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LIVE: President Trump Gives a Statement on Jerusalem

Obvious photoshop.

Why is this Arab-obsessed and KSA-obsessed eternal "student" (in reality he is most likely unemployed - just take a look at his grammar and the quality of his posts) troll allowed to hijack almost every thread on this section and pollute it with off-topic nonsense?

Focus on the topic at hand. Create a thread about why you are obsessed about KSA and why KSA is the root of all your problems in life.

We get it, you have a problem with the leadership. Limit your criticism to this if you are truthful and honest but do it elsewhere. It's obvious that you are desperately trying to create an agenda and that you are a huge hypocrite. You are nowhere to be seen when other regimes act similarly. Nowhere. That's pathetic and makes you even worse than the Zionists. At least they are not hiding.

lol me and @Ceylal were the ones calling you eternal student first can't you be more original. You used something that we used to insult you against me. You are the most dishonest one here a pathological liar caught out by users on here spreading saudi propaganda pretending to be iraqi spanish on other forums lol. My position is clear your royals need to kicked out.

In Photos: Israeli police use force to break up protest in East Jerusalem

JERUSALEM (Ma'an) -- Israeli police on Saturday entered occupied East Jerusalem on foot and on horseback, and suppressed a peaceful Palestinian demonstration against US President Donald Trump’s announcement recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

Witnesses said police stormed into the crowd of local activists, students and ordinary citizens who were marching peacefully on the main city street, dispersing them and arresting two people.

Police tossed stun grenades into the crowd as police on horseback reportedly ran over people, including journalists covering the event.


4 killed in Gaza after "Day of Rage" against Trump's Jerusalem announcement

GAZA CITY (Ma'an) -- As of the pre dawn hours on Saturday morning, four Palestinians had been declared dead in the besieged Gaza Strip, according to Palestinian medical sources.

The Palestinian Ministry of Health released a statement saying that between Friday afternoon -- when large clashes erupted along the border areas with Israel -- and early Saturday morning -- when Israeli airstrikes targeted alleged Hamas military posts -- two Palestinian civilians, and two fighters had been killed.

In the southern Gaza Strip district of Khan Younis, 30-year-old Mahmoud al-Masri was shot and killed by Israeli forces during clashes along the border.

lol me and @Ceylal were the ones calling you eternal student first can't you be more original. You used something that we used to insult you against me. You are the most dishonest one here a pathological liar caught out by users on here spreading saudi propaganda pretending to be iraqi spanish on other forums lol. My position is clear your royals need to kicked out.

You and Bassem are sick in the head. All this has been about is Saudi Arabia for you. A few Palestinians being frustrated with some leaders(one picture is clearly photoshop) doesn't affect the brotherlyhood between ordinary Palestinians and ordinary Saudi Arabians. You want us to hate them for whatever agenda you have, that's not going to happen. Meanwhile your buddies haven't done anything, they can easily to do symbolic rocket fire from Syria or Lebanon and they aren't. A saudi Arabian(Umar Ibn Khattab RA) is the one that made Jerusalem Islamic in the first place. New York Times is publishing false info about KSA trying to force Abbas into some US proposal and a few naive Palestinians are falling for it. In the end doesn't matter, will not affect anything between the ordinary people. And try staying on topic from now on.
Clashes continue in Bethlehem, Aida Refugee Camp

BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- Israeli soldiers violently suppressed protests in the southern occupied West Bank city of Bethlehem for the third day in a row on Saturday, firing tear gas and sponge-tipped bullets at locals.

Dozens of people were treated for severe tear-gas inhalation while others were injured with sponge bullets.

Clashes had broken out at around 8 a.m. near the Israeli separation wall at the northern end of the city, as Palestinians -- mostly young men -- continued protesting against Donald Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

Confrontations continued throughout the afternoon. Locals told Ma’an around 4 p.m. that fierce clashes had erupted in the nearby Aida refugee camp after some Palestinian youth set fire to an unmanned Israeli military watchtower in the camp.

In Photos: Israeli police use force to break up protest in East Jerusalem

JERUSALEM (Ma'an) -- Israeli police on Saturday entered occupied East Jerusalem on foot and on horseback, and suppressed a peaceful Palestinian demonstration against US President Donald Trump’s announcement recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

Witnesses said police stormed into the crowd of local activists, students and ordinary citizens who were marching peacefully on the main city street, dispersing them and arresting two people.

Police tossed stun grenades into the crowd as police on horseback reportedly ran over people, including journalists covering the event.


