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LIVE: President Trump Gives a Statement on Jerusalem



DECEMBER 28, 2017 18:43

Envoy says US Jews of all streams owe Trump ‘enormous debt of gratitude’ for Jerusalem move.


US Ambassador David Friedman at the knesset. (photo credit: MATTY STERN, US EMBASSY TEL AVIV)

Some of the Palestinian rhetoric in response to President Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem has been “ugly, needlessly provocative and antisemitic,” US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman told The Jerusalem Post this week.

Friedman, a leading force behind Trump’s decision three weeks ago to recognize Jerusalem and move the US embassy there from Tel Aviv, characterized the Palestinian reaction as “largely emotional,” saying they “unfortunately overreacted” because Trump made clear that the US was “not taking a position on any final-status issues, including the specific boundaries of the Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem.”

In light of the Palestinians now rejecting any US role in the peace process, Friedman said there will be no process without Washington’s involvement.

“There is no path around the United States,” he said. “Israel has made it clear that they will not engage under the sponsorship of any other nation. You cannot clap with one hand. Moreover, only the United States has the regional credibility to bring forward a historic peace agreement.”

The president’s Jerusalem steps – as well as the partial shutdown of the PLO mission in Washington, and the Taylor Force Act that, if it passes the Senate, will cut US funding to the PA if it continues paying wages to the families of terrorists – reflects the will of the American people as reflected in US laws, Friedman noted.

“We are a nation of laws – and those laws exist to reflect important government policies,” he said. “There is absolutely no reason why the Palestinians cannot comply with these laws and, if they do, the peace process will be greatly advanced.”

Regarding whether Trump should or could expect a domestic diplomatic bounce from US Jews – a constituency that voted overwhelmingly against him in 2016, Friedman said: “I firmly believe that American Jews of all streams owe the president an enormous debt of gratitude for his historic decision in favor of Jerusalem. While the president didn’t reach his decision in order to curry favor with any constituency, he certainly deserves all the thanks that he has received.”

Trump, Friedman said, will go down in history “as one of Israel’s greatest friends,” and “we must all recognize and applaud the courage and moral clarity displayed by the president in affirming, against the wishes of so many other nations, the centrality of Jerusalem to Israel and the Jewish people.”

For the full interview with Ambassador Friedman, click here.

That envoy is detached from reality of average Israeli within the middle class whom don't see it that way and recognize two state solution is best for both of us. He is wealthy and belongs to right wing in US which is pretty radical when it comes to the Middle East. Palestinians are not anti-semitic, antisemitism is rooted within ancient Europe. We don't not want to punish anyone for not believing in Jesus, we want a state that the UN proposes for us. Israel's crackdown is what I would call irrational,inflicting hundreds of injuries and dozens of deaths as well inflaming the situation by announcing 14,000 more settlements in Jerusalem on Palestinian territory.
What is most disturbing for me is that. How the Palestinians have been assiged land. In one corner u have gaza, in another u have west bank. They did same with Pakistan by dividing it into West block and east block. Such a nation that is not even connected to itself is designed to fail. Such two face hypocrisy really makes me angry :hitwall::hitwall:

I just their fake humanitarian veil to come off so we can actively struggle against their worldwide oppression. Now matter how weak it is in the beginning.
That envoy is detached from reality of average Israeli within the middle class whom don't see it that way and recognize two state solution is best for both of us. He is wealthy and belongs to right wing in US which is pretty radical when it comes to the Middle East. Palestinians are not anti-semitic, antisemitism is rooted within ancient Europe. We don't not want to punish anyone for not believing in Jesus, we want a state that the UN proposes for us. Israel's crackdown is what I would call irrational,inflicting hundreds of injuries and dozens of deaths as well inflaming the situation by announcing 14,000 more settlements in Jerusalem on Palestinian territory.

