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LIVE: President Trump Gives a Statement on Jerusalem

What can "Arab" states do? Which "Arab" state is even capable of trash talking the Americans? are you joking? all Arab states are, is basic Bi**hes for USofA. lol, you're just hilarious. on page 7 of this thread, you mentioned those who support Hezbollah/Syria/Houthis as the Fitna of the muslim world. well, as the fitna of the muslim world we leave you Arabs to fight your wars and inshallah the king of Saudi Arabia, the most powerful Arab country, will save you all and stop this embarrassment.

Leave us rafida and the silly Turks out of it.

You must have bad reading comprehension, I condemned all parties in the region for their actions. And yes it is all fitnah. Are you denying that?

ISIS tried that. It don't work.

Piss off, I'm not here for trolling.
If the dispute was based on the above then no one would care, if Arabs have fallen so low thay they dont care themselves then why should anyone else care.

The conflict regarding Jerusalem has always been religious, what countries like Saudi are doing today are no different to the hypocrite Arab States who worked with the Crusader states against Muslims

They expected the crusader state would not fall and became complicit in its existence

It took Sallahudin a Kurd to whip the Arabs into action and defeat the crusaders and retake Jerusalem

Crusader states were in existence for over 100 years and here you have become so beaten in only 70

No one would care if this was a arab issue, this is a Muslim issue first because All Aqsa is under occupation, second because a injustice has been inflicted upon a Muslim population

We get it you Saudis are on the American side and not willing to do anything but buy more American arms and suck more American cock but at least shut up and let others try

Lies and more lies. Most outsiders (especially Muslims) are more obsessed about Arab affairs than any other affairs and certainly 100 times more than Arabs are obsessed about affairs that are not theirs. This forum and ALL the international forums that I have seen, read or took part in, the situation is the same.

Yes, it was my ancestors (not yours) that not only conquered Al-Quds 1400 years ago but also ruled it for 800 years. It was also my people that eventually not only defeated the Crusades but the Mongols too. Where were your people in this? And here you are lecturing. For all I know your family just 3-4 generations ago might have been Hindu converts originally from India as 20% of your people if not more are.

Are you done with embarrassing yourself?

I said that the central dispute is land and not religion. Are you going to dispute that as well despite Muslims, Christians and Jews having lived side by side peacefully throughout much of history and certainly prior to this conflict?

You are living in a country that is the biggest US ally in the world and paying taxes for that country's wars in the Middle East and support for Israel. Your country hosts the largest and most influential Jewish diaspora in Europe. How about you preach what you speak yourself?

BTW where does this obsession about Arabs come from? Last time I saw there are only some 500.000 Arabs in the UK and almost all of them are based in London.

Thought that was a good speech.

Basically what he said was that we've repeated the same policies which haven't worked.

Jerusalem is de facto Israel's capital, so may as well make it official.

But he kept the door open for palestinians to have Jerusalem as their capital too.
That's a damn lie, he didn't even mention East Jerusalem as Palestinian capital not once
Who give a hell about what USA does let it happen it will unite Muslims.
I said that the central dispute is land and not religion. Are you going to dispute that as well?

Of course its religion, Jerusalem has al aqsa, why do you think so many Muslims around the world are concerned?

If the Arabs couldnt give a fcuk about what happens to Arabs why should anyone else

For Muslims worldwide it is purely a religious issue first because of All Aqsa and second to support a Muslim population under oppression

You are writing a lot and trying to deflect criticism of dickless behavior by Saudi
Of course its religion, Jerusalem has al aqsa, why do you think so many Muslims around the world are concerned?

If the Arabs couldnt give a fcuk about what happens to Arabs why should anyone else

For Muslims worldwide it is purely a religious issue first because of All Aqsa and second to support a Muslim population under oppression

You are writing a lot and trying to deflect criticism of dickless behavior by Saudi

On top of that, UN resolution of 1947 clearly states there must be a Palestine state, which has been repeatedly blocked by the US in the UNSC.
Of course its religion, Jerusalem has al aqsa, why do you think so many Muslims around the world are concerned?

If the Arabs couldnt give a fcuk about what happens to Arabs why should anyone else

For Muslims worldwide it is purely a religious issue first because of All Aqsa and second to support a Muslim population under oppression

You are writing a lot and trying to deflect criticism of dickless behavior by Saudi

Some truths need to be told when people are trolling.

