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LIVE: President Trump Gives a Statement on Jerusalem

Fatah(PA) Official Azaam Ahmed: Contacts with the US administration have come to an halt after recent decision


Rocket fired from Gaza lands in Israel, IDF responds with tank fire, airstrikes

A third rocket is fired from the Gaza Strip at Israel, striking an empty field in the south of the country, the army says.

In response to that, as well as to an attempted rocket attack earlier in the evening that fell short, the IDF attacks two Hamas positions in Gaza with tank fire and airstrikes, the army says.


As for what you are mentioning, KSA has done nothing that other countries have not done, which is to condemn this decision very clearly and now numerous times. A representative of KSA made this very clear at the UN a few days before Trump's decision. Iran has done nothing more and I don't buy people pretending otherwise as it has no grounds in real life. Some people due to their obsession about Arabs and KSA want to spin some conspiracy theory and other nonsense.

Other countries are not making one statement up front and cooperate and help israel on the background. Saudi arabian rulers are doing that and cheerleaders like yourself running propaganda on high horse. Besides, saudi rulers claim themselves to be "custodian of holy places" in Macca and Madian. How self proclaimed "custodians of holy places" cooperate with israel; occupier of 3rd most holy place of Islam?????
1) Why you are cowardly change the subject? Hezbollah is starving kids in Syria. Therefore they are lowest for,m of filth. And everyone who supports them are filth of the filth.
Hezbullah is saving the Syrian Kids. Just look how they secured all those areas from the Saudi/Israeli/US supported Jihadists who use kids for suicide bombings and slaughtering the people.

2) IRGC and Hezbollah are performing "Jihadi mission" in Syria according to themselves. Means u just called Iran and Russia who arm them a filth.
You are then brainless zombie if you are unable to differentiate between the Israeli/Saudi/US backed terroist Jihadies and the one who are fighting for the survival of all the minorities and their children and their rights in Syria.

ISIS weapons came from Russia.
Again stupid comment.
Saudia giving away billions of dollars at the wish of US/Israel for the purchase of these weapons.
And when all failed, then US itself supplied anti tank missiles and other stuff to ISIS and other al-Nusra through FSA drama.

U are no one to speak in name of the Lebanese. Hezbollah bliock was defeated during last elections. Every nation has filth. Lebanese including Lebanese Christians are no exception.

Lebanese are speaking for themselves when even the Labanese Christians are supporting Hezbullah without any money. While on the other hand US/Israel exercising all the conspiracies and pressure, and Saudia investing Billions of Dollars and all types of bribe to Labanese groups, but still they are facing the total failure.
And after the recent drama about resignation of Hariri, your corrupt bribed group lost more in Lebanon.

Therefore, if there is a filth among the Lebanese people, then these are those corrupt Lebanese who are getting billions as bribe from Saudi Arabia and conspiring against Lebanon at the wish of US/Israel.
Hezbullah is saving the Syrian Kids. Just look how they secured all those areas from the Saudi/Israeli/US supported Jihadist...You are then brainless -
A self-labelled vegetable calling someone else "brainless"? Drink some rain and come back in the morning!
Hezbullah is saving the Syrian Kids.
Saves by starving them to death? U are really sicko.

Again stupid comment.
Saudia giving away billions of dollars at the wish of US/Israel for the purchase of these weapons.
And when all failed, then US itself supplied anti tank missiles and other stuff to ISIS and other al-Nusra through FSA drama.
You said that those who are "jihadists" in Syria are filth. Iranians and Hezbollah claim they are performing "jihadi mission" in Syria, thus are jihadists.

Lebanese are speaking for themselves when even the Labanese Christians are supporting Hezbullah without any money. While on the other hand US/Israel exercising all the conspiracies and pressure, and Saudia investing Billions of Dollars and all types of bribe to Labanese groups, but still they are facing the total failure.
And after the recent drama about resignation of Hariri, your corrupt bribed group lost more in Lebanon.
Hezbollah lost elections in Lebanon. Their March 8 alliance failed big time on 2009 elections. Hezbollah itself got only 11 places in Parliament out of 128. Thats fact. They dont represent Lebanese people. Most of Lebanese actually hate that filth.
Saves by starving them to death? U are really sicko.
You are boring with your abusive language.
All the moderate Muslims and the Minorities and their children were looking only at Hezbullah to save them from the Israeli/Saudi/US paid fanatic Jehadis.

Hezbollah lost elections in Lebanon. Their March 8 alliance failed big time on 2009 elections. Hezbollah itself got only 11 places in Parliament out of 128. Thats fact. They dont represent Lebanese people. Most of Lebanese actually hate that filth.

