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Kurds call for Removal of Turkey from NATO


Oct 20, 2008
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United States
Remove Turkey from the NATO alliance.

In recent times ISIS has become a global threat. We ask the White House if they are serious about this threat. Recently, ISIS has become a major threat to Turkey's border. Turkey has not only turned a blind eye to this threat but in many cases has enabled it.

We ask the White House, in their determination of "degrading and destroying" ISIS, of discontinuing the NATO alliance with Turkey.

This is not acceptable. A NATO ally in the modern age, cannot point it's guns in the opposite direction of a direct threat of the US.

We the people of the US, and our Allies in the region, ask the White House, to drop Turkey from the NATO alliance They have proven they are not a worthy ally in the war on terror.

Remove Turkey from the NATO alliance. | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government

Kurdish social media campaign: Tweets about #removeturkeyfromnato hashtag on Twitter
Remove Turkey from NATO, add Peshmerga to NATO.

Peshmerga -> Southeastern Wing of NATO


The Kurdish town of Kobane in western Syria is under siege by the Islamic State. A U.S.-led coalition has hit at the jihadists sieging Kobane—with 13 strikes on Wednesday and Thursday—but bombs alone may not suffice. It is the Turkish military, whose tanks are currently sitting on the Syrian border, that may be in the best position to save stave off a mass slaughter. But the Turks refuse to join the fight, even though the Turkish Parliament voted on Oct. 2 to deploy the Turkish army to fight in Iraq and Syria, and to allow foreign troops on Turkish soil. A week after the vote, Turkey has not participated in any U.S.-led operations against the Islamic State.

Turkey’s stock as a Western ally is plummeting. Ankara stubbornly resists joining the coalition unless it broadens its fight to topple Syria’s Bashar al-Assad. Turkey’s 200 or more F-16 fighter jets sit idle as the Islamic State makes alarming gains across Syria and Iraq. This stands in sharp contrast to other Muslim world allies – including Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar and even Jordan – that have taken part in the aerial campaign against the Islamic State.

Turkey’s absence is conspicuous. It’s the only NATO ally among these Muslim world partners. To be clear, the fight against the Islamic State is not a NATO mission, but it serves as a reminder of how little Erdogan’s regime has done to help preserve order in the Middle East.

In many ways, Turkey has made the fight against the Islamic State more difficult. Apart from permitting some unarmed American drones to fly out of its territory, Ankara has refused to allow the West to operate from Turkish airbases. This has forced strike aircraft to fly their sorties from the Al Udeid airbase in Qatar, Shaheed Mwaffaq in Jordan or Al Dhafra in the UAE. As for the Incirlik air base that NATO operates in Eastern Turkey, Ankara has made it clear that for the time being, it is currently off limits for armed operations.

But this should come as no surprise. Incirlik has long been off limits. Ankara refused to allow the United States to utilize the air base for kinetic operations in the 2003 Iraq war and its aftermath. Instead, the base has been used for logistics, support and training. Turkey owns the facility, but technically, according to Article 5 of the NATO charter, it cannot restrict the NATO activities on the base in an approved operation. Still, it can restrict U.S. personnel and equipment. And it has consistently done so, to the frustration of American military planners.

Admittedly, one could argue that the Turks were right to hold off on joining America’s ill-fated war in Iraq. But that would be ignoring Turkey’s role in other international conflicts. Take the NATO-led mission in Afghanistan since 2001, where Turkey limited its role to logistics and training and refused to take part in combat. Similarly, Turkey deployed nearly 400 personnel to NATO forces in Kosovo, as well as other personnel to other international operations in the Balkans, but with responsibilities limited to training, observation and support.

Read more: Time to Kick Turkey Out of NATO? - Jonathan Schanzer - POLITICO Magazine
But this should come as no surprise. Incirlik has long been off limits. Ankara refused to allow the United States to utilize the air base for kinetic operations in the 2003 Iraq war and its aftermath. Instead, the base has been used for logistics, support and training. Turkey owns the facility, but technically, according to Article 5 of the NATO charter, it cannot restrict the NATO activities on the base in an approved operation. Still, it can restrict U.S. personnel and equipment. And it has consistently done so, to the frustration of American military planners.

Read more: Time to Kick Turkey Out of NATO? - Jonathan Schanzer - POLITICO Magazine

Iraq operation (or invasion) was not a NATO operation.
NATO should be dissolved full stop. It was created to fight an enemy that no longer exists.

1) US doesnt want EU to form European Armed Forces. Therefore, NATO will be not be dissolved. US has everything under its thumb.

2) Even if EU forms an army, EU doesnt have any military capability to force its geopolitical interests in Middleast without Turkish approval. We control aerial zone between Europe and Middleast.
1) US doesnt want EU to form European Armed Forces. Therefore, NATO will be not be dissolved. US has everything under its thumb.

2) Even if EU forms an army, EU doesnt have any military capability to force its geopolitical interests in Middleast without Turkish approval. We control aerial zone between Europe and Middleast.

Europe forming it's own European Armed Forces would save the US from major headaches as the Europeans can then solve more of the world's problems themselves. US and European countries created NATO for the protection of Europe from the Soviet Union, not for the protection of US, US doesn't need NATO's protection it is Europe that needs it for protection, or at least did so. By the way not a single NATO secretary general has been an American, although US does appoint the Supreme Allied Commander Europe.
Europe forming it's own European Armed Forces would save the US from major headaches as the Europeans can then solve more of the world's problems themselves. US and European countries created NATO for the protection of Europe from the Soviet Union, not for the protection of US, US doesn't need NATO's protection it is Europe that needs it for protection, or at least did so. By the way not a single NATO secretary general has been an American.

Independent EUAF means EU can act independently from USA. USA doesnt want it.

Secondly East Europe (former Warsaw pact) countries want US protection, not EU Armed Forces. Germany and France are left alone. And Britain is content to side with USA.
1) US doesnt want EU to form European Armed Forces. Therefore, NATO will be not be dissolved. US has everything under its thumb.
2) Even if EU forms an army, EU doesnt have any military capability to force its geopolitical interests in Middleast without Turkish approval. We control aerial zone between Europe and Middleast.

Your right. NATO without Turkey is just the US and a bunch of European nations under-spending on their defense just waiting to be overrun by the Russians.

Turkey may have rethought it's desire to join the EU, but the Europeans know the value of having the Turkish Military.

Europe forming it's own European Armed Forces would save the US from major headaches as the Europeans can then solve more of the world's problems themselves. US and European countries created NATO for the protection of Europe from the Soviet Union, not for the protection of US, US doesn't need NATO's protection it is Europe that needs it for protection, or at least did so. By the way not a single NATO secretary general has been an American, although US does appoint the Supreme Allied Commander Europe.

US wants the Europeans to develop their militaries so it doesn't have to babysit them. But it's not going to let them make a supranational military. Just too many headaches and competition with the sole Superpower.
I like Turkey. Turks are the only nice people(generally) in the whole middle east and Asia minor region. There rest of them are utter ****heads most of the time.
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