Are you mentally challenged?

Ask them. You are extremely concerned about almost all internal Arab affairs. Especially when it comes to my country. That tops it all.

Sure, that is why only Arab nationalists (Arab countries ruled by nationalists) are the only ones that have actually tried to do something (against all odds) to try to change the status quo while the non-Arabs have only been good at performing some useless speeches like ALL Muslim leaders do today, including Arab ones. That's how much they care in reality it seems.

Yes, the same KSA that has done nothing but the same thing that most Muslim countries have done, which is to publicly denounce and criticize the decision. KSA even did it at the UN less than 1 weak ago. Not many Muslim countries did that. I get you.

Now are you going to do what you are preaching? Are you going to move back to Pakistan or to Pakistan instead of living in the biggest partner of the US and closest ally and paying taxes that in turn go for UK wars waged in the Middle East and pro-Israel standpoints and giving room to the most influential Jewish lobby and community in Europe or will you continue to rage on PDF?

Which country did Balfour come from again and which country facilitated the Israeli state? Was it KSA or was it the UK, your country of birth and the country that your family now pays taxes to (if they pay any)?

Does Pakistan not have a nuclear bomb? Why not use it to liberate Israel? Does Pakistan not have 200 million people and a large military? Why not attack Israel. After all you claim that this conflict is religious in nature. So what is Pakistan (one of the largest Muslim countries) waiting for then? It's been 70 + years. It seems that Pakistani leadership agree with me and do not agree with you. Same with most Pakistanis because if they really cared they would have heavily pressured their military and politicians to do something ages ago.

Caught in your own delusion and hypocrisy, I see. No way back when I am around. You are caught in the net. Now try to break free.
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On top of that, UN resolution of 1947 clearly states there must be a Palestine state, which has been repeatedly blocked by the US in the UNSC.

And its the U.S which is the problem

No one is asking the Saudis to get on horses and ride into Israel

Simply if they and the GCC gave a statement that U.S is a dishonest peace broker and that the GCC will frankly do anything as a response (stop weapon purchasing, reduce trade, no more sword dancing) it may help defend Palestinians.

Yet all the Saudis do is more subservience to the U.S
Does Pakistan not have a nuclear bomb? Why not use it to liberate Israel? Does Pakistan not have 200 million people and a large military? Why not attack Israel.

The Bangladeshi's asked the same thing when the Rohingya were suffering

You can't expect Pakistan to move mountains to defend people when their own people are unwilling to defend them.

If Bangladesh is unwilling to fight for Rohingya, then how can Pakistan put itself on the line of fire

If Arabs refuse even to sanction the USA or even immediately cancel all weapons orders to speak out against an injustice against fellow Arabs then why expect Pakistan to fly in and save you
And its the U.S which is the problem

No one is asking the Saudis to get on horses and ride into Israel

Simply if they and the GCC gave a statement that U.S is a dishonest peace broker and that the GCC will frankly do anything as a response (stop weapon purchasing, reduce trade, no more sword dancing) it may help defend Palestinians.

Yet all the Saudis do is more subservience to the U.S

Why in the world should KSA and the GCC do things that no other Muslim country is willing to do? Is Pakistan willing to break all ties to the US, the West? Will Pakistan refuse to receive US aid? Will Pakistan throw all its Western military equipment out, LOL? Will Pakistan and Pakistani people and firms refuse to make economic deals with the West? Will Pakistanis leave Western countries and refrain from paying taxes for the wars of the West?

Will Turkey leave NATO (a US pet show that they completely control) and refuse to do business with the same West (EU) that they almost completely rely on? Will Turkey stop importing US weapons? Will Turks prevent Western tourists from entering?

Will Iran finally attack Israel for the first time in history? Will Iranians living in the West stop paying taxes for Western governments? Will Iranians stop hosting the largest Jewish community in the region as a punishment? Will Iranians support Palestinians with as many weapons, money and advisers as they support Shia militias in Iraq and Hezbollah in Southern Lebanon? I forgot, Palestinians are not Shia nor do they have ambitions of becoming Iranian puppets.

