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Lahore’s serial killer ‘wanted to teach gays a lesson’

@Informant Okay..
I am on the issue, who are you to decide to do anything. Rampant alcoholics is a 100 times bigger issue. Your beloved generals and majors and the top brass are in love with Johnny walkers.

In the end, they are answerable for their actions, nor are you told to do anything o take the law in your own hands.
I wanted you focus on one thing instead of grabbing other things in it. There are many issues in Pakistan. It is one of them but now you start talking about generals and majors. :woot:

Kya choti soch hai. Now you're equating being gay with criminals, lawyers, scientist?
Are you even trying to understand one word or you will still continue to talk like this. I said Allah gave you the power so you can choose to be something. It is one of them but then you have to be prepared for unforeseen consequences.

No one chooses to be gay. Would you choose to be gay? You are born gay.
You choose to be gay because you find something of your interest. Same for other things. You choose to be a professor because you love to teach other (your interest). Same for other things. You don't have power to be born man or woman but you have power to live in the way you want.

Another thing is that you will do or create interest in something you have learned from your surroundings.

Is he breaking any laws of Pakistan? Quote me the laws regarding what his crime is. Lets put money where your mouth is.
Read this: PAKISTAN (Law) - ILGA
Allah give human the power to choose and people use to be homosexual, criminal, lawyer, scientist

Allah knows that he will become a gay but still let him born so his follower can kill them? Why don't he kill them by himself? Why he let the first gay to spread this disease?
yep indeed another addition to the herioc stars we have

Mumtaz Qadri

& now


Lawyers and mullahs get your rose petals ready for his court appearance :victory1:
@Informant Okay..

I wanted you focus on one thing instead of grabbing other things in it. There are many issues in Pakistan. It is one of them but now you start talking about generals and majors. :woot:

Are you even trying to understand one word or you will still continue to talk like this. I said Allah gave you the power so you can choose to be something. It is one of them but then you have to be prepared for unforeseen consequences.

You choose to be gay because you find something of your interest. Same for other things. You choose to be a professor because you love to teach other (your interest). Same for other things. You don't have power to be born man or woman but you have power to live in the way you want.

Another thing is that you will do or create interest in something you have learned from your surroundings.

Read this: PAKISTAN (Law) - ILGA

NO ONE CHOOSES to be gay. I will not go forward, because you dont understand the quintessential basics of sexual orientation.

Move around the world to realise that being gay doesnt make you a bad person. Plenty of Islamic scholars who are prominent and we use their names were gay. Yup. Go read up on history. Does that stop us from admiring their works? NOPES.

Dont link me to LGBT websites. Give me a proper govt sponsored site.
NO ONE CHOOSES to be gay. I will not go forward, because you dont understand the quintessential basics of sexual orientation.

Move around the world to realise that being gay doesnt make you a bad person. Plenty of Islamic scholars who are prominent and we use their names were gay. Yup. Go read up on history. Does that stop us from admiring their works? NOPES.

Dont link me to LGBT websites. Give me a proper govt sponsored site.

The genius who cracked the enigma code of the Germans, and effectively won WW2 for the allies, was a homosexual. He was later arrested for homosexuality, and got so depressed that he killed himself. The battle of midway, and several other dicisive engagements (some of the largest battles fought by humankind) were all won because of this man's pure briliance. He also began what is today called "computer science" - he elevated that branch of study into a formal science. He formalized the concept of algorithms, programming etc. He was a scientist, logician and philosopher of the first waters. The test for machine intelligence is named after him. He was the father of computer science, cryptanalysis and artificial intelligence. Because of the anti-gay prejudice in Europe at the time, he ended his own life at the (relatively) tender age of 41.

Since you work in related fields, I'm guessing you know who I am talking about. It is so sad to see that in some parts of the world, homosexuality is still equated to criminality and evil. A victimless crime is not a crime. A victimless act is not immoral.
Lahore’s serial killer ‘wanted to teach gays a lesson’


LAHORE: Short in stature and softly spoken, paramedic Muhammed Ejaz was probably destined for a life of relative anonymity – until he began killing gay men he met online.

The 28-year-old father-of-two was arrested last week and confessed to three brutal murders, saying he wanted to send out a message about the “evils” of homosexuality, though police insist he had sex with his victims first.

The killings have sent shockwaves through Lahore’s underground gay community, who fear Ejaz could be lionised as a hero in a conservative society where homosexuality is stigmatised.

