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No this is simply not true, Ottomans accepted Jewish migrants and allowed them so settle anywhere within the empire except Palestine, dont distort history your better than this.

In the first half of the 19th century, no foreigners were allowed to purchase land in Palestine.[citation needed] This was official Turkish policy until 1856 and in practice until 1867.[5] When it came to the national aspirations of the Zionist movement, the Ottoman Empire opposed the idea of Jewish self-rule in Palestine, fearing it may lose control of Palestine after recently having lost other territories to various European powers. It also took issue with the Jews, as many came from Russia, which sought the empire's demise.[6]

In 1881 the Ottoman governmental administration (the Sublime Porte) decreed that foreign Jews could immigrate to and settle anywhere within the Ottoman Empire, except in Palestine and from 1882 until their defeat in 1918, the Ottomans continuously restricted Jewish immigration and land purchases in Palestine.[6]

Source: https://books.google.ch/books?id=-u9Fl6fnz0AC&pg=PA58&redir_esc=y

Are you sure?

So how come did the Jewish population in modern-day Israel/Palestine raise rapidly decades before WW1? How did Jewish settlers end up there?

I am not distorting anything. You should really read about it.


While Palestine/Israel was under Ottoman jurisdiction:


The First Aliyah (Hebrew: העלייה הראשונה, HaAliyah HaRishona), also known as the agriculture Aliyah, is a term used to describe a major wave of Zionist immigration to what is now Israel (aliyah) between 1882 and 1903.[1][2] Jews who migrated to Ottoman Palestine in this wave came mostly from Eastern Europe and from Yemen. An estimated 25,000[3]–35,000[4]Jews immigrated to Ottoman Palestine during the First Aliyah. It is estimated that between 40% to 90% of those immigrants left Palestine again, most of them few years after their arrival. Because there had been immigration to Palestine in earlier years as well, the term First Aliyah is highly criticized among some scholars.


The Second Aliyah (Hebrew:העלייה השנייה, HaAliyah HaSheniya) was an important and highly influential aliyah (Jewish emigration to the Land of Israel) that took place between 1904 and 1914, during which approximately 35,000 Jews immigrated into Ottoman-ruled Land of Israel, mostly from the Russian Empire,[1] some from Yemen.


So I am not distorting anything.

There were previous migrations as well BTW;


So as I wrote initially, it's not correct.

All this was done under Ottoman jurisdiction.
Are you sure?

So how come did the Jewish population in modern-day Israel/Palestine raise rapidly decades before WW1? How did Jewish settlers end up there?

I am not distorting anything. You should really read about it.


While Palestine/Israel was under Ottoman jurisdiction:


The First Aliyah (Hebrew: העלייה הראשונה, HaAliyah HaRishona), also known as the agriculture Aliyah, is a term used to describe a major wave of Zionist immigration to what is now Israel (aliyah) between 1882 and 1903.[1][2] Jews who migrated to Ottoman Palestine in this wave came mostly from Eastern Europe and from Yemen. An estimated 25,000[3]–35,000[4]Jews immigrated to Ottoman Palestine during the First Aliyah. It is estimated that between 40% to 90% of those immigrants left Palestine again, most of them few years after their arrival. Because there had been immigration to Palestine in earlier years as well, the term First Aliyah is highly criticized among some scholars.


The Second Aliyah (Hebrew:העלייה השנייה, HaAliyah HaSheniya) was an important and highly influential aliyah (Jewish emigration to the Land of Israel) that took place between 1904 and 1914, during which approximately 35,000 Jews immigrated into Ottoman-ruled Land of Israel, mostly from the Russian Empire,[1] some from Yemen.


So I am not distorting anything.

There were previous migrations as well BTW;

Most of them are jews from within the empires boundries, there was no legal ground to restrict their immigration within the empire but for those coming from outside, namely Russia there was the said restriction.
Most of them are jews from within the empires boundries, there was no legal ground to restrict their immigration withing the empire but for those coming from outside, namely Russia there was the said restriction.

Wrong. Most were from the Russian Empire as is stated in the sources. That is why you have several generation Askhenazi Jewish families in Israel whose great-great-great-grandparents were born in modern-day Palestine/Israel.

You can ask Jewish users here and they will answer you the same.

So there was already massive Jewish migrations to modern-day Palestine/Israel before WW1 and thus under Ottoman jurisdiction.

Jewish migration from the region (mostly Arab countries) occurred long after WW1.


That is why people like @GBU-28 has grandmothers born in Morocco and Lebanon.

Anyway I have to go.


Regardless of my comments, you are well aware of my unconditional stance and support for a two-state solution which I have never hidden and even spoken about in this thread as well. However there are certain things that I disagree with strongly in the Muslim world and our actions so allow me to be frustrated and maybe too frank for the liking of some. However I refuse to be fooled and I will address the problems as I see them fit otherwise they will never be solved.