4 killed in Gaza after "Day of Rage" against Trump's Jerusalem announcement

GAZA CITY (Ma'an) -- As of the pre dawn hours on Saturday morning, four Palestinians had been declared dead in the besieged Gaza Strip, according to Palestinian medical sources.

The Palestinian Ministry of Health released a statement saying that between Friday afternoon -- when large clashes erupted along the border areas with Israel -- and early Saturday morning -- when Israeli airstrikes targeted alleged Hamas military posts -- two Palestinian civilians, and two fighters had been killed.

In the southern Gaza Strip district of Khan Younis, 30-year-old Mahmoud al-Masri was shot and killed by Israeli forces during clashes along the border.

You and Bassem are sick in the head. All this has been about is Saudi Arabia for you. A few Palestinians being frustrated with some leaders(one picture is clearly photoshop) doesn't affect the brotherlyhood between ordinary Palestinians and ordinary Saudi Arabians. You want us to hate them for whatever agenda you have, that's not going to happen. Meanwhile your buddies haven't done anything, they can easily to do symbolic rocket fire from Syria or Lebanon and they aren't. A saudi Arabian(Umar Ibn Khattab RA) is the one that made Jerusalem Islamic in the first place. New York Times is publishing false info about KSA trying to force Abbas into some US proposal and a few naive Palestinians are falling for it. In the end doesn't matter, will not affect anything between the ordinary people. And try staying on topic from now on.

you were pro-isis at one point then they got crushed in iraq, flip-flopping different ideologies erratically in span of days everyone saw that it seemed atheism didn't suit you for long...I will give credit to the saudi royals if earned.
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you were pro-isis at one point then they got crushed in iraq, flip-flopping different ideologies erratically in span of days everyone saw that it seemed atheism didn't suit you for long...I will give credit to the saudi royals if earned.

No I wasn't, and again no, was open to new views and was agnostic. Had nothing to do with politics, was me trying to make sense of purpose of life, a philosophical matter.

This a lot more than you waiting to 'give credit to Saudi royals', you are demonizing the Saudi people at every chance you get. If you genuinely dislike the Royal Family, you would also dislike Assad and Iranian gov't or other governments across the Muslim world. If you are claiming this is out of ethical obligation. You aren't following any moral compass(unlike me), and just supporting what you care about regardless if it's ethical or Islamic to do. I have a moral compass and push myself to say the right thing. I don't see anyone being on the right path from a religious/humanistic perspective.

Pakistani Demonstration:

Egypt: Coptic pope cancels Pence meeting over Jerusalem

The leader of Egypt's Coptic Church has cancelled an upcoming meeting with US Vice President Mike Pence, protesting against Washington's move to declare Jerusalem as Israel's capital.

The move by Pope Tawadros II on Saturday came a day after Palestinian leaders also said that Pence, who is scheduled to visit the region later this month, was not welcome in the occupied territories.
No I wasn't, and again no, was open to new views and was agnostic. Had nothing to do with politics, was me trying to make sense of purpose of life, a philosophical matter.

This a lot more than you waiting to 'give credit to Saudi royals', you are demonizing the Saudi people at every chance you get. If you genuinely dislike the Royal Family, you would also dislike Assad and Iranian gov't or other governments across the Muslim world. If you are claiming this is out of ethical obligation. You aren't following any moral compass(unlike me), and just supporting what you care about regardless if it's ethical or Islamic to do. I have a moral compass and push myself to say the right thing. I don't see anyone being on the right path from a religious/humanistic perspective.
Few days ago , i was listening Jerusalem mayor interview . Realize , person is very hardcore religious person, who's religious believes are unbelievable ..... If that's his believe then , see no co-existence of jews and muslim/Palastinian . Two state is only solution .

Bravo! That is AWESOME! :enjoy:

Few days ago , i was listening Jerusalem mayor interview . Realize , person is very hardcore religious person, who's religious believes are unbelievable ..... If that's his believe then , see no co-existence of jews and muslim/Palastinian . Two state is only solution .

I heard that also, it was on NPR right? I couldn't believe the nonsense that dimwit was spewing.
Bravo! That is AWESOME! :enjoy:

I heard that also, it was on NPR right? I couldn't believe the nonsense that dimwit was spewing.
Exactly , he is too hardcore and not ready to give any space to muslim population. He talked state policy. See no flexibility in Isreali govt attitude. Nor two state solution , neither giving citizenship of Isreal to Palastinian. It more like apartheid situation or slaves between the walls .
Jerusalem today:





-3 Israeli artillery shells target Hamas military post on eastern Gaza border
-Rocket fired near Israeli border from Gaza
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-Rocket fired from Gaza intercepted over Ashkelon

-8 Israeli artillery shells hit various targets in northern strip
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