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Arabs furious at Czech Jerusalem remarks

Because it doesn't belong to Israel even if you look at religiously or by any other way. Jews who have any idea about their scripture know that the land belongs to the descendants of Abraham and there has been literature written on the subject that proves the fact that most of the Israelis living in the "holy land" are not descendants of Abraham and one such geneticist who wrote about it happens to be a Jew himself. So no religious arugument applies there as far as the leadership of Israel goes they have said it on various occasions that the land does not belong to them and they have built settlements on a stolen land which is illegal according to international law. So its not the Muslims who will or will not accept, International law does not accept it as well.

There is no evidence to suggest that Abraham lived in Jerusalem. Jerusalem is founded by a Jewish king named David and was further developed by his son King Solomon. Most Jews of today consider themselves as descendants of these kings.
BTW.. Jews consider themselves as the legitimate descendants of Abraham.
There is no evidence to suggest that Abraham lived in Jerusalem. Jerusalem is founded by a Jewish king named David and was further developed by his son King Solomon. Most Jews of today consider themselves as descendants of these kings.

Oh there is evidence and those Jews who know the basics of their religion know this and especially if they want a Jewish state how can they possibly have a Jewish state on a land where the Jewish God promises that only "sons of Abraham" would live? And considering is not proof either there is enough evidence to prove they are not the descendants of Abraham so it refutes the logic and the claim they have for building their own state there.
Oh there is evidence and those Jews who know the basics of their religion know this and especially if they want a Jewish state how can they possibly have a Jewish state on a land where the Jewish God promises that only "sons of Abraham" would live? And considering is not proof either there is enough evidence to prove they are not the descendants of Abraham so it refutes the logic and the claim they have for building their own state there.

Where is the evidence?
However, there is overwhelming evidence to show that the city of Jerusalem is founded by King David who is considered a great Jewish king. Jews of today consider themselves as inheritors of King David.
Where is the evidence?
However, there is overwhelming evidence to show that the city of Jerusalem is founded by King David who is considered a great Jewish king. Jews of today consider themselves as inheritors of King David.

Consider inheritors? they might consider themselves inheritors but they are not If they were sons of David even it could be proven but it just can't be and as far as evidence goes the newest DNA science finding is from Dr. Eran Elhaik (“a Jew”) from Johns Hopkins University published by the Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society of Molecular Biology and Evolution, proves in his research how this is certainly not the case. But again most people would rather rely on their own version of how they think of Muslims as "Obsessed" rather on facts.
Where is the evidence?
However, there is overwhelming evidence to show that the city of Jerusalem is founded by King David who is considered a great Jewish king. Jews of today consider themselves as inheritors of King David.

And secondly i never said anything about who founded Jerusalem i just said the ones who happen to build a state there know it that they are not the descendants of Abraham and they are not the Original Jews who could claim that it was their land in fact that study proves that the lineage of a lot of Palestinians(both Muslims and Christians) living there can be traced back to Abraham.
And secondly i never said anything about who founded Jerusalem i just said the ones who happen to build a state there know it that they are not the descendants of Abraham and they are not the Original Jews who could claim that it was their land in fact that study proves that the lineage of a lot of Palestinians(both Muslims and Christians) living there can be traced back to Abraham.

Any proofs to show for your statements, or are you making up your historical facts?

Consider inheritors? they might consider themselves inheritors but they are not If they were sons of David even it could be proven but it just can't be and as far as evidence goes the newest DNA science finding is from Dr. Eran Elhaik (“a Jew”) from Johns Hopkins University published by the Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society of Molecular Biology and Evolution, proves in his research how this is certainly not the case. But again most people would rather rely on their own version of how they think of Muslims as "Obsessed" rather on facts.

The Torah and Old Testament of the Bible says that God gave the promised land of Israel to the descendants of Isaac, the legitimate son of Abraham..
Any proofs to show for your statements, or are you making up your historical facts?

The Torah and Old Testament of the Bible says that God gave the promised land of Israel to the descendants of Isaac, the legitimate son of Abraham..

Don't you get it? The Torah says God promised it to the legitimate sons of Abraham and those who call themselves the legitimate sons of Abraham are not, and you talk about evidence i gave you the evidence so unless you want to continue with you're belief that Muslims are "obsessed" with any and everything there is no reason for you to claim that i am making historical facts.

Any proofs to show for your statements, or are you making up your historical facts?

The Torah and Old Testament of the Bible says that God gave the promised land of Israel to the descendants of Isaac, the legitimate son of Abraham..

