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Lone Indian IDF soldier sees his family after 3 years

The Jews were never close to extermination
The Babylonians did not commit genocide, nor did the Assyrians
The Romans did, but there were many Jews in the Diaspora so there was no danger to the people
Even in the Land of Israel there was no danger to the Jews who continued to live to build synagogues and wrote the Talmud under the rule of Rome

I know the Arab / Muslim myth on which you are based
The Jews killed their Messiah / prophet, God cursed them and scattered them and passed the "chosen" to others
The Jews are not a people, they are not a living religion, they have no land and they have no state
They lied to you, brother

Not a million, 700 thousand
Most of them fled without being touched
The rest are some of those who remained to fight the Jews and were therefore deported

What statistics ???
I tell you that a million Mizrahi Jews immigrated to Israel over the years
The rest are Ashkenazim, and the rest are Indians and Ethiopians
The Mizrahim are no more than 40% that is 2.5-3 million out of 6.4 / 6.8 (depending on the count).

The Bedouins themselves say they don't define themselves as Palestinians, they say they are original Arabs, and they identify as Arabs and Muslims as Bedouins, and if they live in Israel then as Israelis, they don't belong to any people, nations is a European invention
I quoted the Bedouins
I do not care. For my part, they can consider themselves Palestinians if they want to, I will not tell them what their identity is.

I'm not trying to create something, I don't care about Ashkenazi Mizrahim, for me it's a big bullshit
I only have the truth, and you make a false claim, and then I refute it, but you claim the same argument again.
The Jews are strangers in the Arab world, they were never Arabs, you speak as if they were Arabs who were always Arabs and at a certain point they decided they believed in Judaism, that's not true
They were Jews before they went into exile in the Arab countries, and they returned as Jews to Israel.
History, genetics, language only prove that you are wrong.

Do you know the difference between the US and Israel?

American nationalism was invented by the European settlers
We didn't have to invent Jewish nationalism because it existed for 3,000 years

The Americans maintain their nationalism on foreign soil
The Jews maintain their nationalism on their land

Let's create a separate thread for this discussion as we will never finish at this rate.
I want to sleep, I suppose there is a night in Saudi Arabia too
We will continue to quarrel on another occasion

Yes, but I am not in KSA currently.

Well, I rather call it disagreements but remember that this is PDF. I think you know that I am not anti-Jewish but that I strongly support a Palestinian state. I have never made a secret of hoping that Arab-Jewish ties improve once again and that I would prefer cooperation rather than hostility.

Take care dude.
Parents are speaking marathi so fluently.
Love the way jews properly assimilate into local traditions and culture.
Peoples army:lol:

So now some Dravidian Indian is going to claim that he has ancestral and historical ties to a region 5000 km from his ancestral land? Is he now going to claim Semitic ancestry, is that it? And you fools are going to believe it? After all you are living a lie.

Anyway I forgot who I am talking about. After all 1/3 of all Israeli Jews are Eastern European migrants that claim that Palestinian Arabs and other natives of the region are recent imports.

DNA has already confirmed what I wrote and I understood from a previous debate that you don't recognize DNA. Not my problem.

Anyway this thread was created in order for a few Indian users to thank this thread as there is not much to thank realities in Israel for.

Anyway at least 21% of your Israeli population is made up by Palestinians Arabs while 2/3's of your Israeli Jews are Arab Jews from Arab nations that are genetically identical to their Muslim, Christian and Atheist brethren.
Long ago I read news , Isreali were angry at Indian, they were trying to get in Isreali nationality by claiming themselves jews.
Excellent find and thanks for the share.

@Levina @scorpionx @Nilgiri

thought you might enjoy this

Thanks for the tag.

It really hurts to see a soldier cry because it's not often that they get so emotional.

Really unfortunate that a few hijacked this thread and are discussing DNA on this thread.
Such galoots!

Long ago I read news , Isreali were angry at Indian, they were trying to get in Isreali nationality by claiming themselves jews.

Yeah right.

I should have just read first two posts in the thread, watched video and be done with it but nope had to buzz through the rest of thread too :hitwall: ...i should know better by now.

Anyways best of luck to this lad, he seems to be a momma's boy like me :enjoy:
Nice find.

Long Live Israel. May its people gain their promises lands.
Long ago I read news , Isreali were angry at Indian, they were trying to get in Isreali nationality by claiming themselves jews.

Must be PDF generated news right? Such nonsense is rampant here ...
But if Muslims serve and fight for another country they are terrorists. Filth always stinks
Ehm? I'm not sure what u mean?
Russian served in Egyptian air force while the wars in Israel, did I call them terrorists?

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