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Lahore’s serial killer ‘wanted to teach gays a lesson’

Yes later he was posthumously awarded a high civil honor and the Govt of US apologized to his relatives.
UK, you mean. Yes, the PM officially offered a posthumous apology in 2009. Sadly bigotry is still rampant in south Asia and many other places.
A hell no ! :bad:

I meant that I've heard these things happening in secret parties but because I never got invited to one, I really don't know whether these things happen here or not !

In fact the only such fellow I know here in Lahore is @Informant - Who is a deviant fellow originally from Karachi who got kicked out when he tried to give a smooch to Altaf Bhai ! :unsure:

And then there is @Ayush who ran away from his girlfriend to be with his room-mate; a vegetarian Pehalwan from Darjeeling ! :o:
oye stop saying that about my bihari bro @Informant :mad:
and of course me too(though i know u wont listen :hitwall:)
I am curious what is your field of study ? You know a lot about CS but still dont look like a CS grad.
About this guy you are talking about i would say without him there would be no computer.

Aw, why do you say I don't look like a CS grad?:frown:

(I will neither confirm nor deny that.:D)

And that was just one example that came off the top of my head, when I read somebody saying that gays can either choose to become gays or criminals or lawyers or scientists - as if being gay and being a lawyer or scientist are mutually exclusive.

There are many other gays who have contributed immensely to human progress as well. We should only be concerned about how somebody's actions affect society, positively or negatively. Who they fall in love with is their own personal affair. Some like Jack and some like Jill, and some like them both. Not my concern whatsoever.
A hell no ! :bad:

I meant that I've heard these things happening in secret parties but because I never got invited to one, I really don't know whether these things happen here or not !

In fact the only such fellow I know here in Lahore is @Informant - Who is a deviant fellow originally from Karachi who got kicked out when he tried to give a smooch to Altaf Bhai ! :unsure:

And then there is @Ayush who ran away from his girlfriend to be with his room-mate; a vegetarian Pehalwan from Darjeeling ! :o:

Pathetic soul, a classic example of hypocrite. A religious cover to a heinous crime is not something unheard-of in our society, this cover is definitely going to earn him backing of zealots. It's pity that people use religion to defend their crime.

Question is - How could he indulged in sexual relations with victims if he hated homosexuality to a maximum degree possible?
Might have been gay all along and after having sex felt deep shame and killed the people.Remember readind about another serial killer thats what he used to do
You choose to be gay because you find something of your interest. Same for other things. You choose to be a professor because you love to teach other (your interest). Same for other things. You don't have power to be born man or woman but you have power to live in the way you want.

Another thing is that you will do or create interest in something you have learned from your surroundings.

Most probable cause of homosexual orientation is exposure to higher than medial level of androgens in womb. High androgen levels have debilitating effects on fetus's development. This is the reason that Gays on average have larger penis than straight men and also why anti baldness drugs with active alpha reductase blockers are considered kryptonite for pregnant women.

I can think of two possibilities:

1) He enjoyed homosexual rape and murder (he was a psycopath), and when caught he said he hates homosexuals, so as to win sympathy from other bigots. He knew how lawyers garlanded the killer of Salman Tasseer because to them he was defending islam against blasphemy.


It would not explain the Murders. It is not like raped Gays could go to police in Pakistan.

And Psychopath is highly abused noun. If we profile whole demography, a lot of people ( in some professions, most ) would turn out to be psycopaths.

I can think of two possibilities:

2) He was a self loathing homosexual, who was ridden by guilt because of his orientation, and what his society teaches about that. So he had carnal desires, and simultaneously he was ashamed and guilty of it, which leads to cognitive dissonance and psychiatric problems.



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Most probable cause of homosexual orientation is exposure to higher than medial level of androgens in womb. High androgen levels have debilitating effects on fetus's development. This is the reason that Gays on average have larger penis than straight men and also why anti baldness drugs with active alpha reductase blockers are considered kryptonite for pregnant women.


It would not explain the Murders. It is not like raped Gays could go to police in Pakistan.

And Psychopath is highly abused noun. If we profile whole demography, a lot of people ( in some professions, most ) would turn out to be psycopaths.



Reaction formation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In the first point, I meant that he was a psychopath who enjoyed raping and murdering. People who enjoy murder are psycopaths, right? That should explain the murder - not because he was afraid of the raped man going to the police, but because he enjoyed killing. But I think the second speculation is more probable.
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