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Lahore’s serial killer ‘wanted to teach gays a lesson’

What a sick person this @$$h0l3 is. Should be executed ASAP.

Every human has right to live freely in this world no matter what his religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, etc etc is...this world is not someone's baap(dad) dada(grandpa) jageer.
He murder his gay victim but had sex with them first? I thought he hate homosexual.
Allah knows that he will become a gay but still let him born so his follower can kill them? Why don't he kill them by himself? Why he let the first gay to spread this disease?
Let's suppose Allah didn't gave power to choose to the people on earth, so then the people will be bound to to do what Allah want and then everyone will become an angle, hence there will be no concept of Jannat and Jahanum...

You seem to know quite alot about these clubs, sab kheriat to ha na....:D
I have already said that I searched for GAY word when I first heard it in school from class fellows. While searching the Google, one link showed that there are more than 20 such clubs. After all I am a Lahori and I should know better about my city than others.

who the hell told you that?
An online link.. :sarcastic:
What a demented being. He obviously had desires, indulged in them and then through guilt killed the person.

Finish him off. He is useless to society.
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