Lahore’s serial killer ‘wanted to teach gays a lesson’ – The Express Tribune

Pathetic soul, a classic example of hypocrite. A religious cover to a heinous crime is not something unheard-of in our society, this cover is definitely going to earn him backing of zealots. It's pity that people use religion to defend their crime.

Question is - How could he indulged in sexual relations with victims if he hated homosexuality to a maximum degree possible?
Pathetic soul, a classic example of hypocrite. A religious cover to a heinous crime is not something unheard-of in our society, this cover is definitely going to earn him backing of zealots. It's pity that people use religion to defend their crime.

Question is - How could he indulged in sexual relations with victims if he hated homosexuality to a maximum degree possible?
I can think of two possibilities:

1) He enjoyed homosexual rape and murder (he was a psycopath), and when caught he said he hates homosexuals, so as to win sympathy from other bigots. He knew how lawyers garlanded the killer of Salman Tasseer because to them he was defending islam against blasphemy.

2) He was a self loathing homosexual, who was ridden by guilt because of his orientation, and what his society teaches about that. So he had carnal desires, and simultaneously he was ashamed and guilty of it, which leads to cognitive dissonance and psychiatric problems.
The genius who cracked the enigma code of the Germans, and effectively won WW2 for the allies, was a homosexual. He was later arrested for homosexuality, and got so depressed that he killed himself. The battle of midway, and several other dicisive engagements (some of the largest battles fought by humankind) were all won because of this man's pure briliance. He also began what is today called "computer science" - he elevated that branch of study into a formal science. He formalized the concept of algorithms, programming etc. He was a scientist, logician and philosopher of the first waters. The test for machine intelligence is named after him. He was the father of computer science, cryptanalysis and artificial intelligence. Because of the anti-gay prejudice in Europe at the time, he ended his own life at the (relatively) tender age of 41.

Since you work in related fields, I'm guessing you know who I am talking about. It is so sad to see that in some parts of the world, homosexuality is still equated to criminality and evil. A victimless crime is not a crime. A victimless act is not immoral.

Yes later he was posthumously awarded a high civil honor and the Govt of US apologized to his relatives.
It's Not the right way to do right things. Gays should be punished as our law said. WTF Stupid A**h**es mixing up nature in Islamic Republic of Pakistan. :bad:
I never get invited to any underground parties for any orientation here in Lahore ! :(

So you meant you'd definitely visit if get an invitation? o_O

Don't know about Lahore but in Karachi people do organize such parties.

I can think of two possibilities:

1) He enjoyed homosexual rape and murder (he was a psycopath), and when caught he said he hates homosexuals, so as to win sympathy from other bigots. He knew how lawyers garlanded the killer of Salman Tasseer because to them he was defending islam against blasphemy.

2) He was a self loathing homosexual, who was ridden by guilt because of his orientation, and what his society teaches about that. So he had carnal desires, and simultaneously he was ashamed and guilty of it, which leads to cognitive dissonance and psychiatric problems.

Psycopath or normal, one thing is sure that he's using religion as a shield and this should concern the people.
The genius who cracked the enigma code of the Germans, and effectively won WW2 for the allies, was a homosexual. He was later arrested for homosexuality, and got so depressed that he killed himself. The battle of midway, and several other dicisive engagements (some of the largest battles fought by humankind) were all won because of this man's pure briliance. He also began what is today called "computer science" - he elevated that branch of study into a formal science. He formalized the concept of algorithms, programming etc. He was a scientist, logician and philosopher of the first waters. The test for machine intelligence is named after him. He was the father of computer science, cryptanalysis and artificial intelligence. Because of the anti-gay prejudice in Europe at the time, he ended his own life at the (relatively) tender age of 41.

Since you work in related fields, I'm guessing you know who I am talking about. It is so sad to see that in some parts of the world, homosexuality is still equated to criminality and evil. A victimless crime is not a crime. A victimless act is not immoral.
I am curious what is your field of study ? You know a lot about CS but still dont look like a CS grad.
About this guy you are talking about i would say without him there would be no computer.
So you meant you'd definitely visit if get an invitation? o_O

Don't know about Lahore but in Karachi people do organize such parties.

A hell no ! :bad:

I meant that I've heard these things happening in secret parties but because I never got invited to one, I really don't know whether these things happen here or not !

In fact the only such fellow I know here in Lahore is @Informant - Who is a deviant fellow originally from Karachi who got kicked out when he tried to give a smooch to Altaf Bhai ! :unsure:

And then there is @Ayush who ran away from his girlfriend to be with his room-mate; a vegetarian Pehalwan from Darjeeling ! :o:
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