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Kulbushun Yadav to be asked about last wish,will be allowed final prayer before hanging.

If you believe no one is innocent ........ then why advocate for Yadev's life when you have already hanged Kasab? Why have different standards?

There is something called transparency, but you may never know that.

Kasab was caught in the act, live video footage's are still available and everything is in public domain and a free and fair trial was conducted with absolute media coverage. In Yadhav's case You haven't even taken your parliament into confidence, let alone the media or whole world ??


That's the big difference. :)
Lie ............. his confession statement is on record. Its a different thing for you its not enough or you are willingly denying it.

Confession on camera?


Bro, flesh and bones eventually crack. They will say anything to make the pain stop. To be allowed to close their eyes. For the light to move away.
@Tom M @footmarks

It is very illogical and stupid of you people to ask Pakistan to show you people live CCTV footage of Yadev going rambo.

Please ..........................
Lie ............. his confession statement is on record. Its a different thing for you its not enough or you are willingly denying it.

Give us any of your toughest guy's for just 48 hours, and we can make him say he is Donald Trump. :p:
It's never a big deal dude once a person is under custody. LOL :rofl:
Well your arguments indeed carry weight. And I wish to believe the same is true in the case of the passport and ID issues to Mr. Mullah Akhtar Mansour. :)

If what you are saying is true in the case of Mr. Jadhav, then the passport and ID of Mr. Mansour also can't be acquired without the help of relevant Pakistani agencies, since he was having an Iranian visa at the time he died, and the passports are bound to be cross checked by Iranian authorities. :)

A lot of Afghan immigrants are registered as Pakistani citizens, the dynamic behind it is the fact that they have lived here for 30 plus years, have tribal affinity with the local populace and are thus easily coo-opted into the families. A branch of the Yousafzai family in Pakistan just has to declare they were blessed with another child after their first 13 and voila, an Afghan registered. That is the general gist of how Afghans are registered in Pak. Though a large number have been expunged from the official records in the recent re verification drive.

Similarly, Mullah Mansoor had been registered long before he became anyone of consequence in the Taliban.

That being said, there is a strong possibility that his registration was facilitated or perhaps willingly ignored by the state. It must be remembered that Mullah Mansoor was well within the Pakistani orbit and at the time of his death, was being engaged by Pakistan to host talks with the Americans. Giving him a passport to engage with him and allow him to meet with people setting up the talks would serve a purpose at that time.
Confession on camera?


Bro, flesh and bones eventually crack. They will say anything to make the pain stop. To be allowed to close their eyes. For the light to move away.

May be you need to change your glasses bro ........... Yadev was perfectly fine in that video. He is an intelligent person he knew what choices he had and he opted wisely.
Now he is not.

Previously he was just a sailor.

South Mumbai has more sailors per square kilometer than any piece of real estate anywhere in the country.

And he's 46. You know how senior they get by that age ....

A Commander, not a sailor mind you.
Give us any of your toughest guy's for just 48 hours, and we can make him say he is Donald Trump. :p:
It's never a big deal dude once a person is under custody. LOL :rofl:

Why just Trump.

I'll make a man say he's Justin Bieber.

@Tom M @footmarks

It is very illogical and stupid of you people to ask Pakistan to show you people live CCTV footage of Yadev going rambo.

Please ..........................

It's your comprehension issue friend. Never asked for live footage's, Kasab left one so it is available in public domain. But again the world has some moral right to know what are the charges slapped on Mr. Yadhav and the proofs and evidences to substantiate the same. Remember your own Mr. Sarthaj Aziz had claimed only few months back that the evidence against Mr. Yadhav is not conclusive, hence no shared with UN. Therefore I have reservations. :(
I was riht about Modi, Yogi, and Trump winning along with the Brexit. I'm basically an oracle at this point.

Lol I should probably be following your nougats of wisdom more closely then. Okay, I'm willing to wait and see :-)
Give us any of your toughest guy's for just 48 hours, and we can make him say he is Donald Trump. :p:
It's never a big deal dude once a person is under custody. LOL :rofl:

I believe Pakistani police wasn't the one interrogating Yadev.

As I said you can keep following dual standards and keep advocating he is innocent. Pakistan gains nothing from hanging an innocent person .......... unless that person's confession translates into something big and his cooperation has led to restoring peace.
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