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Made in India AWACS to roll out in February


Oct 12, 2010
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Made in India AWACS to roll out in February

It'll be another eye-in-the-sky for the Indian Air Force

BY Ritu Sharma

The indigenous airborne early warning and control system (AWACS), integrated on board a Brazilian aircraft, which will give the Indian Air Force (IAF) a capability beyond conventional ground-based radars and tethered electromagnetic radars, will roll out next month.

The system, being developed by Bangalore-based Centre for Airborne Systems -- a laboratory under the Defence Research and Development Organisation -- would give the IAF the capability to "see" beyond enemy lines and detect incoming, airborne threats.

A senior defence official said: "The AWACS has been integrated with the Brazilian aircraft Embraer according to IAF's specifications. The first indigenous system would roll out in February and the flight trials would begin by this year-end."

India and Brazil had inked a deal in 2008 under which aircraft manufacturer Embraer had to modify its EMB145 aircraft to carry an active array antenna unit on its fuselage. Termed to be "very cost-effective" and "probably the cheapest in the world," the system is expected to be a potent force-multiplier for the IAF.

The home-grown AWACS, beyond its ability to detect aircraft, cruise missiles and other flying objects at ranges far greater than what is possible through existing systems, can also collate surface information about troop movements and missile launches even while "listening in" to highly confidential communications between the enemy's front line units.

When inducted in the IAF, it would supplement the fleet of three AWACS purchased from Israel. The current AWACS operational in the IAF is a Phalcon airborne radar integrated with the Russian IL-76 heavy-lift aircraft.

India is in a select club of nations -- along with the US, Russia, Britain, Japan, Australia and Turkey -- that operate such a sophisticated system. Other countries -- notably Pakistan, Brazil and Greece -- too operate AWACS but at a much lower end of the scale in terms of capability.

Tehelka - India's Independent Weekly News Magazine
Great news , and some of our brotheren were talking about another delay
Made in India AWACS to roll out in February

It'll be another eye-in-the-sky for the Indian Air Force

BY Ritu Sharma

The indigenous airborne early warning and control system (AWACS), integrated on board a Brazilian aircraft, which will give the Indian Air Force (IAF) a capability beyond conventional ground-based radars and tethered electromagnetic radars, will roll out next month.

The system, being developed by Bangalore-based Centre for Airborne Systems -- a laboratory under the Defence Research and Development Organisation -- would give the IAF the capability to "see" beyond enemy lines and detect incoming, airborne threats.

A senior defence official said: "The AWACS has been integrated with the Brazilian aircraft Embraer according to IAF's specifications. The first indigenous system would roll out in February and the flight trials would begin by this year-end."

India and Brazil had inked a deal in 2008 under which aircraft manufacturer Embraer had to modify its EMB145 aircraft to carry an active array antenna unit on its fuselage. Termed to be "very cost-effective" and "probably the cheapest in the world," the system is expected to be a potent force-multiplier for the IAF.

The home-grown AWACS, beyond its ability to detect aircraft, cruise missiles and other flying objects at ranges far greater than what is possible through existing systems, can also collate surface information about troop movements and missile launches even while "listening in" to highly confidential communications between the enemy's front line units.

When inducted in the IAF, it would supplement the fleet of three AWACS purchased from Israel. The current AWACS operational in the IAF is a Phalcon airborne radar integrated with the Russian IL-76 heavy-lift aircraft.

India is in a select club of nations -- along with the US, Russia, Britain, Japan, Australia and Turkey -- that operate such a sophisticated system. Other countries -- notably Pakistan, Brazil and Greece -- too operate AWACS but at a much lower end of the scale in terms of capability.