We curse Israel the country, not Israel the Prophet Peace be upon him. We curse the current barbaric State of Israel, a political entity led by devils, not the land of the prophets. We curse the Children of Israel just as their own prophets cursed them, and just as the Holy Quran curses them. We abhor the manner in which the symbol of David has been perverted to represent supremacist, racist, and facist ideology.
We curse Israel the country, not Israel the Prophet Peace be upon him. We curse the current barbaric State of Israel, a political entity led by devils, not the land of the prophets. We curse the Children of Israel just as their own prophets cursed them, and just as the Holy Quran curses them. We abhor the manner in which the symbol of David has been perverted to represent supremacist, racist, and facist ideology.
you think he really didn't knew that
Palestinian succumbs to wounds sustained during Gaza protests against Trump

GAZA CITY (Ma'an) -- A young Palestinian man died on Saturday morning, succumbing to wounds he sustained on Friday when Israeli forces shot him during protests along the Israeli-Gaza border.

Spokesperson of the Gaza Ministry of Health, Ashraf al-Qidra, confirmed that Jamal Muhammad Musleh, 20, died of his wounds on Saturday morning.

Musleh was shot in the chest by Israeli forces during clashes along the northern Gaza border on Friday, as Palestinians continued to protest against US President Donald Trump’s announcement three weeks ago recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

During Fridays protests in Gaza, 50 Palestinians were injured with live and rubber-coated steel bullets during, including 5 who were reported to be in a critical condition, while 120 suffered from severe tear gas inhalation.

According to Ma’an documentation, Musleh is the 14th Palestinian to have been killed by Israel since Trump’s announcement.

Israel briefly detains 6 Palestinian teens from Hebron during clashes

HEBRON (Ma'an) -- Israeli forces temporarily detained six Palestinian teenagers on Friday during clashes in the city of Hebron in the southern occupied West Bank.

Palestinian security sources told Ma’an that Israeli forces arrested Alaa Bassam Ramadan Abu Madi, 15, Amir Munjed Nader Abu Assab, 15, and Mutaz Haitham Muhammad Asaad, 16, Muhyi Jihad Khalawi Zaid, 14, Muhammad Judeh Rashid al-Tawil, 15, and Ahmad Ali Abdullah Taha, 18.

The six teenagers were released after hours of detention.

Clashes had erupted in the city after Israeli forces suppressed protests against US President Donald Trump’s decision earlier this month to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
Update: Rocket hits open field in 'Eshkol' close to Gaza
Update: Hamas military site targeted in air strikes in eastern Gaza

Update: Anti air craft fire heard while aerial strikes took place
We curse Israel the country, not Israel the Prophet Peace be upon him. We curse the current barbaric State of Israel, a political entity led by devils, not the land of the prophets.
Doubtless the central problem of religious supremacists is to brainwash their populations into vilifying the Jews, rather than recognizing them as merciful angels compared to so many others.

We curse the Children of Israel just as their own prophets cursed them, and just as the Holy Quran curses them.
Meaning that you're condemning people on the basis of their group identity, not their deeds.

We abhor the manner in which the symbol of David has been perverted to represent supremacist, racist, and facist ideology.
I can agree with this sentence, though my emphasis is completely the opposite.
Doubtless the central problem of religious supremacists is to brainwash their populations into vilifying the Jews, rather than recognizing them as merciful angels compared to so many others.

Where have I vilified Jews? You feel like a bot that has only a few set lines programmed into it.

Meaning that you're condemning people on the basis of their group identity, not their deeds.

There should be a law to stop you from ascribing meanings to people's sentences. You get it completely wrong.

I can agree with this sentence, though my emphasis is completely the opposite.

You mean you agree to disagree. Phew! The trauma I'd go through if you actually agreed with me.
Israeli forces shoot and kill Palestinian teenager in Ramallah area

RAMALLAH (Ma'an) -- A Palestinian teen was shot and killed by Israeli forces on Friday near the Deir Nitham village, northwest of Ramallah city in the central occupied West Bank.

The Palestinian Ministry of Health said that the teen arrived to the Istishari Hospital in Ramallah City in critical condition, after he was shot in the back of his head.

The ministry identified him as Musaab Firas al-Tamimi, 17.

Israeli forces shot the teen, reportedly from a close range, during clashes that had erupted in the village after Israeli forces raided the area.

Three other Palestinian youths were injured with rubber-coated steel bullets during the clashes.