Hezbullah is a small party in Lebanon, but these are the allies of Hezbullah in Lebanon who don't let themselves to be sell by the Saudi money and also refuse all the pressure from US/Israel. That is why although Hezbullah got only 12 seats, but there was no bill passed against Hezbullah in the Lebanese parliament.

And then in the recent elections, Hezbullah got more popularity and this time formed the government.

And with the drama of Hariri's resignation, now Saudi/Israeli factions in Lebanon have become more weaker.

It is utter shameful for Israel, Saudia and US that despite being the Richest and the Strongest, but they totally failed in defeating a small group like Hezbullah in Lebanon.
You are boring with your abusive language.
There is nothing abusive. Hezbollah is starving kids in Syria, thus they are filth. And those who support then are filth of the filth.

All the moderate Muslims and the Minorities and their children were looking only at Hezbullah to save them from the Israeli/Saudi/US paid fanatic Jehadis.
Who give u right to speak in name of 1.6 billion Muslims?? You are pathetic liar. I repeat: even in tiny Lebanon Hezbollah filth got only 12 seats out of 128.

Hezbullah is a small party in Lebanon, but these are the allies of Hezbullah in Lebanon who don't let themselves to be sell by the Saudi money and also refuse all the pressure from US/Israel.
As I said all pro-Hezbollah 8 March coalition failed big time on elections. Thats fact.

That is why although Hezbullah got only 12 seats, but there was no bill passed against Hezbullah in the Lebanese parliament.
The reason is intimidation, political murder, racket and terror by Hezbollah. In 2008 when legal Lebanese government passed some decision which Hezbollah did not like, they simply sent armed men to streets and started murdering and burning opponent belongings. Same tactics was used by Hitler's storm troopers in Germany of 1930-es.

I am not sure if you are a troll or trolling but KSA and India have normal (non-hostile ties) that are based on common respect and trade relations. Trade relations that date back 5000 years. same goes for Pakistan as well.

Pakistan is undoubtedly the closer ally and obviously the side that we tend to support and probably will remain supporting, but that does not mean that we look at India as a hostile state. We view the Pakistani-Indian conflict/disagreements, probably, in a similar light as you view the current Arab-Iranian disputes. Talking about rulers here as most people are not familiar with those events. In fact most of the people today (youth) have little grasp of their own history let alone that of others. Talking about worldwide here.

BTW having said that, I do not support this decision by Trump and I have and likely never will change my stand or support for a two-state solution and East Jerusalem being the capital of Palestine (at a minimum). My posts in this thread should be seen as a frank reaction to events that I have witnessed on this forum lately. Some a long time ago.

We Arabs will always solve any disagreements eventually among ourselves in person and even regimes with honest brokers. So don't take everything too seriously.

As for "modern", we need a definition of that first.

I missed historical Indo Arab relationship when i posted earlier.

Going back to the time we can see that large number of Arabs from Iraq migrated to ondus valley and Western india and creader one of the oldest civilization in the world.

Even during islamic period, we saw large number of Arab colonies located all over sindh, Gujarat and kerala and indians also settled in Mecca and Madina from same regions and became Part of Arabic civilization/Islam.

This highlights one thing, one and probably only thing metters since humans became civilized is wealth/Money/Greed.

I have no reason to belive that Indo Arab alliance cant work as even though we dont have Religion and Ethinicity in common we habe shared gole, make life of our people better. And if we work togather we might be able to achive it. I am 92 so i am sure i will be long gone by that time.

As for Israel-Arab conflict, I have no say in this metter as its a family fraud between two semitic cousins Jews and Arabs. What an Indian have to do with Jewish Arab conflict?

You are one family, united by blood divided by Faith.
There is nothing abusive. Hezbollah is starving kids in Syria, thus they are filth. And those who support then are filth of the filth.

Just ask the Minorities of Syria if Hezbullah is filth or the Israel/Saudia/US are filth with their supplying arms and money to the salafi Jihadists.
Ask all the Palestinians, ask all the Sunnies in Lebananon, ask all the Christians in Lebanon and almost of them will tell that Israel is the real filth in the region.
Or ask 1.6 billion Muslims you are referring to and all of them tell you that Israel is the filthiest thing in the region.

Who give u right to speak in name of 1.6 billion Muslims?? You are pathetic liar. I repeat: even in tiny Lebanon Hezbollah filth got only 12 seats out of 128.
It is the right of the people living in Lebanon.
I repeat, there is no resolution in Lebanon against Hezbullah. Lebanese people know very well it is Hezbullah who saved them from the Saudi/Israeli/US backed Jihadies.

