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LIVE: President Trump Gives a Statement on Jerusalem


How am I supposed to argue with those so-called Muslims when their hypocrisy and bias is this gigantic? It pushes people away. This is why I prefer the Arab angle first and foremost. We can work it out between each other eventually and at all times if we have honest brokers. Now how to deal with such foreign Arab-obsessed individuals? This guy for instance (check his user history), 99% of his posts (literally) are about KSA. He is yet to comment about Pakistan (hardly), his supposed country.

What is the solution?

You isolate them by sticking to the majority. That majority right now is undecided and think they have the time/effort/resources to blockade each other and go after Islamists of their own. Rather than try solving disputes reasonably and in private. Then you can't stick with the majority and opportunities open for minorities and enemies. If that majority becomes a clear majority, all you do is ignore and those hypocritical people will be sidelined and shamed. While majority of minority will embrace majority.
I remember how many Muslims on PDF were in support of Trump as well and against Hillary Clinton. I remember @Falcon29 being the same. Showcasing your obsession about KSA once again? Is KSA the only country in the world or even the Arab or Muslim world (let alone region) that has ties to the US? Last time I saw the US has military bases in Iraq and has helped you defeat Daesh. Without their air support you would still be fighting them.

Is that not the truth as well? I think it is.

If both countries (India and Saudia) thaught like you in past today we would be allies of "Modern camp".

But today we are just making baby steps towards it.

If both countries (India and Saudia) thaught like you in past today we would be allies of "Modern camp".

But today we are just making baby steps towards it.

I am not sure if you are a troll or trolling but KSA and India have normal (non-hostile ties) that are based on common respect and trade relations. Trade relations that date back 5000 years. same goes for Pakistan as well.

Pakistan is undoubtedly the closer ally and obviously the side that we tend to support and probably will remain supporting, but that does not mean that we look at India as a hostile state. We view the Pakistani-Indian conflict/disagreements, probably, in a similar light as you view the current Arab-Iranian disputes. Talking about rulers here as most people are not familiar with those events. In fact most of the people today (youth) have little grasp of their own history let alone that of others. Talking about worldwide here.

BTW having said that, I do not support this decision by Trump and I have and likely never will change my stand or support for a two-state solution and East Jerusalem being the capital of Palestine (at a minimum). My posts in this thread should be seen as a frank reaction to events that I have witnessed on this forum lately. Some a long time ago.

We Arabs will always solve any disagreements eventually among ourselves in person and even regimes with honest brokers. So don't take everything too seriously.

As for "modern", we need a definition of that first.

Saudian Grand mufti had gave scholar not to fight against Jews and Israeli minister welcomed him??
trying to comprehend whose the war it is, eventually I decided its not mine.
Obviously it is not war or problem of Turks oe Turkish muslims.
For saudians the term of Holly is bidat and haram. There is nothing as holly as Allah in the world therefor mosques and temples can't be Holly.That's why Hz muhammed doesn't have a magnificent mouseleium.
Therefor Destroying or loosing Mescidi Aksa couldn't be Misery or trouble for us.
You are mistaken if you're taking any modern leader of ours seriously when they express support, and furthermore mistaken if you look up to any of them for change. The change is going to come from within our people, our youth and decent common people in the world. We would all support each other in an Islamic state where no national interests cause bridges amongst us.
You talk like an idealist my friend... real world is much more cruel.

I am not sure if you are a troll or trolling but KSA and India have normal (non-hostile ties) that are based on common respect and trade relations. Trade relations that date back 5000 years. same goes for Pakistan as well.

Pakistan is undoubtedly the closer ally and obviously the side that we tend to support and probably will remain supporting, but that does not mean that we look at India as a hostile state. We view the Pakistani-Indian conflict/disagreements, probably, in a similar light as you view the current Arab-Iranian disputes. Talking about rulers here as most people are not familiar with those events. In fact most of the people today (youth) have little grasp of their own history let alone that of others. Talking about worldwide here.

BTW having said that, I do not support this decision by Trump and I have and likely never will change my stand or support for a two-state solution and East Jerusalem being the capital of Palestine (at a minimum). My posts in this thread should be seen as a frank reaction to events that I have witnessed on this forum lately. Some a long time ago.

We Arabs will always solve any disagreements eventually among ourselves in person and even regimes with honest brokers. So don't take everything too seriously.

As for "modern", we need a definition of that first.

The truth has been told.

I would urge all KSA,Iran lovers to read such posts.

And open their fukin pea sized brains... and know that national interests trump all ummah nonsense..
You talk like an idealist my friend... real world is much more cruel.

The truth has been told.

I would urge all KSA,Iran lovers to read such posts.

And open their fukin pea sized brains... and know that national interests trump all ummah nonsense..

Why the raging? I just described the ground realities. KSA favors Pakistan but do not see India as a hostile state. Why should we? Neither does Iran nor any Muslim country outside of Pakistan maybe. Our ties to India are limited to economic ties. Why should KSA not trade with India when your own freaking country trades with them? Why should KSA not met with Indian head of states when your own leaders meet with them?

