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Manmmohans reasons for going to saudiarabia

No matter what relations india has with saudi’s ,india can never enter the sphere of freindship that saudi’s and pakistanis have,they both know survival of both depends upon each other militarily and financially respectively,plus the bonds b/w saudis and pakistanis are too deep to be compromised,saudi arabia and india relations could be considered on some what the lines of china usa relations economic at most not a ounce more or less,
The only difference is saudi’s only sell oil to indians and and indians only sell their textile goods to saudi’s every other market in saudia is filled with chinese garments textile clothe ,gadgets comparatively.

Economic trade level with saudi’s regarding china and india saudi’s have much greater dealings with chinese plus let me refreshen our indian members memories saudies did buy df3 missiles from chinese which are warhead capable and chinese were also planning on upgrading it that’s strategic relations my freind,most of the building contracts in saudi arabia for last 5 years have gone to chinese even in our holy cities where non muslims are not allowed,so indian members sonny this is saudi arabia not uae,here indians are just a trade partner much beneath japan,usa,germany.china so no special realtion there unless ur bollywood writers can muster up some fiction.

And if someday america might abondan them which is not possible,what makes u think it will look towards india for technology give me a break all india has is tot at most if saudi’s realy want to buy stuff they can buy it from russia directly why go to a third party,chinese are there biggest customers after usa for oil and the next big thing and already they have great realtions with chinese so chinese are there best option,infact one more thing china has never been to war nor been a threat to any muslim country for as long as we can remember same can not be said abt india it might sound irrelevant but try and ask a deeply religious country on the roots of islam in america’s case saudis have no choice infact no one has choice but india vs china will always be china.

You have to keep in mind saudia is the religious hub of muslims it can’t morally take any steps to hurt any declared islamic state over muslims minority living in a so called secullar but hindu dominated state .saudi’s are the host of guests of ALLAH and there fore can’t abondan muslim strategic intrests for someone elses,and ALLAH has made AMERICA its protector what a irony americans protect our holy land.any wayz bottom line u might have economic biz relations with saudis but to achieve any strategic gaols of this realtion ship is indian fantasy.
He went to get his pills for his dual personality disorder where he is a different person outside India and someone else when he gets back to India.:cheesy:

Dude you are talking about a respecatable person and PM of India so better mind your language. If you dislike his Saudi visit talk about the Visit not any BS against him. after all none of the Indian like to insult Zardari or Yusuf Raza gilani each and every time Pakistan matters comes into picture..
They aren't planning to bomb pakistan. They are just trying to improve relations.

U dont need to go to saudia to plan to bomb Pakistan u r already doing it by helping talifukers and BLA inbred terrorist bas...ds.
Most of the indian members here even threatened how they will bleed us white :rofl::rofl::rofl: from sponsoring terrorism in our country:hitwall:
U dont need to go to saudia to plan to bomb Pakistan u r already doing it by helping talifukers and BLA inbred terrorist bas...ds.
Most of the indian members here even threatened how they will bleed us white :rofl::rofl::rofl: from sponsoring terrorism in our country:hitwall:

hey PN,

your govt. havent given any prove of India supporting BLA.

Give prove then say.
India is desperately looking for OIC membership to use its influence on Muslim countries. If they got OIC membership then they can easily influence so many on going muslim countries issues. As far as Afghan issue, Saudies are trying their best to distant their policies from all Afghan issues.
Plus India can make block from like minded muslim country, expected would be present Afghan govt, Egypt and present govt of Bangladesh. So, Indian painting a picture on broader canvas..

Well M Singh is going to Saudia is more like Franky goes to Hollywood.

dont worry guys India's OIC membership is linked to Kashmir dispute so unless Kashmir issue is not resolved india won't be sitting in OIC.:pakistan:
Dude, I don't think the Saudis give a damn about religion.

What the Saudis say and what they practise are two completely different things. It is only the ordinary, poor, uneducated people in Pakistan, India, Indonesia, Egypt, etc. who are excited about the Muslim ummah.

The rich Arabs look down upon us and would much rather associate with white Europeans.
Dude u are wrong there is a strong sect parallel to gvt in power the organisation of “promotion of virtues and prevention of vices “they are in simple words arnd the world known as religious police or mutawa’s in arabic.these people are hardliners islamists and believe in QURRAN AND SUNNAH rule they don’t pay heed to any thing else they pass the sermons of Friday prayers which many times are anti west but still the gvt does not interfere in there affairs at most wrist slap them and let go this hadbeendecided since the the time of Saud and abdul aziz that the religious ministry will be under this council forever,and all judiciary lies under there command they can issue directives to police,they control religion in saudi arabia nd many a times beyond saudi borders ,and any member of this committee if u get a chance to meet if u visit madinah in umrah ask them what they think abt the ummah they will be very pationate abt it and bear in mind they are part of the parallel religious gvt which enforces shariah law that means they are the authorities,and as my cousin who lives in saudia tells me there have been chances when these mutawas have even arrestedor punishedroyal family members on wrong doings according to shariah they are the 2nd power next to the king in ksa no doubt only the king somehow manages to control them but does not take course of collision with them in any case,so I can fairly say any saudi with a beard that u see in saudi arabia ask him abt the ummah and he will be quite pationate abt it,the urge is there among us all pakistanis and saudi’s and other muslim brothers but time is not on our side for now.

and know this almost 70 percent of saudi population respects or in one way or the other is realted to it.
India also has a billion kuffar (hindus, sikhs, jains, etc) besides I dont think Saudis will chose india over China because of Religion. Saudi Arabia is America's close ally and America has only 3 million Muslims and China has 22 million Muslims. Saudi Arabia will chose the next superpower and that is most likely China.