Israel aim is to bring turmoil in all the neighbouring countries. People know it, and therefore not a single resolution passed in Lebanon against Hezbullah, despite it's being such a small group.

As I said all pro-Hezbollah 8 March coalition failed big time on elections. Thats fact.
Lol. Election means only they didn't won the Government, but election results didn't mean that they loose the legitimacy in Lebanon. No one could beat the Zionist propaganda.

The reason is intimidation, political murder, racket and terror by Hezbollah. In 2008 when legal Lebanese government passed some decision which Hezbollah did not like, they simply sent armed men to streets and started murdering and burning opponent belongings. Same tactics was used by Hitler's storm troopers in Germany of 1930-es.


Lol. The army fully supported Hezbullah by staying neutral while it knew that Government of Hariri was dancing on whose whistle.
It were only the Hariri's private Malitia which started fight against Hezbullah and got defeated badly.

And thanks to the stupidity of Saudia/Israel, now the Lebanon population is so much in favour of Hebullah that they are now in the Government and Israeli/Saudi supporters got defeated completely.
Just ask the Minorities of Syria if Hezbullah is filth or the Israel/Saudia/US are filth with their supplying arms and money to the salafi Jihadists.
There is no need to ask anyone. Those who starve kids are filth. Thats why Hezbollah is nothing but filth.

It is the right of the people living in Lebanon.
I repeat, there is no resolution in Lebanon against Hezbullah. Lebanese people know very well it is Hezbullah who saved them from the Saudi/Israeli/US backed Jihadies.
Hezbollah filth does not represent neither Lebanese and surely nor 1.6 billion Muslims. U lied.

Lol. Election means only they didn't won the Government, but election results didn't mean that they loose the legitimacy in Lebanon. No one could beat the Zionist propaganda.
Elections show will of the people. Hezbie filth lost elections.

Lol. The army fully supported Hezbullah by staying neutral while it knew that Government of Hariri was dancing on whose whistle.
Lebanese army is much weaker than Hezbollah. Hezbies rule through fear, terror, racket and intimidation. Same happened in Germany of 1930-es: when Hitler's stormtroopers were beating opponents German army and police was standing still.
شهيد و767 اصابة برصاص الاحتلال في مواجهات اليوم

محافظات -معا- قالت جمعية الهلال الاحمر الفلسطينية ان طواقمها تعاملت مع 767 إصابة نتيجة المواجهات التي اندلعت بين الشبان وقوات الاحتلال الايرائيلي في الضفة بما فيها القدس وقطاع غزة.

واضافت الجمعية ان من بين الاصابات 61 اصابة بالرصاص الحي، و200 بالرصاص المعدني المعلف بالمطاط، و479 بالاختناق بالغاز، فيما اصيب 27 اخرين بجراح مختلفة .

هذا وأعلنت وزارة الصحة، استشهاد الشاب محمود المصري (30 عاما) واصابة 153 اخرين منهم 3 في حال الخطر واستهداف سيارتي اسعاف تابعة للهلال الاحمر و معالجة 60 حالة اختناق ميدانيا.


One killed, 767 injured across Palestinian territories and inside Israel in demonstrations against Israeli occupation

10 اصابات في قصف اسرائيلي على قطاع غزة


10 injuries in Israel air strikes/artillery shelling

Israeli air strike in Gaza not more than hour ago:


Obvious photoshop.

Why is this Arab-obsessed and KSA-obsessed eternal "student" (in reality he is most likely unemployed - just take a look at his grammar and the quality of his posts) troll allowed to hijack almost every thread on this section and pollute it with off-topic nonsense?

Focus on the topic at hand. Create a thread about why you are obsessed about KSA and why KSA is the root of all your problems in life.

We get it, you have a problem with the leadership. Limit your criticism to this if you are truthful and honest but do it elsewhere. It's obvious that you are desperately trying to create an agenda and that you are a huge hypocrite. You are nowhere to be seen when other regimes act similarly. Nowhere. That's pathetic and makes you even worse than the Zionists. At least they are not hiding.
Palestinian Health Ministry: 25 injured in Israeli air strikes in Gaza, 54 year old succumb to wounds after demonstrations at the border


Breaking: Rocket fired in response from Gaza, damages vehicle in Sderot
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Breaking: 6 month old infant succumb to wounds in round of Israeli strikes on Gaza:



Palestinian youth confronting Israeli military forces in Jerusalem:



Edit: Rocket reported fired from northern Gaza moments ago

Edit 2: Israeli naval shells hit northern Gaza

Edit 3: Gunfire at IDF jeep in Jenin, IDF reinforcements sent to search in Jenin
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