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LIVE: President Trump Gives a Statement on Jerusalem

Let me make myself clear, if Muslim individuals can't take simple steps that involve adjusting their character, then don't expect anything to change. That means, if you are member of a forum or FB discussion or news discussion and rejoice at Houthi/Bashar/Nusra/Hezbollah/Saudi/Libyan rebels/strongman/Taliban/Afghani/Turkish/Kurd army/etc... gains in Muslim nations, then you are contributing to fitnah and no way can you be considered a level headed Muslim who genuinely wishes for unity among Muslims.

You have to be of the minority which abstains from declaring anyone right or wrong in these internal conflicts and has the guts to condemn all of these conflicts and incitement from whichever governments are parties as wrong. That is the very first and minimum requirement for change. And second would be to suggest the solution is with the people in general and not by supporting one or two parties or supporting narrative of one government. You have to acknowledge there is no moral or Islamic virtues among any of our governments today. If you suggest otherwise, you are corrupt and will not be taken seriously.
Wasn't you al saud followers cheared for trump because of his anti iranian policy and weapons deal but after his Jerusalem speech you now you want him to be impeached

I remember how many Muslims on PDF were in support of Trump as well and against Hillary Clinton. I remember @Falcon29 being the same. Showcasing your obsession about KSA once again? Is KSA the only country in the world or even the Arab or Muslim world (let alone region) that has ties to the US? Last time I saw the US has military bases in Iraq and has helped you defeat Daesh. Without their air support you would still be fighting them.

Is that not the truth as well? I think it is.
take a second...to think about your post.. just do it... in a Logical manner...

Well let's see what Iran & Hezb will do... I remember they said they will use force if Jerusalem fall under the Zionist hands...
They want start a war

The only thing could happen that is palestinian revolution when West Bank and gaza unite but right now West Bank is ruled by traitors
1) Yet KSA unlike your country fought Israel in the past

2) Yet KSA unlike your country hosts one of the largest Palestinian communities in the world that are given rights that other expat communities are not.

3) Yet KSA unlike your country has donated more to Palestine and Palestinians than any regional country in the past 70 years)

4) Yet KSA unlike your country (for the sake of Palestine) started the oil crisis in the 1970's (ask your parents about this although you are 34 years old) that paralyzed Western and world economy. Not once, but twice.



5) Yet KSA's leader unlike your country's leader openly talked about the dismiss of Israel and actively did what he could to ensure this (King Faisal) and due to that he was killed.

6) Yet KSA unlike your country has no economic, military or diplomatic relations with Israel unlike your country that has had that since time immortal. Unlike your country that has enjoyed close military cooperation with Israel.

7) Contrary to popular belief here on PDF that every Saudi Arabian lives in a castle, surrender by servants on top of a large mountain made up of money, there are many struggling people (compared to the overall living standards in KSA).

9) Unlike KSA Turkey is not as religious nor Arab. Thus locals do not care as much about Palestine and Palestinians as the average Saudi Arabian does.

10) Unlike KSA Turkey has not come up with the most sensible and realistic peace proposal to date that was moreover approved by the Arab League. Called the Arab Peace Initiate from 2002. More or less made in KSA.


An initiative that the Palestinian state happens to endorse.

10) I am not your average Saudi Arabian in the sense that I have come to some painful realizations that most of my compatriots tend to ignore.

11) What I wrote is not a support for Israel nor will it change my lifelong stance in favor of a Palestinian state but some truths must be told when uneducated and ignorant trolls are running havoc here and elsewhere.

Now will you be able to deal with those facts or are you going to troll as usual and show your complexes towards Arabs and pretend that you care about Palestine while you have a long history of insulting Arabs, thus Palestinians included. While you have a history of claiming openly that you do not care about Palestinians.

What a joke this forum is.
Turkey is already involved more than it should into this issue anyways, the whole story should have ended for us the day the locals decided the choose imperialists and their promises.

Erdogan should stop milking the religion cow and act according to Turkeys interests first, if i was him i would build one pipeline from Iran another from KSA then from Israel, Iraq Qatar, Azerbaijan and get transit fees but no, he has to earn brownie points, maybe his ego is too important for him.
Saif al-Arab is too intelligent and mature for this forum.

We should make him forum King and live under his peace-loving ideology.

Not sure about peace-loving when it comes to enemies but when it comes to this forum (aside from being a bit addictive) I have long ago stopped taking it seriously. That is why I tend to write on Arab forums instead or occasionally Reddit if I have the time. Expect for the usual stuff on social media but I tend not to discuss politics there.
I remember how many Muslims on PDF were in support of Trump as well and against Hillary Clinton. I remember @Falcon29 being the same. Showcasing your obsession about KSA once again? Is KSA the only country in the world or even the Arab or Muslim world (let alone region) that has ties to the US? Last time I saw the US has military bases in Iraq and has helped you defeat Daesh. Without their air support you would still be fighting them.