“I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the Synagogue of Satan.” This is another thing that the Torah says so i guess instead of blaming everybody of making up historical claims why don't you go and check them up.
Don't you get it? The Torah says God promised it to the legitimate sons of Abraham and those who call themselves the legitimate sons of Abraham are not, and you talk about evidence i gave you the evidence so unless you want to continue with you're belief that Muslims are "obsessed" with any and everything there is no reason for you to claim that i am making historical facts.

Israel is the promised land from God to Moses who is the descendant of Isaac. The Jews are the descendants of Isaac, the legitimate son of Abraham through his legitimate wife Sarah.

“I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the Synagogue of Satan.” This is another thing that the Torah says so i guess instead of blaming everybody of making up historical claims why don't you go and check them up.

If the people who follow the religion of Judaism are not Jews, who are the Jews?
Israel is the promised land from God to Moses who is the descendant of Isaac. The Jews are the descendants of Isaac, the legitimate son of Abraham through his legitimate wife Sarah.

Again the same thing? Abraham is the one whom God promised that land and to his rightful legitimate descendants. Those who claim that the Jews of today are the descendants of Abraham are either mistaken or liars. I gave you the evidence it proves the lineage of those who call themselves Jews have nothing to do with Abraham. I never denied that their were Jews who were the descendants but modern science proves that the ones who live in Israel and on the basis of this fact claim that it is their land are not speaking factually. I have given you evidence and like i said earlier if you want to believe what is considered by some against all logic and evidence then it is you're choice but don't blame others of making up historical facts.
Again the same thing? Abraham is the one whom God promised that land and to his rightful legitimate descendants. Those who claim that the Jews of today are the descendants of Abraham are either mistaken or liars. I gave you the evidence it proves the lineage of those who call themselves Jews have nothing to do with Abraham. I never denied that their were Jews who were the descendants but modern science proves that the ones who live in Israel and on the basis of this fact claim that it is their land are not speaking factually. I have given you evidence and like i said earlier if you want to believe what is considered by some against all logic and evidence then it is you're choice but don't blame others of making up historical facts.

Wrong again. As per the Bible, God promised Jacob, the son of Isaac and grandson of Abraham, that Israel was the promised land for his people.
Israel is the promised land from God to Moses who is the descendant of Isaac. The Jews are the descendants of Isaac, the legitimate son of Abraham through his legitimate wife Sarah.

If the people who follow the religion of Judaism are not Jews, who are the Jews?

The original Jews were the descendants of Abraham and they did have the right to live in the holy land and if you seriously want to know the answer to this question then look up for the evidence i provided though i really doubt you want to know facts because as soon as facts are coming from a Muslim they start appearing fuzzy and tainted by personal bias which also is biased if i am not wrong.

Wrong again. As per the Bible, God promised Jacob, the son of Isaac and grandson of Abraham, that Israel was the promised land for his people.

“And the Lord appeared unto Abram, and said, Unto thy seed will I give this land...” so again i am not wrong
Wrong again. As per the Bible, God promised Jacob, the son of Isaac and grandson of Abraham, that Israel was the promised land for his people.

In order to justify their claim over the land their lineage has to back their claim which it sadly doesn't. You are saying the same thing over and over again and i have answered that if the Jews of today are not the "seeds of Abraham" then they don't have the right to that land. All you keep saying is that they consider that its their land and the fact that they are the rightful descendants while i gave you evidence of how modern genetics proves its not the case.
The Palestinans won the bid over everybody's nose. :lol:

Czechs have a long history of supporting Israelis (Jews) against Arabs. For instance, they supported Israelis with weapon deliveries in 1948, and were also the one who voted against the Palestinian 'observer status' bid at the United Nations General Assembly in 2012.

That is why it surprises me that Arab states have bought and are still fine with buying Czech military equipment like the Aero L-59 Super Albatros.

All Arab states? Come on! Many don't do business with them. Aside, the L-59 is a crappy trainer.
Isn't Jerusalem founded by a Jew and is the holiest city for the Jews?

Is this answer to the first or second part of the question?

Who founded the city of Jerusalem?
Which is the holiest place for Judaism?

You mean that the europeans who founded cities all over the world have the right now to declare it's their lands?

I remind you that the amerindians have founded America so like the amerindians if you founded Israel and go, the land isn't yours anymore

Also Abraham have slaughtered thousands of people to conquer Israel, so the land doesn't belong to you
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