BTW why the obsession with KSA and the GCC? What about the 15 + other Arab states including a giant like Egypt or Jordan or many others? Are they not Arabs or what? Do they not border Palestine?

Back to the reality.

5 ignorant clowns doing what ignorant clowns do. Meanwhile their leaders are as useless as ever and not doing anything for their people while they are supposed to be their leaders. Next. Somebody tell them how to write Arabic (let alone in the Thuluth script) and how to make a flag.

royal snakes

Yes, KSA welcomed Trump like numerous other Muslim countries have done since his election and KSA looked/looks for its own interests like all those Muslim countries do. What a horror! It does not bother me at all. It was a great visit. Even the president of Palestine (Abbas) has had meetings with Trump numerous times. Apparently KSA are the only ones that cannot have meetings with Trump or dealings with the US. For everyone else it is halal but it is haram for KSA.


How am I supposed to argue with those so-called Muslims when their hypocrisy and bias is this gigantic? It pushes people away. This is why I prefer the Arab angle first and foremost. We can work it out between each other eventually and at all times if we have honest brokers. Now how to deal with such foreign Arab-obsessed individuals? This guy for instance (check his user history), 99% of his posts (literally) are about KSA. He is yet to comment about Pakistan (hardly), his supposed country.

What is the solution?
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5 ignorant clowns doing what ignorant clowns do. Meanwhile their leaders are as useless as ever and not doing anything for their people while they are supposed to be their leaders. Next. Somebody tell them how to write Arabic (let alone in the Thuluth script) and how to make a flag.

I don't think anyone is playing good role in all conflicts in the region, but those nevertheless are a few marxist PFLP kids.
this show how weak we are! trump did what he promised.lets cut all ties and try to ignore america.all muslim countries must unite specially saudia araia and iran.turkey and pakistan must do something.europe must look at this matter and look what trump did with christians.

Why in the world should KSA and the GCC do things that no other Muslim country is willing to do? Is Pakistan willing to break all ties to the US, the West? Will Pakistan refuse to receive US aid? Will Pakistan throw all its Western military equipment out, LOL? Will Pakistan and Pakistani people and firms refuse to make economic deals with the West? Will Pakistanis leave Western countries and refrain from paying taxes for the wars of the West?

Will Turkey leave NATO (a US pet show that they completely control) and refuse to do business with the same West (EU) that they almost completely rely on? Will Turkey stop importing US weapons? Will Turks prevent Western tourists from entering?

Will Iran finally attack Israel for the first time in history? Will Iranians living in the West stop paying taxes for Western governments? Will Iranians stop hosting the largest Jewish community in the region as a punishment? Will Iranians support Palestinians with as many weapons, money and advisers as they support Shia militias in Iraq and Hezbollah in Southern Lebanon? I forgot, Palestinians are not Shia nor do they have ambitions of becoming Iranian puppets.

BTW why the obsession with KSA and the GCC? What about the 15 + other Arab states including a giant like Egypt or Jordan or many others? Are they not Arabs or what? Do they not border Palestine?

Back to the reality.

5 ignorant clowns doing what ignorant clowns do. Meanwhile their leaders are as useless as ever and not doing anything for their people while they are supposed to be their leaders. Next. Somebody tell them how to write Arabic (let alone in the Thuluth script) and how to make a flag.

Yes, KSA welcomed Trump like numerous other Muslim countries have done since his election and KSA looked/looks for its own interests like all those Muslim countries do. What a horror! It does not bother me at all. It was a great visit. Even the president of Palestine (Abbas) has had meetings with Trump numerous times. Apparently KSA are the only ones that cannot have meetings with Trump or dealings with the US. For everyone else it is halal but it is haram for KSA.


How am I supposed to argue with those so-called Muslims when their hypocrisy and bias is this gigantic? It pushes people away. This is why I prefer the Arab angle first and foremost. We can work it out between each other eventually and at all times if we have honest brokers. Now how to deal with such foreign Arab-obsessed individuals? This guy for instance (check his user history), 99% of his posts (literally) are about KSA. He is yet to comment about Pakistan (hardly), his supposed country.

What is the solution?

we must all stop this fight among sects.face the reality and make decisions.slay trump!
This really breaks my heart..they can keep their hands off!
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