Is that not the truth as well? I think it is.
Iraqis specially Shias cheared for him because they believed his lies on stopping terrorism
take a second...to think about your post.. just do it... in a Logical manner...

You obviously don't understand. Jordan has jurisdiction over the Al Aqsa mosque and its compound.

One of the problems for israel is that it calls itself a "jewish state" rather than a multiracial country like singapore that embraces all races of people.

Jewish state refers to the fact that any Jew can go and live in his ancestral homeland. Israel is in fact more multicultural than most countries. More than European ones.
Iraqis specially Shias cheared for him because they believed his lies on stopping terrorism

But they believe Iran's (so-called Iranian Arab Mullah's ruling it) lies of stopping terrorism while they actively fund it and wherever they are present in the region, there is only misery, war and instability? OK. Please continue.
I find that South Asian Muslims are more inclined to listen and understand what is affecting the Muslim nation. Everyone else is too prideful and only care about themselves, or too paranoid and have trust issues with each other. I would to give my thanks and appreciation to South Asian Muslims who are willing to put nationalism and sectarianism behind and able to recognize that they shouldn't support any of our modern governments or encourage more fitnah. And rather encourage the people to change.

I remember how many Muslims on PDF were in support of Trump as well and against Hillary Clinton. I remember @Falcon29 being the same. Showcasing your obsession about KSA once again? Is KSA the only country in the world or even the Arab or Muslim world (let alone region) that has ties to the US? Last time I saw the US has military bases in Iraq and has helped you defeat Daesh. Without their air support you would still be fighting them.

Is that not the truth as well? I think it is.

I explained why I wanted Trump to win, go look back earlier in this thread or remember what I said at the time. This isn't about Trump alone.
First of all why do you even care? Are you an Arab? Secondly ground realities are ground realities. There are 500 million Arabs worldwide even I told you that there were only 10. My views on this topic has nothing to do with what I believe in overall. My participation in this thread was due to a Pakistani user making up a false claim of what I had supposedly written about this decision while I was yet to comment on it (until today).
You are right, i don't care. :)

Though, i do take enjoy from this development. 100 hundred years ago, Jerusalem was part of the Caliphate. Today, it is going to be the capital of the zionist state because of what Arabs did 100 years ago. :)

After 100 years Allah still continues to punish Arabs for their betrayal to Caliphate.
After 100 years Allah still continues to punish Arabs for their betrayal to Caliphate.

You know you are committing kufr by suggesting you know what Allah is up to. Secondly, no one cares that you are attached to your race too much and that is all of concern to you. Muslim world is diverse and being good is not dependent on race. This ethic pride displayed by some people is a big issue that runs contrary to Islamic values. Put ethnicity behind you, not just you but others here too.
1) Yet KSA unlike your country fought Israel in the past

2) Yet KSA unlike your country hosts one of the largest Palestinian communities in the world that are given rights that other expat communities are not.

3) Yet KSA unlike your country has donated more to Palestine and Palestinians than any regional country in the past 70 years)

4) Yet KSA unlike your country (for the sake of Palestine) started the oil crisis in the 1970's (ask your parents about this although you are 34 years old) that paralyzed Western and world economy. Not once, but twice.



5) Yet KSA's leader unlike your country's leader openly talked about the dismiss of Israel and actively did what he could to ensure this (King Faisal) and due to that he was killed.

6) Yet KSA unlike your country has no economic, military or diplomatic relations with Israel unlike your country that has had that since time immortal. Unlike your country that has enjoyed close military cooperation with Israel.

7) Contrary to popular belief here on PDF that every Saudi Arabian lives in a castle, surrender by servants on top of a large mountain made up of money, there are many struggling people (compared to the overall living standards in KSA).

9) Unlike KSA Turkey is not as religious nor Arab. Thus locals do not care as much about Palestine and Palestinians as the average Saudi Arabian does.

10) Unlike KSA Turkey has not come up with the most sensible and realistic peace proposal to date that was moreover approved by the Arab League. Called the Arab Peace Initiate from 2002. More or less made in KSA.


An initiative that the Palestinian state happens to endorse.

10) I am not your average Saudi Arabian in the sense that I have come to some painful realizations that most of my compatriots tend to ignore.

11) What I wrote is not a support for Israel nor will it change my lifelong stance in favor of a Palestinian state but some truths must be told when uneducated and ignorant trolls are running havoc here and elsewhere.

Now will you be able to deal with those facts or are you going to troll as usual and show your complexes towards Arabs and pretend that you care about Palestine while you have a long history of insulting Arabs, thus Palestinians included. While you have a history of claiming openly that you do not care about Palestinians.

What a joke this forum is.

Well yet you are still a faillure you did that much, please leave this forum you are wasting your time.
if only KSA and Iran stopped fighting among themselves and their proxies all the time and invested their efforts in saving the Palestinian cause :( our division is handing them victories
Certainly Isreali lobby in Capitol Hill is more powerful than Mr. Persident himself.
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