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Kurds call for Removal of Turkey from NATO

The devil says lets go out NATO and let Europe overrun by the Russians if it weren't stinky Kurds who are not even in NATO requesting for Turkey's expulsion. Unfortunate it is not only Kurds but also some Europeans saying these things. Everybody knows Europe can't permit it so Turkey can push its luck. Without Turkey whole of europe's eastern flank will be exposed and we won't watch kobane fall but European cities at the hands of the Russians.
Who will listen to this?

Depends, from what I have been reading the Israeli, Kurdish, and Armenian lobbyist groups may be working together in Washington to put pressure on the White House about this.
Depends, from what I have been reading the Israeli, Kurdish, and Armenian lobbyist groups may be working together in Washington to put pressure on the White House about this.
I've never understood how the Armenian lobby became so powerful. There are very few Armenians in the US compared to other ethnic groups.
But they let them in their countries and don't arrest them like the three pkk members who were assassinated in Paris and pjak leader scumbag in Germany if they are listed as terrorists why they let them in their countries??
Their arse is on fire about ISIS passing through Turkey illegally.

What about the PKK who are freely setting up tents in Paris to gather money and political support in the French streets?

It is time for Turkey to go after her own interests. They pushed their luck too much.
I've never understood how the Armenian lobby became so powerful. There are very few Armenians in the US compared to other ethnic groups.

They have had a few notable success like the Armenian Genocide Resolution passed by the US House alone in 2007, but that is a non-binding resolution more symbolic than substantial. Also there lobbyist are more effective with California representatives and senators. Fmr. Pres. Bush and Fmr. Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice rejected the resolution. I wouldn't say the Armenian lobby is powerful, but they can manage to get some attention and get somethings done in Washington every now and then. I also think Armenian lobby must have a partnership with Israeli lobby and Greek lobby.

“The participation of ethnic or foreign-supported lobbies in the American policy process is nothing new,” he observes. “In my public life, I have dealt with a number of them. I would rank the Israeli-American, Cuban-American, and Armenian-American lobbies as the most effective in their assertiveness. The Greek- and Taiwanese-American lobbies also rank highly in my book. The Polish-American lobby was at one time influential (Franklin Roosevelt complained about it to Joseph Stalin), and I daresay that before long we will be hearing a lot from the Mexican-, Hindu-, and Chinese-American lobbies as well.”

The Lobby - The New Yorker

You can think of Armenia like Venice (minus the wealth and beauty of course) in the middle-ages a militarily weak and small country that spends a lot of money on diplomacy and lobbying in influential countries.
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And since when was Kurdistan part of NATO? In fact when was Kurdistan even a state? What a pathetic bunch.
Yeah, giving land to Kursitan only means more ethnic violence. Then Sunni will like a seperate country in Iraq, as will Shia. It'd go over to Syria and they'd want a country as well.

Countries shouldn't be created over ethnicity. Otherwise we will need some thousands, if not tens of thousands, of countries.
Wet dreams of desperate people, help a bunch of terrorist or get out of NATO, is this the new standart?
Turkey is NATO member since 62 years, thats 62 years more than Kurdistan existed after all. :lol:

The day Turkey leaves NATO is the day when North Korea becomes a superpower.
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Wet dreams of desperate people, help a bunch of terrorist or get out of NATO, is this the new standart?
Turkey is NATO member since 62 years, thats 62 years more than Kurdistan existed after all. :lol:

The day Turkey leaves NATO is the day when North Korea becomes a superpower.

Don't always be so sure, world is constantly changing, new political parties come to power, new people are elected or seize power, new enemies, alliances change, new conflicts and wars can break out, pacts and treaties are broken and created, organizations can change, etc.

Turkey is NATO member since 62 years, thats 62 years more than Kurdistan existed after all.

92 years ago Turks had an empire that covered vast lands across the Middle East, now you are a member of NATO, who would have thought a long time ago? Now look at the size of Turkish sovereignty it's been reduced to Anatolia and parts of Thrace. Sometimes, these things appear farfetched to us at the present day, but if you look at history you will realize almost nothing is farfetched. Look at China they were dirt poor 30 years ago, UAE was a desert 30 years ago. I agree with you I don't expect Turkey to be removed from NATO in the foreseeable future.

Who knows what could happen in the next 25, 50, or 100 years...
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92 years ago Turks had an empire that covered vast lands across the Middle East, now you are a member of NATO, who would have thought a long time ago? Now look at the size of Turkish sovereignty it's been reduced to Anatolia and parts of Thrace.
Times have changed there is not a single empire left take British empire as an exsample, they lost much more than Turks but they still arent considered as loosers, this means nothing.

The world is separated into alliances and Turkeys place is not between Russia and China but between democratic countrys.
Depends, from what I have been reading the Israeli, Kurdish, and Armenian lobbyist groups may be working together in Washington to put pressure on the White House about this.
They (BDP) have an office in Washington D.C.

331 F Street NE Washington, D.C. 20002
Phone: (202) 608-1342

The party chairman has called for the PKK to disarm.[7] (Yet they attack police and millitary with stones and molotov cocktails, burn schools, and destroy businesses)The
BDP has observer status in the Socialist International.[8] BDP supports Turkey's membership in the European Union,[9] same-sex marriages in Turkey,[10] an anti-discrimination law to protect LGBT people[9] and also wants the Government of Turkey to recognize the Armenian Genocide.[11]

Basically the bdp supports the destruction of Turkey, and its honor.


The Role of Kurds in the New Middle East | Peace and Democracy Party
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@xenon54 @Kaan @Neptune

I hope cooler heads prevail, and an understanding is reached with Turkey in this regard. After all, to paraphrase LBJ, "It's probably better to have [Turkey] inside the tent pissing out, than outside the tent pissing in." That said, I wonder if you can illuminate the reasons why Turkey seems, to my eyes, to be unnaturally confident that ISIS will not threaten Turkey at any point in the future. After all, Turkey would not give a cold shoulder to NATO now, while NATO members are trying to eliminate ISIS before it becomes a problem, only to call for NATO's assistance later should ISIS blossom into a true threat, correct?

The other question I have: Given Erdogan's explicit call to be allowed to join the SCO, rather than be kicked out of NATO (impossible, as far as I'm aware), is it instead possible that Erdogan or some other Turkish leader will simply withdraw from NATO, having concluded that Turkey's interests would be better served as part of some other alliance?
1) There is no militant camp. It is a picnic, a meeting.

2) Turkey supports moderate rebels, not IS. No weapons for IS.

3) There is no official oil deal. Only smugglery.

That bıtch is full anti-Turkish. She does it everytime. She is obsessed with Turkey.

I mean, she even attended "Gezi Protests" against Turkish government.

Rotayı Claudia Roth mu çiziyor? - TG
Claudia Roth Türkiye’yi suçladı - Hürriyet Avrupa
Alman Yeşiller Partisi Eş Başkanı Claudia Roth:
Claudia Roth'un Taksim'de işi ne? - Sabah
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She needs an accident.
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