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Kulbushun Yadav to be asked about last wish,will be allowed final prayer before hanging.

I believe you state is lying... our military courts are run by professionals... we are right you are wrong.

See the circle jerk can go on forever...

Illegal combatants do not have the right to an open trial. Military justice for terrorists.

Not even debating subjectives like belief here.

But simple transparency and facts. Or the lack thereof.
Not even debating subjectives like belief here.

But simple transparency and facts. Or the lack thereof.

Nothing to debate. You think we are lying. We believe you guys are lying.

Circle jerk ... isn't going to go anywhere.
It's called judicial due process by the rest of the non-Pakistani world.

So gather the rest of non Pakistani world to support you on this? Hmmm cannot? Go on try and see what happens.
Nothing to debate. You think we are lying. We believe you guys are lying.

Circle jerk ... isn't going to go anywhere.

Translation ... I cannot be transparent because there are no facts.
He was a serving commander in Indian Navy when caught. He admitted and that's why I believe his case was rightly heard in the Military court.

But why so lip tight secrecy even to your parliament when you claim to shave solid evidence le alone the media or others ??

But he will have a chance, 60 days to file an appeal to a superior military court and then if the decision is upheld, another chance in SC. I believe SC will convert his punishment to life long sentence, which is fair enough as his life will be more miserable in the jail.

Ask army men, what do they prefer? Spending 30-35 years in a foreign country without their family and only seeing another face three times a day (or even less as the food is served by opening a lid at the bottom of the cell's door). One day a week walk, that too with prisoners having bad bad record is really really difficult.

I seriously want his sentence to be converted to life long imprisonment by higher military tribunal or SC, and I am 99.9% sure, the same will happen.

Then I guess then the same fate may be awaiting for one of your missing commanders as well. :(

Not sure though, since there is no official conformation yet about his whereabouts right ??
Do you know how many Indians, including on this PDF board, would have more than one Passport?

Aadhaar card?

Ration card?

Driving License?

Do you know how easy it is to create a new life, a new identity.

Are you living in Sweden or Norway??????

I don't know about India, but in Pakistan, it is extremely difficult now to get a passport with a different identity. You have to have a Computerized National ID before you apply a passport. Both systems are linked. To apply for a computerized ID, you have to have a computerized "B" Form. Again the systems are linked. To apply for a "B" form, you must be a member of the family (a computerized family number is generated) when the applicant's father applied for the card.

So even if you somehow are able to bribe some one in ID registration dept. to get a fake ID, you will have to link it to an existing family number.

Any person can check through a simple sms with the help of family number, how many people (with their names) are included in his family in the registration department.

I am telling you, if the highest authorities are not involved (who create a whole new family in the system), it is not possible to get a B form in order to get a national ID in order to get a passport..

The risks we (specially Pakistanis) are exposed to, due to being next to Afghanistan and India, who share the physical and linguistic features of Pakistanis, it is extremely important to have this kind of system in place. We are running this system since early 2000s.

I am sure you guys have the same system in place as you are exposed to the same risks as we do. That's why I am shocked to see the computer generated passport of Kulbhushan.. which is not possible as probably you system also fetches data from the ration card (that is an equivalent to Pakistani CNIC)? right? And I am sure your ration card is also computer generated..

If this passport was hand written, it was understandable. But computer generated passport means not just one, but multiple authorities are involved with one common objective.. i.e. you know what I am talking about..
So gather the rest of non Pakistani world to support you on this? Hmmm cannot? Go on try and see what happens.

We'd rather try and make you see reason first. And do the right thing.
Translation ... I cannot be transparent because there are no facts.

Translation... just as the Indian government didn't provide evidence for the mythical "surgical strike" into Pak... and you believed your holy government...