I believe in a two-state solution and I am open for cordial relations with Israel once that happens and from what I can gather and from our many pasts discussions, we agree with this.

However I can't stand it clearly enough. The Palestinians leadership has also failed. This needs to change.

Bro east Jerusalem is not in Palestinian control, the Palestinians are the ones under brutal Israeli military occupation. Palestinians from West Bank are even blocked from entering Jerusalem to pray jumma prayer in al aqsa on Friday. You know Zionist dream is to destroy al aqsa mosque and build Jewish temple on top of it. If you are serious about saving al aqsa and the Palestinian cause this should be a wake up call for both ksa and Iran.

Not official jurisdiction (Jordan has that apparently), which is self-explanatory, but they live there and they are going nowhere. This is what I meant. This decision to change the US embassy from Tel Aviv/Jaffa to Al-Quds/Jerusalem will not change that fact. Obviously it will create anger and confusion which it already has done.

No, they are not going to destroy anything. If they wanted that they would have done it 50 years ago when they first entered Eastern Jerusalem. Do you imagine what kind of chaos this would cause? There would never be a a glimmer of hope for peace ever again. It is not in the interests of anyone other than some hardliners.

Well, KSA welcomed the Iranian Mullah's (they were our so-called Iranian Arab brothers) when they came to power in 1979, but we saw what happened in return. King Khaled wrote a long detailed letter wishing for the best neighborly, brotherly and Islamic relations. Anyway that conflict has nothing to do with the decision of the US and is for another thread.
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We will happily cancel our weapon deal with America once Pakistan provides us with its nuclear weapon
Doesnt KSA already have Pak nuclear umbrella protection?

Is KSA willing to help Pak with hundreds of billions of dollars in case of sanctions on Pak and itself in case of such a transaction?
at least stops its citizens from being cannon fodders for Iran which uses them to kill as many innocent Syrians as it can.

A few dozen or hundred fighters at max?

We also have fukheads fighting for your side FSA and al nusra and daesh.

Had it been upto me... id have em exterminated.

Is KSA ready to control its rich shiekhs from funding terror seminaries and groups in Pak?
Wrong. Most were from the Russian Empire as is stated in the sources. That is why you have several generation Askhenazi Jewish families in Israel whose great-great-great-grandparents were born in modern-day Palestine/Israel.

You can ask Jewish users here and they will answer you the same.

So there was already massive Jewish migrations to modern-day Palestine/Israel before WW1 and thus under Ottoman jurisdiction.

You yourself posted it, First Aliyah = mostly from Eastern Europe and Yemen, second Aliyah = from Russia and Yemen.

The point is Ottomans tried to stop it but the local landlords sold their lands to wealthy Jews.
Why do Jews want Jerusalem and why do they inspire living in Israel?
Doesnt KSA already have Pak nuclear umbrella protection?

Is KSA willing to help Pak with hundreds of billions of dollars in case of sanctions on Pak and itself in case of such a transaction?

A few dozen or hundred fighters at max?

We also have fukheads fighting for your side FSA and al nusra and daesh.

Had it been upto me... id have em exterminated.

Is KSA ready to control its rich shiekhs from funding terror seminaries and groups in Pak?

I know you have one cell brain till the point that you intentionally trying to portray the recruitment of Thousands of Pakistanis by Iran to work for it as cannon fodders in Syria with some helpless unseen Pak dude volunteered with FSA as you stupidly claimed. On the top of that, Pakistan gov never addressed or condemn Iran's recruitment for Pakistanis ...
Pakistan should first get rid of all the American fighter jets it has from America so that I start to believe you
No, it is not as KSA has done 1000 times more for Palestine than Pakistan will ever do.
Like what? farting at Arab League confs and maintaining secret ties with israel?

You did not raise shit. Our air force predate your country by 30 years.

Ive got an entire research article on it kiddo... I can post that for your satisfaction if you need!

And videos from 2017, with Pak seargents drilling your Super Saudi hulks in KSA!

And articles about new military institutes being established by Pak in KSA with pics.

Even your baby bro UAEs airlines were set up by a Pak retired Air Chief... and much more.
Those below are Saudi Arabian pilots training with their Italian counterparts in 1935.

Thats so awesome... and what were the first jets used by KSAF? hover crafts?

Your military only flung up after the west discovered oil and you hit a jackpot.

And where where these lions of arabia, when might KSA asked for entire Pak divisons to protects its borders? over 75,000 Pak soldiers in the 90s!


Or better yet, where were these pilots in Arab-Israel wars? and why in italy, when italy was opressing your libyan n other cousins????

