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LIVE: President Trump Gives a Statement on Jerusalem

Netanyahu likens Trump’s Jerusalem move to Israel founding, Balfour Declaration

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says US President Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital is one of the key events in the Jewish state’s history, comparing it to some of the most important milestones in the country’s establishment.

“There are major moments in the history of Zionism, the Balfour Declaration, the founding of the state, the liberation of Jerusalem and Trump’s announcement yesterday,” says Netanyahu in a video published on social media.


Why the raging? I just described the ground realities. KSA favors Pakistan but do not see India as a hostile state. Why should we? Neither does Iran nor any Muslim country outside of Pakistan maybe. Our ties to India are limited to economic ties. Why should KSA not trade with India when your own freaking country trades with them? Why should KSA not met with Indian head of states when your own leaders meet with them?

National interests have always had the priority of every state because if that was not the case no state would survive in today's world. Those who would survive would be taken advantage of. National states are by default selfish and always looking for their own interests. If the opposite was the case there would be no need for them in the first place. As a supposed Pakistani nationalist you should have realized this ages ago or probably already have. That's why Pakistan acts according to its own interests in Afghanistan (first and foremost) and before that in Bangladesh.

In this thread alone numerous Pakistanis have written that they do not care about Palestine. We don't need their comments to realize that this has been the case for many Pakistanis for decades. Let alone the Pakistani government. Quite frankly, personally, I do not care what Pakistanis or others think about internal Arab affairs. Whether they care or not. That's just my opinion though.

Changing the status quo is up to the Muslims in power. It's as simple as that.

Don’t tell me that you are taking the word of a few people as the holy grail. You know damned well that ordinary Pakistanis care like hell for the Palestinian cause.

You need to develop some skin and admit the shortcomings in the Arab world. Don’t get angry when people mention Saudi Arabia. There is no denying that the Saudis are playing with fire by allying with Israel and Trumpland in their fued against Iran. It is wrong and it begs for a strong condemnation.

Even the immediate neighbors of Palestine don’t care for the Palestinian cause. Have you heard and read the condemnations from these states? It is laughable. Be honest.

Netanyahu likens Trump’s Jerusalem move to Israel founding, Balfour Declaration

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says US President Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital is one of the key events in the Jewish state’s history, comparing it to some of the most important milestones in the country’s establishment.

“There are major moments in the history of Zionism, the Balfour Declaration, the founding of the state, the liberation of Jerusalem and Trump’s announcement yesterday,” says Netanyahu in a video published on social media.



I have news for this Zionist leech. The announcement is laughable as the rest of the world has already tossed it into the garbage bin.

We know how Zionists are begging the rest of the world for recognition and it ain’t coming.
Don’t tell me that you are taking the word of a few people as the holy grail. You know damned well that ordinary Pakistanis care like hell for the Palestinian cause.

You need to develop some skin and admit the shortcomings in the Arab world. Don’t get angry when people mention Saudi Arabia. There is no denying that the Saudis are playing with fire by allying with Israel and Trumpland in their fued against Iran. It is wrong and it begs for a strong condemnation.

Even the immediate neighbors of Palestine don’t care for the Palestinian cause. Have you heard and read the condemnations from these states? It is laughable. Be honest.

I have no problem with admitting short-comings of Arab and Muslim leaders. it's usually one of the main topics of discussion among Arabs. I did that plenty of times yesterday and earlier today. Just ask @Falcon29 and many other people reading my posts.

However criticism can either be constructive or reduced to insults, vitriol, lies and a biased agenda. Obviously no sane person is a fan of the latter nor will they accept it blindly without giving a dose of those people's own medicine or showing them their own mirror. Hope that you understand.

As for what you are mentioning, KSA has done nothing that other countries have not done, which is to condemn this decision very clearly and now numerous times. A representative of KSA made this very clear at the UN a few days before Trump's decision. Iran has done nothing more and I don't buy people pretending otherwise as it has no grounds in real life. Some people due to their obsession about Arabs and KSA want to spin some conspiracy theory and other nonsense.

