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Kulbushun Yadav to be asked about last wish,will be allowed final prayer before hanging.

He was a serving commander in Indian Navy when caught. He admitted and that's why I believe his case was rightly heard in the Military court.

But he will have a chance, 60 days to file an appeal to a superior military court and then if the decision is upheld, another chance in SC. I believe SC will convert his punishment to life long sentence, which is fair enough as his life will be more miserable in the jail.

Ask army men, what do they prefer? Spending 30-35 years in a foreign country without their family and only seeing another face three times a day (or even less as the food is served by opening a lid at the bottom of the cell's door). One day a week walk, that too with prisoners having bad bad record is really really difficult.

I seriously want his sentence to be converted to life long imprisonment by higher military tribunal or SC, and I am 99.9% sure, the same will happen.

No offense, but I am feeling claustro just reading this.

There is a term for this.

It's called stir crazy.
Generate a fake passport for him and show him 150 years old in that :D

or Change the meaning of the term "old age" by defining it as "over 35 years old is the old age".. loll..

On a serious note, he shouldn't be hanged. It is an easy way out for him..
These are your claims of course.

Not everyone is that dumb by the way ..................... you can disagree as much you want ........... but indian hands are colored with blood of innocent Pakistani school children and university students. Again get rid of the cowards.


Seriously, you guys are not doing a favor to him when asking for changing his death sentence to imprisonment.. I am sure if anyone in India is given a chance to talk to him who tells him that Indian government is trying hard against your death sentence, he will slap that person hard enough to hand him his jaw..

He is an Indian soldier.

And you have not shown us any proof of anything.

You will excuse me for not taking your words at face value.

Or that of your Army's.

You know the only thing that went against your stance is his fake passport. If your passport authority (which is supposed to be a highly trusted authority) can generate a fake passport, what is left?
or Change the meaning of the term "old age" by defining it as "over 35 years old is the old age".. loll..

On a serious note, he shouldn't be hanged. It is an easy way out for him..

If he has served his purpose, they should hang him and send his body back to india ........... then capitalise on all the information and confessions he has made to expose the lies propagated by india .........
Not everyone is that dumb by the way ..................... you can disagree as much you want ........... but indian hands are colored with blood of innocent Pakistani school children and university students. Again get rid of the cowards.

I guess the people who butchered men women and children on VT station were extremely brave.

Nobody is innocent.

And nobody is invulnerable.

We live next door. We can be the best of friends.

Or it can be ridiculously easy killing each other.

Our societies are way too complex, large and intermingled for anyone to ever be safe.
If things are proceeding at such fast pace, it can only mean that Mr. Jadhav is already dead and now it's only being covered up. Obviously something is being hushed up.

Such haste in proceeding with cases of spies wasn't even shown by US and USSR at the height of the cold war.

What gives, Pakistan?

Finally the courts are moving the way they suppose to be if it was Saudia one week would have been enought but this proceeding took over one year. All this time indian were sleeping.
These military courts procecute and execute death penalty from 2 to 9 months.
just follow the case of Uzair baloch case it just started and he be done before u count to 10.

Seriously, you guys are not doing a favor to him when asking for changing his death sentence to imprisonment.. I am sure if anyone in India is given a chance to talk to him who tells him that Indian government is trying hard against your death sentence, he will slap that person hard enough to hand him his jaw..

You know the only thing that went against your stance is his fake passport. If your passport authority (which is supposed to be a highly trusted authority) can generate a fake passport, what is left?

Do you know how many Indians, including on this PDF board, would have more than one Passport?

Aadhaar card?

Ration card?

Driving License?

Do you know how easy it is to create a new life, a new identity.

Are you living in Sweden or Norway??????
I guess the people who butchered men women and children on VT station were extremely brave.

Non state actors and serving high ranking military professional are the same now?

We live next door. We can be the best of friends.

Tell this to people who sent Yadev and gave him loads of money to kill Pakistanis.
He is an Indian soldier.

And you have not shown us any proof of anything.

You will excuse me for not taking your words at face value.

Or that of your Army's.

Well your lack of trust is something I cannot debate. We have different opinions, likewise we do not trust your establishment.
Well your lack of trust is something I cannot debate. We have different opinions, likewise we do not trust your establishment.

The butcher of Mumbai got an open trial. Lasting years. Thousands of hours in court examinations and cross examinations. Very very detailed charge sheet, evidences, depositions, witnesses. All in the open domain.

Your guy Headly was tried and found guilty by third party country independent courts as well. Incriminating your army, your ISI.

Where is the evidence or any proof here?

Admit it. This is a state lynching.
The butcher of Mumbai got an open trial. Lasting years. Thousands of hours in court examinations and cross examinations. Very very detailed charge sheet, evidences, depositions, witnesses. All in the open domain.

Your guy Headly was tried and found guilty by third party country independent courts as well. Incriminating your army, your ISI.

Where is the evidence or any proof here?

Admit it. This is a state lynching.

I believe you state is lying... our military courts are run by professionals... we are right you are wrong.

See the circle jerk can go on forever...

It's called judicial due process by the rest of the non-Pakistani world.

Illegal combatants do not have the right to an open trial. Military justice for terrorists.
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