Hebrew-language media, meanwhile, reported that Israeli forces had opened fire on a Palestinian near the Illegal Israeli Halamish settlement, nearby Deir Nitham, for allegedly carrying a gun.

Israeli forces detain 22 Palestinians during overnight West Bank raids

BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- Israeli forces detained 22 Palestinians during raids in the occupied West Bank in the predawn hours of Wednesday, according to Israeli media and army sources.

An army spokesperson told Ma’an that 22 Palestinians were detained overnight, without providing identities of the detainees, or the locations from which they were arrested.

Meanwhile, Hebrew media reported that five Palestinians were detained from the northern West Bank town of Qabatiya, in the Jenin district. They were identified as Muhammad Abu Mualla, Hussein al-Samadi, Mahmoud al-Hardi, Mahmoud Bassam Kamil and Saher Imad Kamil.

In the Nablus district, two Palestinians were reportedly detained from the Salem village. They were identified as Anas Ishtayeh and Malek Qays Hamdan.

Nine Palestinians were detained from the central West Bank districts of Ramallah and Jerusalem, according to Hebrew media.


Gaza Updates:

-3 rockets fired into Eskhol(2 fall near Gaza border)

-Israeli armed drones flying over Gaza:

Anna Ahronheim‏Verified account @AAhronheim
#ISIS in #Sinai releases video declaring war on #Hamas, calling members murtadin-apostates-and executing a member of Hamas’ Izzedine al-Qassam Brigade


This tweet is misinformation, they murdered an Egyptian belonging to a tribe in Sinai on accusation that he helped smuggle weapons to Hamas in Gaza. And they are claiming they will attack supply lines in Sinai to Gaza factions.
Israeli man killed in West Bank drive-by shooting attack

An Israeli man was fatally shot on Tuesday night near Nablus in the northern West Bank in an apparent terror attack.

Raziel Shevah, 35, died of his injuries at a Kfar Saba hospital after receiving initial treatment by medics at the scene of the attack, the Gilad Farms Junction.

The father of five came under fire in his car while driving past the junction, the army said.

Thousands march in funerals of slain Palestinian teenagers

BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- Thousands of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and occupied West Bank marched on Friday in the funerals of the two Palestinian teenagers who were killed by Israeli forces during protests on Thursday.

In the northern West Bank village of Iraq Burin, in the Nablus district, crowds set off from the Ivillage mosque following prayers towards the village’s cemetery where 16-year-old Ali Kino was laid to rest.

Mourners chanted Palestinian national slogans in support of Kino, promising revenge against the Israeli occupation. Palestinian flags and flags of the Fatah movement were waved during the procession.


Meanwhile, the funeral of Amir Abed al-Hamid Abu Musaed, 16, set off in the central Gaza Strip following Friday prayers.

Mourners set off from the al-Mughazi refugee camp’s mosque towards Abu Musaed’s family home, then to the camp’s cemetery where he was buried.

Abu Musaed was killed by Israeli forces at the eastern borders of al-Bureij refugee camp on Thursday.


Israeli forces kill Palestinian during manhunt for alleged killer of settler

JENIN (Ma'an) -- Israeli forces on Saturday killed a Palestinian teenager during a raid in the northern occupies West Bank city of Jenin, reportedly as part of the ongoing manhunt for the Palestinian suspected of killing an Israeli settler last month.

Medical sources told Ma’an that Ahmed Samir Abu Obeid, 19,was shot with a live bullet in the head during a raid in the Wadi Burqin neighborhood, and was taken to Jenin Hospital in critical condition on Saturday evening. He was later pronounced dead.

Violent confrontations broke out between dozens of young Palestinian men and Israeli forces as they raided Wadi Burqin, firing live and rubber-coated steel bullets, according to locals.

Locals told Ma’an that at least right Palestinians were injured and four were arrested during the raid.

Official Palestinian Authority (PA)-owned Wafa news agency reported that Israeli forces were searching for Ahmad Nasser Jarrar, who has been the target in an Israeli manhunt since a shooting attack that left an Israeli settler dead near Nablus.

Jarrar’s cousin Ahmad Ismail Jarrar was killed during an Israeli raid on Wadi Bruqin last month.
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