We have a perfect troll in action below my post proving my point for all to see.
Hezbollah is filth and their supporters are filth of the filth.

Filth are those who immediately provided Billions of dollars worth weapons to the Jihadists in Syria.
Advanced weapons were provided even to ISIS through drama of ISIS attacking Saudi backed Jihadists.

Without these weapons from US and billions of dollars from Saudia, the war in Syria would have been long over.

Lebanese people including Christians consider Hezbullah as Heros who were the only one who saved them from the US/Israeli/Saudi backed Jihadists. That is why, despite immense pressure from US and Israel, despite Billions of dollar of bribe from Saudia, still these Christians are standing with Hezbullah and consider Israel as a filthy occupier, who conspire against all in the region and bring destruction to the others.
I have no problem with admitting short-comings of Arab and Muslim leaders. it's usually one of the main topics of discussion among Arabs. I did that plenty of times yesterday and earlier today. Just ask @Falcon29 and many other people reading my posts.

However criticism can either be constructive or reduced to insults and vitriol. Obviously no sane person is a fan of the latter nor will he accept it blindly without giving a dose of those people's own medicine or showing their own mirror. Hope that you understand.

As for what you are mentioning, KSA has done nothing that other countries have not done, which is to condemn this decision very clearly and now numerous times. A representative of KSA made this very clear at the UN a few days before Trump's decision. Iran has done nothing more and I don't buy people pretending otherwise as it has no ground in real life.

We are past condemnations, bro. Iran might also have political and various other reasons for backing the Palestinians. You are right that there are no free lunches, but we expect much more from Saudi Arabia. Iran’s track record regarding the Palestinian cause is consistent. Iran is very vocal against the land grabbing and occupation. It even supports Hezbollah against Israel. That should speak volume.
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Thomas Friedman comment on Trump's decision

Gen. Mattis comment on the Polish Netanyahu's settlements

Rabbis to Trump: 'You are fulfilling prophecies'

250 rabbis sent thank you letter praising Trump's decision to recognize Jerusalem, telling him 'You will be eternally remembered in the history of the Jews'; Satmar: decision can harm Jews worldwide

"We are privileged to be seeing the rebuilding of Jerusalem," wrote the rabbis. "'Children play in its streets' (Zechariah 8:4) and we are confident in the fulfillment of all the prophecies. The United States is privileged to be one of the first nations to support the establishment of the State of Israel. US presidents have had the privilege of being at Israel's side and being a partner in the fulfillment of the vision of the prophets regarding the return to Zion and the establishment of the State of Israel."

"With this recognition, we see the fulfillment of another step in the completion of the prophecy of Isaiah that the nations of the world will recognize the centrality of Jerusalem," said Rabbi Eliyahu. "'For Zion’s sake I will not keep silent, for Jerusalem’s sake I will not remain quiet, till her vindication shines out like the dawn, her salvation like a blazing torch. The nations will see your vindication' (Isaiah 62:1). We hope that other enlightened and believing nations will follow in the footsteps of the United States."


Thomas Friedman comment on Trump's decision

Sorry, but he's not fooling anyone. Trade it away to 'advance the peace process'? How is that any different? It's not like US ever holds anything back expecting Israel to take concrete steps for a two state solution.
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Rabbis to Trump: 'You are fulfilling prophecies'

250 rabbis sent thank you letter praising Trump's decision to recognize Jerusalem, telling him 'You will be eternally remembered in the history of the Jews'; Satmar: decision can harm Jews worldwide

"We are privileged to be seeing the rebuilding of Jerusalem," wrote the rabbis. "'Children play in its streets' (Zechariah 8:4) and we are confident in the fulfillment of all the prophecies. The United States is privileged to be one of the first nations to support the establishment of the State of Israel. US presidents have had the privilege of being at Israel's side and being a partner in the fulfillment of the vision of the prophets regarding the return to Zion and the establishment of the State of Israel."