National interests have always had the priority of every state because if that was not the case no state would survive in today's world. Those who would survive would be taken advantage of. National states are by default selfish and always looking for their own interests. If the opposite was the case there would be no need for them in the first place. As a supposed Pakistani nationalist you should have realized this ages ago or probably already have. That's why Pakistan acts according to its own interests in Afghanistan (first and foremost) and before that in Bangladesh.

In this thread alone numerous Pakistanis have written that they do not care about Palestine. We don't need their comments to realize that this has been the case for many Pakistanis for decades. Let alone the Pakistani government. Quite frankly, personally, I do not care what Pakistanis or others think about internal Arab affairs. Whether they care or not. That's just my opinion though.

Changing the status quo is up to the Muslims in power. It's as simple as that.
Over 50 injured, 9 with live ammunition, in clashes across Palestinian territory

BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) -- The number of injured Palestinians continues to climb on Thursday as clashes with Israeli forces continue to escalate across the occupied West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza Strip, in response to U.S. President Donald Trump’s announcement recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

Palestinian and world leaders warned Trump against making the announcement, for fear of instability and violence across the region, that is now expected to continue in the days to come.

According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health and a spokesperson for the Palestinian Red Crescent, there are upward of 50 injuries in total, nine of which are injuries with live ammunition.

Of the live-bullet injuries, four were reported to be in the central West Bank city of Ramallah, and five from the Gaza Strip. Also in Ramallah, eight Palestinians were injured with rubber-coated steel bullets.

In Gaza, four Palestinians from the southern district of Khan Younis were injured with live ammunition, and one Palestinian from northeastern Gaza was injured. The injuries were reported as light to moderate.

Clashes erupt across West Bank

In the West Bank city of Bethlehem, medics told Ma’an that at least three Palestinians were injured with rubber-coated steel bullets while two, including a young boy, were treated for severe tear-gas inhalation.


We will do that too, Soon.

Pandit baba, when is it happening? We are still waiting.

Some truths need to be told when people are trolling.

Are you mentally challenged?

Ask them. You are extremely concerned about almost all internal Arab affairs. Especially when it comes to my country. That tops it all.

Sure, that is why only Arab nationalists (Arab countries ruled by nationalists) are the only ones that have actually tried to do something (against all odds) to try to change the status quo while the non-Arabs have only been good at performing some useless speeches like ALL Muslim leaders do today, including Arab ones. That's how much they care in reality it seems.

Yes, the same KSA that has done nothing but the same thing that most Muslim countries have done, which is to publicly denounce and criticize the decision. KSA even did it at the UN less than 1 weak ago. Not many Muslim countries did that. I get you.

Now are you going to do what you are preaching? Are you going to move back to Pakistan or to Pakistan instead of living in the biggest partner of the US and closest ally and paying taxes that in turn go for UK wars waged in the Middle East and pro-Israel standpoints and giving room to the most influential Jewish lobby and community in Europe or will you continue to rage on PDF?

Which country did Balfour come from again and which country facilitated the Israeli state? Was it KSA or was it the UK, your country of birth and the country that your family now pays taxes to (if they pay any)?

Does Pakistan not have a nuclear bomb? Why not use it to liberate Israel? Does Pakistan not have 200 million people and a large military? Why not attack Israel. After all you claim that this conflict is religious in nature. So what is Pakistan (one of the largest Muslim countries) waiting for then? It's been 70 + years. It seems that Pakistani leadership agree with me and do not agree with you. Same with most Pakistanis because if they really cared they would have heavily pressured their military and politicians to do something ages ago.

Caught in your own delusion and hypocrisy, I see. No way back when I am around. You are caught in the net. Now try to break free.

The onus to speak up on the Palestinian issue weighs much more heavily for Saudi Arabia. I don’t need to explain this because it should really be a no brainer. It is common knowledge how Saudi Arabia is cosying up its relation with Israel.

Let’s be very honest for a moment. Saudi Arabia has done itself a huge disservice by allying with Trumpland and Israel. Trump has basically done an incredible u-turn on Saudi Arabia by announcing Jerusalem as an Israeli capital. Saudi Arabia must feel betrayed.

The biggest problem is that the immediate neighbors of Palestine aren’t interested in helping their brothers. You have ridiculous pacts between Israel and Jordan/Egypt which defy and undermine the Palestinian cause. There is no point in blaming Pakistan which doesn’t even share a border with Palestine.

Having said that, Pakistani people relate to the suffering of Palestinians on a human and religious level, but we are too far away to be preoccupied day and night.
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-2 rockets fired from Gaza at Israeli force concentrations over border
Hezbollah is fighting Israel by slaughtering and starving to death Muslim kids in Syria.


Hezbollah is filth and their supporters are filth of the filth.
Hezbollah is fighting Israel by slaughtering and starving to death Muslim kids in Syria.


Hezbollah is filth and their supporters are filth of the filth.

The reason why Israel despises Hezbollah and Iran is because both stand up to your bullying against Palestinians.
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