Your state was never directly involved. There were less than 10 (if I recall) Pakistani pilots who volunteered out of I don't know how many Arab pilots.

Yes, 10 pilots achieved multiple Israeli kills, without a single loss...

And if your highness thinks that PAF pilots flyin sorties against Israel was indirect... good for you.
Stop trying to pretend that Arabs owe you anything or that you created everything. It's a joke. Seen this before from you.

Sure sure...

Too bad your country still needs Pak troops... a brigade ... minus officers serving in your institutions.

I know you have one cell brain till the point that you intentionally trying to portray the recruitment of Thousands of Pakistanis by Iran to work for it as cannon fodders in Syria with some helpless unseen Pak dude volunteered with FSA as you stupidly claimed. On the top of that, Pakistan gov never addressed or condemn Iran's recruitment for Pakistanis ...
Pakistan should first get rid of all the American fighter jets it has from America so that I start to believe you
Sure, thousands... maybe a hundred thousand?

The sole Pak "unit" of shia volunteers is Zainabiyoun ... hardly having a few hundred fighters.
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I know you have one cell brain till the point that you intentionally trying to portray the recruitment of Thousands of Pakistanis by Iran to work for it as cannon fodders in Syria with some helpless unseen Pak dude volunteered with FSA as you stupidly claimed. On the top of that, Pakistan gov never addressed or condemn Iran's recruitment for Pakistanis ...
Pakistan should first get rid of all the American fighter jets it has from America so that I start to believe you

well this is not the Topic, and to be honest a Saudi should be the last one to lecture other on becoming Canon Fodder for Terrorist Groups , AQ has thousands of Arab ( KSA ) fighters in Afghanistan , Pakistan and Syria .. you name one Terrorist Organization and it has its mark with the Saudi's ..
so please Keep Pakistan out of this topic .

as for the Topic, Trump is trying to Please a certain lobby , his Govt is shaking under his own feet's , one after another his appointed representatives are getting caught in controversies , and now he has to make up to things , what else can be to divert the International Media attention to ME from Russian connections .
Really? Israel and Jerusalem is where Judaism is rooted.
Therefor Jews were the first residents of jarusalam.
Subsequently Today's Israel should be given legal historical heritage.


In 1914, before the Ottoman Army was mobilized, Staff Colonel Fahreddin Bey was appointed the commander of the XII Corpsstationed in Mosul. He was promoted to the rank of Mirliva on 12 November 1914 and appointed to the Deputy Commander of the Fourth Army stationed in Aleppo.[6]

Defender of MedinaEdit

Turkish ambassador to Kabul, Fakhri Pasha
During World War I, Fahreddin Pasha upon the orders of Djemal Pasha on 23 May 1916 moved toward Medina in Hejaz to defend it and he was appointed the commander of the Hejaz Expeditionary Force on 17 July 1916.[6]

Fahreddin Pasha was besieged by the Arabforces who betrayed the Ottoman Sultan and sided with the British against him but he stood ground and tenaciously defended the holy city. Fahreddin Pasha not only had to defend Medina but also protect the single-track narrow gauge Hejaz Railway from sabotage attacks by T. E. Lawrence and his Arab forces, on which his entire logistics depended.[7] Turkish garrisons of the isolated small train stations withstood the continuous night attacks and secured the tracks against increasing number of sabotages (around 130 major attacks in 1917 and hundreds in 1918 including exploding more than 300 bombs on April 30, 1918).

With the resignation of the Ottoman Empire from the war with the Armistice of Mudrosbetween Ottoman Empire and Entente on 30 October 1918, it was expected that Fahreddin would also surrender. But he refused to do so and simply refused to accept the armistice.

According to eye-witness memoirs of Turkishauthor Feridun Kandemir, who was a Red Crescent volunteer of that time in Medina, one Friday in the spring of 1918, after prayers in Masjid al-Nabawi (also known as the Prophet's Mosque), Pasha addressed the troops:[8]

"Soldiers! I appeal to you in the name of the Prophet, my witness. I command you to defend him and his city to the last cartridge and the last breath, irrespective of the strength of the enemy. May Allahhelp us, and may the prayers of Muhammad be with us.

"Officers of the heroic Turkish army! O little Muhammads, come forward and promise me, before our Lord and the Prophet, to honor your faith with the supreme sacrifice of your lives."'

Fahreddin Pasha had said that he had a vision in a dream that the prophet Muhammad had ordered him not to submit. In August 1918, he received a call to surrender from Sharif Husain of Mecca. Fahreddin Pasha replied him in these words:[8]

"Fakhr-ud-Din, General, Defender of the Most Sacred City of Medina. Servant of the Prophet.

"In the name of Allah, the Omnipotent. To him who broke the power of Islam, caused bloodshed among Muslims, jeopardized the caliphate of the Commander of the Faithful, and exposed it to the domination of the British.

