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LIVE: President Trump Gives a Statement on Jerusalem

I think all Muslims need such a shock so that they wake up and act to save all Palestine from Jordan river to Haifa not only Alquds...
on the individual level, I warned you and told you that voting for the idtior Trump is not in Palestine interest ...

Yes, those same Muslims who are divided into 1000's political groups, ideologies, agendas etc. Those same Muslims who since 1979 have done more harm to us, our country, our people, our economy and our security than Israel could ever dream about. Look, I don't care about Israel. I am not a Jew. I am not pro-Israel nor do I have a positive view of their behavior. But I am a pragmatist and a realist.

Our country is under attack by supposed brothers (in reality a terrorist cult) in neighboring Northern Yemen that is supported actively by our supposed neighboring brothers from Iran that moreover is ruled by supposed Iranian Arabs originally from Hijaz (Sarah families - hence the black turbans).

We can continue to close our eyes or see the reality in front of us. There is no Muslim unity in 2017. There are regimes, nation states and their supporters, opponents and everyone in between who all have their own agendas. Just because we share religion (once again certain sects are completely different from what we believe in - do I need to mention more than Wilayat al-Faqih?) and ethnicity or Middle Eastern history.
Well when it comes to ball measurement he will count every arabs gainst every one, 500 million arabs story:-). So when they lose tiny Palestin 2 million he must make it 498 Million Arabs. Saudi are living in healthy rich country like the other Gcc. Why would they make them hands dirty? Billions of dollar investment over the world, that rich part of KSA is liberal. Don't ask much from them.

Most Muslims are somewhat liberal too, so why are you focusing on race?
Yes, those same Muslims who are divided into 1000's political groups, ideologies, agendas etc. Those same Muslims who since 1979 have done more harm to us, our country, our people, our economy and our security than Israel could ever dream about. Look, I don't care about Israel. I am not a Jew. I am not pro-Israel nor do I have a positive view of their behavior. But I am a pragmatist and a realist.

Our country is under attack by supposed brothers (in reality a terrorist cult) in neighboring Northern Yemen that is supported actively by our supposed neighboring brothers from Iran that moreover is ruled by supposed Iranian Arabs originally from Hijaz (Sarah families - hence the black turbans).

We can continue to close our eyes or see the reality in front of us. There is no Muslim unity in 2017. There are regimes, nation states and their supporters, opponents and everyone in between who all have their own agendas. Just because we share religion (once again certain sects are completely different from what we believe in - do I need to mention more than Wilayat al-Faqih?) and ethnicity or Middle Eastern history.

Deal with it

You are hopeless like everyone else here, we all wish change could occur. All Muslims are really in a difficult situation, I don't think any Muslims ever came across an era like ours. It's very unfortunate people are rejoicing about going at each other in arenas across the region. I hope people here can mature and realize what is going on is wrong and is a fitnah. That will not stop those parties in power from pursuing their interests, but at least it will be a start. We have to take to that step on an individual level. Otherwise we can't expect change.

I not anymore hopeless than you are or everyone here. A few days ago you openly proclaimed that you are supporting the Houthi terrorist cult. What do you imagine that any Saudi Arabian will feel about that? What would you say to a small daughter or son whose father was killed in Yemen for the sake of ensuring stability in Yemen and not allowing a highly incompetent terrorist cult to run Yemen completely down to the ground?

What do you say to those many users here who rejoice whenever something bad happens in KSA? Or who openly hate Arabs yet pretend that they care about Palestine?

Why should we be silent and not speak about such problems for the sake of saving face?

As I said KSA is used as a punching bag by the Muslims masses and is blamed for everyone else failure (the failure of Muslims in their own countries). When Muslim leaders make some useless comments (which they are in reality be it from Erdogan, to Pakistan, Iran to Qatar) and KSA makes identical comments, only in the case of KSA is there some conspiracy theory involved. You can see it on PDF right now. Take a look and tell me that I am wrong.
Why do your 'solutions' always include Muslims ultimately uniting and carrying out a genocide in Israel?

When you scrape away the frilly nonsense you spout about "returning to religion & God" - isn't what you're saying is you want a religious Islamic war against Israel?

Wasn't even close to suggesting that- but ok.
You already know the answer... it's not like you are born yesterday...
You may write that the palestinian conflict is way above your head and you don't care... we both know why you react that way...
You can put the escuse on History, past or whatever... the facts are here... Muslims lost smthing...and tomorrow they could lose smthing else... could even be Makkah... so how will you react? will other muslims should react as it's above their head?
How you behave today..;will be taken into account tomorrow when you /we are in the same positions...

But the simple answer to it... When a Brother is in diffuclty or whatever..; the basic thing is to accept his suffering..;and not making it likes it's his own problem to solve...

Because if you want History...well... all Arab nations bahavior in the past IS why Palestine suffer like that..; you can hide it... but it's the truth... They wanted smthing and they lost ... and then those who stayed...till this day...are paying the price...

In theEnd, it's your choice, running for it or not..; I, don't really care... I will not be accountable for your behavior.