I think Saudis will do what ever works in their favour. No body can force on them their decision. India is approaching them to have a meaningful and healthy relationship. Pakistan and China can also do the same and then leave it to Saudis to decide. Why do we need to speculate about what Manmohan singh is going to discuss. he is doing his business and everybody else should focus on their business.
Its more sound like, non of muslim country ever get UNO permanent seat with veto power. So, west is pushing hard India to built consensus in muslim country , not only pressurize Pakistan, but also get their vote for UNO seat. Its long term strategy Indian adapted, but really appreciate how they work and how they work toward long term strategy to achieve the goal.
Plus US already gave deadline to evac Afghanistan, so it great worry for India to again this land slip out of its hand. The second dimension to talk with king, was to establish peace and govt in Afghanistan without ignoring the future role of India,after US evac.
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U dont need to go to saudia to plan to bomb Pakistan u r already doing it by helping talifukers and BLA inbred terrorist bas...ds.
Most of the indian members here even threatened how they will bleed us white :rofl::rofl::rofl: from sponsoring terrorism in our country:hitwall:

Okay, first of all, whichever Indians said that need to have themselves examined. There is no excuse for supporting terrorism - and this applies to both groups. Now, even if they did say that it is what they want, does it mean that these rumors are true? Are you actually able to trace back anything to suggest India is masterminding, supporting and executing terrorist activities on Pakistani soil? I seriously doubt it.

On the other hand, it is no secret who created these monsters (US), and who nurtured them subsequently for anti-India activities. No one is stating Pakistani public or the civilian establishment is completely supportive. But most of the evidence has consistently pointed to Pakistani Army and ISI. If I am not mistaken, it was an editorial article in Dawn which questioned if all these allegations against RAW etc is more retaliatory in nature, and they were hopeful that Pakistan would find hard proof of Indian involvement to back up these claims. I am not sure anyone has seen that yet.

Logically, most of the terrorism in Pakistan has been in the last 4-5 years. Is it a coincidence that this is around the same time that your army is on an offensive against the militants? The day all these activities stop, you will see that there is no terrorism in Pakistan. That'll show you how involved India is in this. And after Pakistan having burnt its fingers while handling these monsters, I don't think any country would dare to do the same mistake again.
i am sure india would never get OIC membership no doubt they have alot of muslims but most of them are munafiqeen.

India can succeed to be a part of OIC as an observer state like Russia.
i am sure india would never get OIC membership no doubt they have alot of muslims but most of them are munafiqeen.

India can succeed to be a part of OIC as an observer state like Russia.

hmm so now Indian Muslims are munafiqeen.. My simple question to you then is why do you care so much about so called munafiqeen muslims? is it double standards or are you a hypocrite yourself?
hey PN,

your govt. havent given any prove of India supporting BLA.

Give prove then say.

We dont want to spoil the atmosphere of asia.We want peace through dialogue not through gun and finger pointing.Think when indian media was accusing ISI of mumbai killing we had done the same what would have been the result?
In other words many indians have said and accepted that they support terrorism in Pakistan and they claimed themselves they are doing it.
Do u think Salman bashir was showing mood swings in india without a reason?
And if i say the same do u have any evidence against Mr Saeed?
Didnt u create arm,train and support Mukti bhani?:tdown:
i am sure india would never get OIC membership no doubt they have alot of muslims but most of them are munafiqeen.

India can succeed to be a part of OIC as an observer state like Russia.

And how does a hindu majority country going to join Islamic countries organisation?:hitwall:
We dont want to spoil the atmosphere of asia.We want peace through dialogue not through gun and finger pointing.Think when indian media was accusing ISI of mumbai killing we had done the same what would have been the result?
In other words many indians have said and accepted that they support terrorism in Pakistan and they claimed themselves they are doing it.
Do u think Salman bashir was showing mood swings in india without a reason?
And if i say the same do u have any evidence against Mr Saeed?
Didnt u create arm,train and support Mukti bhani?:tdown:

which Indians accepted that???

and Pakistan wants peace through dialogue !!!!!!!!!! dude Did I need to remind you that it wasnt India which started 1965 and kargil.

Blame game will go on................you will say mukhti bahni...........I will say khalistanis .................you will say that I will say that.

This topic was not about BLA etc.

on Topic..

India got huge population of muslims so observer status should be given

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