"On Thursday night the fourteenth of Dhu'l-Hijja, I was walking, tired and worn out, thinking of the protection and defense of Medina, when I found myself among unknown men working in a small square. Then I saw standing before me a man with a sublime countenance. He was the Prophet, may Allah's blessing be upon him! His left arm rested on his hip under his robe, and he said to me in a protective manner, 'Follow me.' I followed him two or three paces and woke up. I immediately proceeded to his sacred mosque and prostrated myself in prayer and thanks [near his tomb].

"I am now under the protection of the Prophet, my Supreme Commander. I am busying myself with strengthening the defenses, building roads and squares in Medina. Trouble me not with useless offers."

He refused to hand over his sword even upon the receipt of a direct order from the Ottomanminister of war. The Ottoman government was upset upon his behavior and the Sultan Mehmed VI dismissed him from his post. He refused to do so and kept the flag of Ottoman Sultan high in Medina until 72 days after the end of the war. After the Armistice of Moudros the closest Ottoman unit was 1300 km (808 miles) away from Medina.[9]

Fahreddin was arrested by his own men and brought to Abdullah on 9 January 1919 at Bir Darwish.[10][11] Abdullah entered Medina shortly after the surrender, followed by Aliwho entered the city on 2 February 1919.[11
Battle of Jerusalem
This article is about the 1917 battle. For other sieges of Jerusalem, see Siege of Jerusalem. For the battle between 1947 and 1948, see Battle for Jerusalem.
Battle of Jerusalem
Part of the Middle Eastern theatre of World War I

General Allenby enters Jerusalem on foot, 11 December 1917
Date 17 November – 30 December 1917
Location On the coast of the Mediterranean Sea north of Jaffa, into the Judean Hills and around Jerusalem
Result British Empire victory
British Empire

Ottoman Empire
German Empire
Commanders and leaders
Edmund Allenby
Edward Bulfin
Philip Chetwode
Harry Chauvel Erich von Falkenhayn
Friedrich Kress von Kressenstein
Djevad Pasha
Ali Fuad Pasha
Units involved
Egyptian Expeditionary Force

Seventh Army
Eighth Army
Casualties and losses
(for entire campaign) 25,000
(for entire campaign)
The Battle of Jerusalem occurred during the British Empire's "Jerusalem Operations" against the Ottoman Empire, when fighting for the city developed from 17 November, continuing after the surrender until 30 December 1917, to secure the final objective of the Southern Palestine Offensive during the Sinai and Palestine Campaign of World War I. Before Jerusalem could be secured, two battles were recognised by the British as being fought in the Judean Hills to the north and east of the Hebron–Junction Station line. These were the Battle of Nebi Samwill from 17 to 24 November and the Defence of Jerusalem from 26 to 30 December 1917. They also recognised within these Jerusalem Operations, the successful second attempt on 21 and 22 December 1917 to advance across the Nahr el Auja, as the Battle of Jaffa, although Jaffa had been occupied as a consequence of the Battle of Mughar Ridge on 16 November.[1]

This series of battles was successfully fought by the British Empire's XX Corps, XXI Corps, and the Desert Mounted Corps against strong opposition from the Yildirim Army Group's Seventh Army in the Judean Hills and the Eighth Army north of Jaffa on the Mediterranean coast. The loss of Jaffa and Jerusalem, together with the loss of 50 miles (80 km) of territory during the Egyptian Expeditionary Force (EEF) advance from Gaza, after the capture of Beersheba, Gaza, Hareira and Sheria, Tel el Khuweilfe and the Battle of Mughar Ridge, constituted a grave setback for the Ottoman Army and the Ottoman Empire.[2]

As a result of these victories, British Empire forces captured Jerusalem and established a new strategically strong fortified line. This line ran from well to the north of Jaffa on the maritime plain, across the Judean Hills to Bireh north of Jerusalem, and continued eastwards of the Mount of Olives. With the capture of the road from Beersheba to Jerusalem via Hebron and Bethlehem, together with substantial Ottoman territory south of Jerusalem, the city was secured. On 11 December, General Edmund Allenbyentered the Old City on foot through the Jaffa Gate instead of horse or vehicles to show respect for the holy city. He was the first Christian in many centuries to control Jerusalem, a city held holy by three great religions. The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, David Lloyd George described the capture as "a Christmas present for the British people". The battle was a great morale boost for the British Empire.[3]

*awkward silence*

Isn't someone gonna say this is Iran's fault?

To be fair you've done really well to help scupper peace by funding your terrorist groups in Gaza and paying them not to sign up to peace and keeping festering sores open.

So yes, Iran's regime is always involved in anything bad in the region.
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