"With this recognition, we see the fulfillment of another step in the completion of the prophecy of Isaiah that the nations of the world will recognize the centrality of Jerusalem," said Rabbi Eliyahu. "'For Zion’s sake I will not keep silent, for Jerusalem’s sake I will not remain quiet, till her vindication shines out like the dawn, her salvation like a blazing torch. The nations will see your vindication' (Isaiah 62:1). We hope that other enlightened and believing nations will follow in the footsteps of the United States."


Sorry, but he's not fooling anyway. Trade it away to 'advance the peace process'? How is that any different? It's not like US ever holds anything back expecting Israel to take concrete steps for a two state solution.

So the promised land fairy tale is now a prophecy?

Now imagine this pu$$ygrabbing clown having a special place in your history? LOL

The Zionists have found a new Moses and his name is Trump.
Filth are those who immediately provided Billions of dollars worth weapons to the Jihadists in Syria.
1) Why you are cowardly change the subject? Hezbollah is starving kids in Syria. Therefore they are lowest for,m of filth. And everyone who supports them are filth of the filth.
2) IRGC and Hezbollah are performing "Jihadi mission" in Syria according to themselves. Means u just called Iran and Russia who arm them a filth.

Advanced weapons were provided even to ISIS through drama of ISIS attacking Saudi backed Jihadists.
ISIS weapons came from Russia.

Without these weapons from US and billions of dollars from Saudia, the war in Syria would have been long over.
Are u trying to say that without Saudi Arabia sadistic Alawi dictatorship will rule Syria forever? Only degenerate or propagandist can say that.

Lebanese people including Christians consider Hezbullah as Heros who were the only one who saved them from the US/Israeli/Saudi backed Jihadists. That is why, despite immense pressure from US and Israel, despite Billions of dollar of bribe from Saudia, still these Christians are standing with Hezbullah and consider Israel as a filthy occupier, who conspire against all in the region and bring destruction to the others.
U are no one to speak in name of the Lebanese. Hezbollah bliock was defeated during last elections. Every nation has filth. Lebanese including Lebanese Christians are no exception.

Hezbollah staves kids and therefore is a filth.
Those who support Hezbollah are filth of the filth.
1) Why you are cowardly change the subject? Hezbollah is starving kids in Syria. Therefore they are lowest for,m of filth. And everyone who supports them are filth of the filth.
2) IRGC and Hezbollah are performing "Jihadi mission" in Syria according to themselves. Means u just called Iran and Russia who arm them a filth.

ISIS weapons came from Russia.

Are u trying to say that without Saudi Arabia sadistic Alawi dictatorship will rule Syria forever? Only degenerate or propagandist can say that.

U are no one to speak in name of the Lebanese. Hezbollah bliock was defeated during last elections. Every nation has filth. Lebanese including Lebanese Christians are no exception.

Hezbollah staves kids and therefore is a filth.
Those who support Hezbollah are filth of the filth.

Stop spamming this forum with Zionist BS.
Thomas Friedman comment on Trump's decision

Gen. Mattis comment on the Polish Netanyahu's settlements

@Falcon29 I am not familiar with this Friedman but when I watched that video he made sense most of the time. Do you disagree with his point of Trump missing a chance and giving Israel this recognition for free while there could have been conditions attached to this decision such as those mentioned by Friedman (a stop to illegal settlements) which could have prevented much of the mess? After all the US has never been a honest broker so them "coming out in public" might even be good news on the long run. Now nobody will be fooled, even those that insist on becoming fooled.
Not sure if I understood your reply to Arabi's post correctly.
@Falcon29 I am not familiar with this Friedman but when I watched that video he made sense most of the time. Do you disagree with his point of Trump missing a chance and giving Israel this recognition for free while there could have been conditions attached to this decision such as those mentioned by Friedman (a stop to illegal settlements) which could have prevented much of the mess? After all the US has never been a honest broker so them "coming out in public" might even be good news on the long run. Now nobody will be fooled, even those that insist on becoming fooled.
Not sure if I understood your reply to Arabi's post correctly.

They never exerted any influence on Israel or had a give and take approach to make peace with the Palestinians. Only did so with Egypt at the time of Carter.
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