Tehelka - India's Independent Weekly News Magazine

haha the author forgot to mention China for obvious reasons

Article is full of biased when it says DRDO AWACS (which by the way havenot come out yet is better then AWACS operated by Pakistan which obviously are Erieye .oh man an operational system is low scale in term of capability then the one still not rolled out.again a sheer optimism or should i say blind patriotism .poor author:rofl:
haha the author forgot to mention China for obvious reasons

Article is full of biased when it says DRDO AWACS (which by the way havenot come out yet is better then AWACS operated by Pakistan which obviously are Erieye .oh man an operational system is low scale in term of capability then the one still not rolled out.again a sheer optimism or should i say blind patriotism .poor author:rofl:
whatever satisfies your frustration..
Its really a great news, lets hope these awacs are inducted soon in IAF. Btw, can someone pls share total how many indegenous Awacs IAF want to induct. I heard around 20 in coming decade or so.. pls share more details if someone has..
This february?? hoo my god.. really good news.. Finally light at the end of the tunnel.. Still AESA for LCA ...
The home-grown AWACS, beyond its ability to detect aircraft, cruise missiles and other flying objects at ranges far greater than what is possible through existing systems, can also collate surface information about troop movements and missile launches even while "listening in" to highly confidential communications between the enemy's front line units.

Thats a big news for DRDO and IAF. Indian AWACS with AESA is all way new generation with cutting edge technologies.

Mid 2010 update.....


Some older development pics from various sources...


EW and other sensors for the AWACS

main antenna unit

prototype active antenna array


Sorry to be the spoilsport, guys! But this article gives the false impression that by february a complete AEW craft will roll out.

This is what Dr. Prahlada had to say in Nov. last year...

DRDO's Chief Controller (SI) Prahlada, one of India's most distinghished military technology scientists, told India Strategic defence magazine that the first Embraer is due to roll out in Jan 2011, and the Indian AEW&C radar will be integrated on it by 2011-end.

It should take a couple of years to fully certify the system.

Also note that...

India's first indigenously-developed Airborne Early Warning and Control (AEW&C) system is ready and is being sent to Brazil shortly to be integrated with an Embraer 145 jet .

So, in Feb, the aircraft will roll out from the Embraer plant without the Radar and any other equipment. The integration of the said equipment will take upto 10 months at the end of which we will have the first Indian AEW jet. (End 2011)

Even then, so far, this program has been one of the fastest Indian R & D projects ever! Godspeed!
the first Embraer is due to roll out in Jan 2011, and the Indian AEW&C radar will be integrated on it by 2011-end.

It should take a couple of years to fully certify the system

Other countries -- notably Pakistan, Brazil and Greece -- too operate AWACS but at a much lower end of the scale in terms of capability

ahahahaha. Telhelka..... sounds like a tabloid 3rd class newspaper or mag...watever.

Anyways....good luck.
Sorry to be the spoilsport, guys! But this article gives the false impression that by february a complete AEW craft will roll out.

This is what Dr. Prahlada had to say in Nov. last year...

Also note that...

So, in Feb, the aircraft will roll out from the Embraer plant without the Radar and any other equipment. The integration of the said equipment will take upto 10 months at the end of which we will have the first Indian AEW jet. (End 2011)

Even then, so far, this program has been one of the fastest Indian R & D projects ever! Godspeed!

Well said. I think the project started in 2008 so it took them 3/4 years to ready this AWACS. As I said no further projects will be delayed as we have got experiences from our initial projects. It is true for all other projects.
So, in Feb, the aircraft will roll out from the Embraer plant without the Radar and any other equipment. The integration of the said equipment will take upto 10 months at the end of which we will have the first Indian AEW jet. (End 2011)

I would be surprised if it really takes 10 month to integrate the radar and systems, because the Embraer is not a totally new AWACS platform, it is also used with the Erieye radar. Embraer is an experienced company and I don't think they will need much time for the changes, we might see the aircraft including the radar fly in Brazil much earlier, but the official roll out in India could be at the end of the year.
IMO this deal is a good chance for India and HAL to start a production line of the EMB 145 in India too. No matter what IAF now says about the ceilling, the aircraft would be a great and cost-effective platform for AWACS, MP/ASW, EW and VIP transport (IAF, BSF have other Embraer versions for VIP transports now too). Not to mention that it could deepen the ties between India and Brazil!
India is in a select club of nations -- along with the US, Russia, Britain, Japan, Australia and Turkey -- that operate such a sophisticated system. Other countries -- notably Pakistan, Brazil and Greece -- too operate AWACS but at a much lower end of the scale in terms of capability.

Tehelka - India's Independent Weekly News Magazine

Ops China don't have this sytem. Too bad. And Pakistani system is also towards the lower-end. :cheers:

Ye Cheez mere Azeez
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