Likewise... however... our armed men are true faces of honour.
I don't know about India, but in Pakistan, it is extremely difficult now to get a passport with a different identity. You have to have a Computerized National ID before you apply a passport. Both systems are linked. To apply for a computerized ID, you have to have a computerized "B" Form. Again the systems are linked. To apply for a "B" form, you must be a member of the family (a computerized family number is generated) when the applicant's father applied for the card.

So even if you somehow are able to bribe some one in ID registration dept. to get a fake ID, you will have to link it to an existing family number.

Any person can check through a simple sms with the help of family number, how many people (with their names) are included in his family in the registration department.

I am telling you, if the highest authorities are not involved (who create a whole new family in the system), it is not possible to get a B form in order to get a national ID in order to get a passport..

The risks we (specially Pakistanis) are exposed to, due to being next to Afghanistan and India, who share the physical and linguistic features of Pakistanis, it is extremely important to have this kind of system in place. We are running this system since early 2000s.

I am sure you guys have the same system in place as you are exposed to the same risks as we do. That's why I am shocked to see the computer generated passport of Kulbhushan.. which is not possible as probably you system also fetches data from the ration card (that is an equivalent to Pakistani CNIC)? right? And I am sure your ration card is also computer generated..

If this passport was hand written, it was understandable. But computer generated passport means not just one, but multiple authorities are involved with one common objective.. i.e. you know what I am talking about..

You are free to believe me or not.

There are many Indians with multiple identities.

Which have nothing whatsoever to do with going to Pakistan to kill people.

Translation... just as the Indian government didn't provide evidence for the mythical "surgical strike" into Pak... and you believed your holy government...

Likewise... however... our armed men are true faces of honour.

Translation .... we will now shift the goalpost to surgical strikes, because it's going to be impossible to debate with the Indian on Kasab vs Yadav.
Then I guess then the same fate may be awaiting for one of your missing commanders as well. :(

Not sure though, since there is no official conformation yet about his whereabouts right ??

See, there is something called morality.. When you compare the case of your serving commander who was caught with a fake ID on him with a person who went to Nepal for a job interview (and Nepalese government is also investigating this case and cooperating with Pakistan, I know they have got the CCTV footage of people who received him at the airport). Had your commander been kidnapped from Iran, you would have already filed a case in Iran against his disappearance. Your government has seriously failed in many things..

He was a good soldier and an extremely good spy who was hidden since early 2000s.. You have to give credit to him where it is due.. He was caught just because of one mistake..

For me he is a terrorist, for you he is a soldier and I respect your opinion on this..

But if you have a little morality left, accept that Habib Zahir didn't go to Nepal to sabotage. I know every country has agents, and Pakistan might have its agents deputed in India too, but I can tell you, Habib Zahir isn't one of them..

There are many Indians with multiple identities.

I can't believe this.. Multiple IDs with similar number and name and family number is fine, but multiple IDs with different names/ date of births, addresses, is extremely difficult to believe. India is not Congo or Rwanda.. It is a hub of IT nowadays in Asia, we have to accept it.. And to make multiple IDs with different names is a security risk for India itself.. I am sure your authorities don't permit it..

You are probably mixing clone IDs with fake IDs.. I can't believe it about India..
Read on this website what I mentioned in the title.

Does anyone have any idea regarding when the execution will be carried out ?

Secondly what are the prospects of Pakistan postponing or canceling his execution ?

There's a lot of time before we speculate about the date of his hanging or his last wish/meal. Its very likely that he will lodge an appeal in the coming days and after that has been processed, the matter may well be referred to the jurisdiction of the supreme court. The legal process will take its full course. Due process will be followed. It will probably take several years.
Everyone has to die one day. I'm thinking why is Pakistan in such haste to seal this man's fate.

Is it because the man is (literally) dead already?
Come on. He is not just a man. He is a nasty terrorist. And Pak is dead serious to eliminate terrorists. It won't surprise any one if the terrorist monkey sees gallows soon after the legal process is completed. After all, many of his local associates have already been eliminated.
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