Don't understand what you're trying to get across. But, I know myself and what I will do if Makkah is in harm's way, and it doesn't have to involve force of any kind, as more force is not an answer to increasing use of force. But I will be there and cooperate with the people who seek to rally around a leader.

I not anymore hopeless than you are or everyone here. A few days ago you openly proclaimed that you are supporting the Houthi terrorist cult. What do you imagine that any Saudi Arabian will feel about that? What would you say to a small daughter or son whose father was killed in Yemen for the sake of ensuring stability in Yemen and not allowing a highly incompetent terrorist cult to run Yemen completely down to the ground?

What do you say to those many users here who rejoice whenever something bad happens in KSA? Or who openly hate Arabs yet pretend that they care about Palestine?

Why should we be silent and not speak about such problems for the sake of saving face?

As I said KSA is used as a punching bag by the Muslims masses and is blamed for everyone else failure (the failure of Muslims in their own countries). When Muslim leaders make some useless comments (which they are in reality be it from Erdogan, to Pakistan, Iran to Qatar) and KSA makes identical comments, only in the case of KSA is there some conspiracy theory involved. You can see it on PDF right now. Take a look and tell me that I am wrong.

I didn't say that, go read my post again. Now back to my views, I've ignored those people on this forum for a long time because nothing could help them. All I do is keep encouraging a change and condemning what is taking place across the region. And I don't really appeal to governments, I mostly appeal just to the people in general(not about Palestine about everything in Muslim world). Some people think this makes me Islamist or unrealistic, thus I mention what steps governments could take. But, really I have been focusing on people in general and believe the solutions lie with them.
Well when it comes to ball measurement he will count every arabs gainst every one, 500 million arabs story:-). So when they lose tiny Palestin 2 million he must make it 498 Million Arabs. Saudi are living in healthy rich country like the other Gcc. Why would they make them hands dirty? Billions of dollar investment over the world, that rich part of KSA is liberal. Don't ask much from them.

1) Yet KSA unlike your country fought Israel in the past

2) Yet KSA unlike your country hosts one of the largest Palestinian communities in the world that are given rights that other expat communities are not.

3) Yet KSA unlike your country has donated more to Palestine and Palestinians than any regional country in the past 70 years)

4) Yet KSA unlike your country (for the sake of Palestine) started the oil crisis in the 1970's (ask your parents about this although you are 34 years old) that paralyzed Western and world economy. Not once, but twice.



5) Yet KSA's leader unlike your country's leader openly talked about the dismiss of Israel and actively did what he could to ensure this (King Faisal) and due to that he was killed.

6) Yet KSA unlike your country has no economic, military or diplomatic relations with Israel unlike your country that has had that since time immortal. Unlike your country that has enjoyed close military cooperation with Israel.

7) Contrary to popular belief here on PDF that every Saudi Arabian lives in a castle, surrender by servants on top of a large mountain made up of money, there are many struggling people (compared to the overall living standards in KSA).

9) Unlike KSA Turkey is not as religious nor Arab. Thus locals do not care as much about Palestine and Palestinians as the average Saudi Arabian does.

10) Unlike KSA Turkey has not come up with the most sensible and realistic peace proposal to date that was moreover approved by the Arab League. Called the Arab Peace Initiate from 2002. More or less made in KSA.


An initiative that the Palestinian state happens to endorse.

10) I am not your average Saudi Arabian in the sense that I have come to some painful realizations that most of my compatriots tend to ignore.

11) What I wrote is not a support for Israel nor will it change my lifelong stance in favor of a Palestinian state but some truths must be told when uneducated and ignorant trolls are running havoc here and elsewhere.

Now will you be able to deal with those facts or are you going to troll as usual and show your complexes towards Arabs and pretend that you care about Palestine while you have a long history of insulting Arabs, thus Palestinians included. While you have a history of claiming openly that you do not care about Palestinians.

What a joke this forum is.
Just watched the news.

This will cost lives...

I wish that it didnt happened though
He can shove his speech up into his a**, the undivided Alquds is the eternal capital of Palestine...
These eastern Eropean settlers must go back to their original countries
Wasn't you al saud followers cheared for trump because of his anti iranian policy and weapons deal but after his Jerusalem speech you now you want him to be impeached
One of the problems for israel is that it calls itself a "jewish state" rather than a multiracial country like singapore that embraces all races of people.

If jerusalem is home to many races of people then to have it become as part of israel will make the palestinians angry
Israel controls Jerusalem, but Jordan controls the Islamic holy sites in Jerusalem.

So Muslims control the Al Aqsa Mosque.
take a second...to think about your post.. just do it... in a Logical manner...

Wasn't you al saud followers cheared for trump because of his anti iranian policy and weapons deal but after his Jerusalem speech you now you want him to be impeached
Well let's see what Iran & Hezb will do... I remember they said they will use force if Jerusalem fall under the Zionist hands...
So, we won't hear any "500 million huge Arab word" from you anymore ?

First of all why do you even care? Are you an Arab? Secondly ground realities are ground realities. There are 500 million Arabs worldwide even I told you that there were only 10. My views on this topic has nothing to do with what I believe in overall. My participation in this thread was due to a Pakistani user making up a false claim of what I had supposedly written about this decision while I was yet to comment on it (until today).
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