have poisoned you to hate other Indian religions (Kafirs) and Indian Muslims (Munafiqeen) means you guys will never like peace between the nations. I don't blame you guys, it is just the way facts were presented to you.
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Quran says in Surah Munafiqun about the description of Munafiqs .

Those who do not keep their words , do something that they are not suppose to do and then lie.

so By religion Muslims are meant to be like one body , if something gets hurt the whole body feels the pain.

On one side Indian muslims sympathize with Kashmiris and Palestinians and on the other hand they Pay Tax to Indian Govet which has Killed over 60000 Kasmiris and has Love affair with the Jewish state of Israel which kills muslims everyday !!

so who are you ? and what is your true face ? are you true Indians or true Muslims ??

Therefore i call Indian muslims as munafiqeen as they say something different and do the opposite !

I am not here to win any debate & i have already told you why i do not like Indian Muslims.


You are treading dangerous ground there my friend. By your logic, the GoP and Pakistani people are the biggest munafiqs. And this is what is stated by AQ and Taliban. Your govt. is hands in glove with the Americans, NATO supplies go through your lands. And moreover, your govt. arrests people and hands them over to the Americans without trial. And the GoP runs on your tax dollars. This takfeeri ideology is one of the reasons why around 3000 Pakistanis have passed away last year in secretarian attacks by the TTP and affiliated groups. Please don't carry it on any further.

Rhetoric aside, there is always decisive input from all sections in govt. policy. There are two Kashmiri ministers in the present govt. Engagement with Pakistan and resolution of Kashmir issue is done in consultation with elected representatives in J&K.

And regarding humanitarian issues overseas, they are looked as not just through the religious viewpoint but humanitarian as well. So Palestinians continue to receive strong support from GoI. The Tibetan Buddhists have refugee status in India. And when earthquake in Haiti or in 2006 in Pakistani Kashmir happened Indian aid was rushed there as well.
About some ignorant indian fan boy who said Kazakhstan has a Muslim minority and is a member.
Son get a life Kazakhstan is a Muslim country with major religion ISLAM.

Kazakhstan is ~47% Muslim, the rest are orthodox and protestant Christians. So overall Muslims are in the minority as per 99 census.

Get your facts right before you label others as ignorant. If you have any other latest census from credible sources, I thank you for enlightening me.

CIA Fact book - Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan is ~47% Muslim, the rest are orthodox and protestant Christians. So overall Muslims are in the minority as per 99 census.

Get your facts right before you label others as ignorant. If you have any other latest census from credible sources, I thank you for enlightening me.

CIA Fact book - Kazakhstan

Who is the president of Kazakhistan?
Whats the major or dominant religion of Kazakhistan?
If u are wrong there is nothing to be ashamed of correcting urself:hitwall:
Keep the discussion to the topic, Kashmir has many other threads to discuss.
My post had nothing to do with Kashmir if thats why my post was deleted. Pls recheck.
India has the goodies and SA has the buck.The nxt logical thing is cooperate this is all realpolitik I don't understand why pakistanis are getting vexed.Pakistan is a taker and Saudi is a giver.They have serious leverage over your ruling class(political\military) and you percieve to have leverage over them which is ?
So....finally we are discussion why India need OIC membership. There might be several reason such as:
(1) Enenrgy and trade security
(2) Increase support for UNSC pemanent membership
(3) To get more support for counter-terrosism
(4) Countering Pakistan's influence in whatsoever issue

It has a huge population of Muslims. It is also one of big oil importer. The muslims in India makes it eligible as a natural member.

Pakistan is opposing for this with its fullest might. Some other nations (though not having this much tough position) are bit hesitant about this as well. IMO, this is single biggest issue. The religion is not an issue as several examples are provided in this thread only.

If OIC does not give membership to India, India would be falling short of some secured benefits. But there is no loss as such for India as we are seeing currently. India has very good amount of friends among OIC nations. Also OIC does not hold much influence so they can not do anything significant except passing some resolutions or statements which nobody cares. But this too would not happen as it was evident earlier, much to India's relation with OIC members. ;)

In real terms, India's influence is much more than all OIC nations combined. However keeping its interest in the region, India gives weightage to its voice.

Lastly, Pakistan still has sufficient say in OIC to neutralize any Indian attempt for membership. Therefore India is not going to get it soon. India should not waste too much of time on it and must seek another ways (buliding one-to-one relations etc) as it has always done.
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